Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1736: : Returning like an old friend

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Xie Dongyang brought sudden surprises or shocks to Huasheng.

It was a force that shocked the soul and shocked the bones. Chuntao and Ginkgo were the people who accompanied her for many years.

She once thought she would watch them marry happily, but now...

Chun Tao was already a piece of loess, and even the innocent child had disappeared.

Hua Sheng rarely mentions spring peach, Ginkgo does not mention it, and the river does not mention it.

Everyone knows that it is the pain in Hua Sheng's heart. Who will deliberately uncover her scars?

What did Xie Dongyang say?

He is kind-hearted, but what he brings to Huasheng is not always happy, it is the kind of pain and happiness.

The pain is because of the memories of the past, and the happiness is because it seems to see the old man returning.

This is something that Hua Sheng never thought of. Even if she was always like a god, she would never think of another day when she could see a girl who looked so similar to Chun Tao, so small, so green, like The same as Chuntao in Girls' Generation.

At that time, she had not gone down the mountain, nor married the river.

Outsiders thought she lived on the mountain all year round and lived in a simple life.

I thought she was a rural villager who had never attended school. In fact, Hua Sheng took her maidservant around the world.

From small to large, almost half of the earth has been stepped on.

She has her own source of income, has huge deposits in foreign accounts, and even holds a lot of the mysterious bitcoin.

The old lady didn't know that the granddaughter was supernatural, and she always gave money.

This is why Hua Sheng has missed the old Chinese lady for so many years.

That was the only loved one who had given her warmth in childhood, and the only loved one she had loved with all her heart.

"A Sheng, why are you crying, I'm sorry...I shouldn't have done this. I just thought you would be happy, but I didn't expect it to cause your sad past and make you cry like this.

When Hua Sheng cried, Xie Dongyang panicked.

I didn't dare to step forward, after all, this is someone else, but watching her crying, he is also a godless.

So with a tissue in his hand, I don't know what to do.

It was this little girl named Jasmine who was reckless and used to pull the facial tissue in Xie Dongyang's hand directly.

After a few steps, I wiped it on Huasheng's face, but I was much softer.

"Don't cry, boss, if you are not satisfied with me, I will go back. Boss Xie said, if you can't look at me here, I will go back to his mother and wait for the salary."

Whether it is a child or a child who has never seen the world, it is not appropriate to say these words on this occasion.

Xie Dongyang was a little confused, but Hua Sheng was not angry.

Instead, she calmed down, closed her tears, and asked curiously, "How did Boss Xie promise you?"

The little girl stretched out her fingers, a look of satisfaction, "Boss Xie said, 10,000 yuan a month, eat and control, it is cleaning or something."

"Can you cook?" Hua Sheng asked her slightly with a raised mouth.

"Yes, but it's not very tasty, because we don't pay much attention to the countryside, there are not so many seasonings, they are all original. When we cook and cook, we put oil and salt, and they are very fragrant."

The little girl was straightforward, asking what to answer, and it was not so nervous at night.

Most importantly, she found that this future heroine not only looks like an immortal, but also has a gentle personality. Every word will make you feel comfortable.

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