Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1693: : A brutal face

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

When Hua Sheng woke up with his eyes open, he saw a tense river.

Jiang Liu helped her to sit up, she was sweaty and looked very weak...

"Husband, what time is it?"

"It's already half past twelve, is it a nightmare?"


Hua Sheng nodded feebly, and Jiang Liu carefully pulled out a tissue to help her wipe the sweat from her forehead. "Thirst or thirsty, do you want to drink some water?"

Hua Sheng nodded, and then took a glass of water from the river. After drinking a glass of water, the talent calmed down a lot.

"Husband, did I just talk about dreams?"

"Well, you said children, don't touch children or anything, dreams related to babies?"

Jiang Liu is actually very worried. Huasheng is no less than an ordinary person. It is not as simple as having a dream. Her dreams are usually predictive.

So if there are unlucky dreams, Jiang Liu will worry about Huasheng's safety.

Maybe I can see that he is overly nervous, and Huasheng doesn’t dare to tell the truth, but just puts his arms around Jiang Liu’s neck, “Don’t worry, Mr. Jiang, everyone will dream, and I heard that dreams are the opposite, so don’t be afraid. ."

"Well, you are good."

Jiang Liu hugged his wife, worried, but she didn't dare to say much in order to let her sleep in peace.

When the two fell asleep again, it was already more than one in the morning.

When I woke up the next day, it was already 7 o'clock in the morning and I saw the river still at home, but Hua Sheng was still wondering, "Why didn't you go to work?"

"You're confused, I said it all, I don't go to work today, go to my parents' house for a meal."

"Oh, I forgot to say that I have been stupid for three years, I am like this, I am afraid that I will be stupid for six years." Hua Sheng slapped his head and remembered that Jiang Liu said to himself yesterday that he would go to his parents' house to eat Things.

In fact, a long time before pregnancy, I haven't seen my in-laws.

It is because Jiang Liu refused to agree to test-tube babies. For a time, Mrs. Jiang was very noisy and wanted to die or live, so she hoped that Jiang Liu and Huasheng would divorce.

However, how can Jiangliu's temperament listen to his mother?

Even though Huasheng is willing to ease his relationship with her mother-in-law, there is no chance.

So for a long time, Jiang Liu did not allow Hua Sheng to meet his parents, lest his wife be wronged.

Now that Huasheng is pregnant, naturally no misunderstanding will exist.

The old couple used to be uncomfortable in order to beg for Sun Xinqin, but after all they passed.

Huasheng has never had any resentment against Jiangliu's parents. After all, this is a blood-to-kin, and a person who is born and raised in Jiangliu.

Therefore, in order to see her in-laws, Huasheng also deliberately changed a plain white cheongsam.

It has orchid embroidery on it, and the material is also an excellent brocade in the south. With her exquisite figure, just a back view, it makes people daydream.

"Miss, shall I go with you?"

Ginkgo is very worried. After all, Mrs. Jiang's attitude towards the young lady has never been very polite.

So thinking that if the young lady was bullied, she could help.

"Hurry up and find Xiaohe. It hasn't been a long time since I went out to have a good date. If I don't let anyone go, Jiangliu's mobile phone will be bombed."

Hua Sheng laughed and ridiculed, Jiang Liu agreed, and specially took out the phone to show Ginkgo.

"Look, most of the middle of the night sent me seventeen or eight WeChat, let us let go, hurry up and see the kid, or even if you can withstand it, Ashen and I can't withstand it ."

"This stinky guy, actually harassing you, hum, how can I clean him up when I see you later?" Ginkgo ripped off his apron, his face stubborn.

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