Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1712: : Courtesy, Honesty

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Yes, Huasheng rarely speaks so much in one breath, nor does he easily quarrel with others.

It's still like this on the street, surrounded by so many people, but one thing is said, Hua Sheng's fierce look when quarreling is really cute.

Even cute, Jiang Liu started to secretly record videos with her mobile phone, and she had fantasies in her mind. One day in the future, she suddenly took out this video and showed it to herself.

Or maybe show them their babies in the future and let them know how powerful her mother is.

"Xiaoping, don't be afraid, the matter has come to this point, they are so deceiving, why should we give them a face?"

Hua Sheng knows what Yu Ping cares about. After listening to Hua Sheng's speech, Yu Ping really wanted to open it. Indeed, when she was not divorced, she thought her in-laws were kind to herself.

Once everyone had dinner together and talked about their in-laws, she also said that the second elder of the Jing family was more easy-going.

But Hua Zhi said directly at the time, "That's because you're good-looking, people will make money, they own a car and a house, they don't need a penny for marriage. Their family is equivalent to picking up a wife, and it will be free for the future. Will it be bad for you to pass on the lineage to their family? I don’t believe you. After you look at it, you have a disagreement with their son, but will protect you? This is impossible. In those people’s eyes, the daughter-in-law is always an outsider. You can only be good to you under this premise if you depend on their son and be obedient. Once you threaten their interests, then you are the enemy in their eyes."

At that time, Hua Lin was shocked after hearing it, even saying that the three views shattered, and she also asked Hua Zhi deliberately, "Sister Sister, is your mother-in-law the same? Wang's family is right but holding a treasure."

Hua Zhi smiled coldly at that time, "That's because Wang Junxian is kind to me and treats me as a treasure. Besides, I also have money and power. I'm not a poor girl who marries a rich man. I don't believe you. Try to find a person who has no education and no education. The village aunt came over, do you think the Wang family will be so polite?"

At that time, everyone was silent, and Hua Zhi was very strong, which everyone knew.

Therefore, some of her remarks, with some extreme flavors, are understandable. Yu Ping has always been soft in character and will not argue with Hua Zhi because of this.

But at that time, in her heart, she really didn't agree with Hua Zhi's words.

Because she feels that there are still many kind people in the world, why can't her in-laws treat her daughter-in-law unconditionally?

Is there really no good in-law? Of course there are, but few people encounter it after all.

Most people will defend their son, and the son and the daughter-in-law quarrel, and always the daughter-in-law is ignorant.

Especially in China, they are seriously constrained by traditional ideas. Their son is derailed, and the second elder chooses to be blind, or appease his daughter-in-law. Don’t worry about it, men do. If the daughter-in-law is derailed, look, the posture is as if you want to dip your pig cage.

It’s so terrible, so when Huasheng said, “The reason why Xiaoping wants to divorce is that your good son has a woman outside, and she still gives money to the kind of woman she’s with. She’s not raising a third or emotional. Derailed. He is well known as having a mental illness and needs different women to have intimate contact with himself to vent his inner distortions. Do you think that this is not divorced, should Xiaoping’s child be born, tell the child, Could his dad be a stallion?"

"What... what do you say, pretty big girl is not ashamed?" Jingmu heard her son was described as a stallion, she really couldn't hold her face, and could only refute Huasheng weakly.

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