Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1769: : Never forget

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

Jasmine saw Hua Sheng admit it, and was very excited.

The mops were thrown aside, and immediately stepped forward and asked mysteriously, "Sister A Sheng, why did you choose Boss Jiang instead of Xie Boss, is it because Boss Xie looks less handsome than Boss Jiang?"

"What do you think?"

Hua Sheng looked at this little girl gossip like this, could not help but want to laugh.

Woman, no matter how old you are, you really have a heart of unparalleled gossip.

"I think that boss Xie is not as good as boss Jiang, and his temper is not very good...but they both have money and are great people, so they don't lose money with either, but I think, you are married , Are pregnant, and Xie boss can continue to treat you, it is really not easy."

"Oh? Why is it not easy?"

The first time I heard this statement, it was quite new, and Hua Sheng asked one more question.

What Jasmine knew, of course, was seen in the TV series, and with some speculations, although he was born in a rural area, he was not stupid, but had little knowledge.

Jasmine took Huasheng's hand and said seriously, "Sister Asheng, you think, I watched those TV shows, usually before the woman was married, many men wanted to chase, after all, they were unmarried and valuable. Finally After the dust has settled, everyone's mind is cut off, and men are not stupid. Once they see you married, and do not choose him, they will turn their attention to the woman who is being married. After all, who is a married woman, who would still be worried about it? , Isn't it? To put it bluntly, that is, before you get married, you can still give it a go and want to get you. But I really found that I can't get you, and I'm still attentive, isn't that useless?

"It makes sense." Hua Sheng nodded.

As soon as Jasmine nodded at Hua Sheng, she became more energetic. "Look, that's what happened, you are all someone else's wife, and you have to continue to treat you well. Isn't that pointless? Wouldn't it be right, husband It hurts you. And you are pregnant, and you can't have any personal feelings with him. This is simply a love of cold butt."


Jasmine's child was not only straightforward, but sometimes rude, and embarrassed Huasheng.

But the words are not rough, you have to say that Xie Dongyang is hot face and cold buttocks, it is not false, Hua Sheng has never given him any gentleness and enthusiasm.

However, in the past few years, Xie Dongyang has been willing to pay for each other, and even people are pregnant, and he even sent a girl who looks like Chuntao.

This is not to please, not to be diligent, what is it?

"Jasmine, you can just talk about these words. You really don’t want to say it in front of my husband. He is not unhappy, but it is not fair. There is a saying that you are right. I already have a name and a choice. Even if I were given another chance, I would still choose my husband. Xie Dongyang is not bad, but it is not my beloved. There are many things in this world that cannot be fulfilled. It’s not mine. But I’m not that unconscionable. Xie Dongyang is kind to us, and I will return it. Do you understand?"

"I know that because you are so good, Sister A Sheng, boss Xie will not miss you after you get married."

"Forget it, this topic will stop here."

The girl Jasmine was very interested in Xie Dongyang's topic, but unfortunately Hua Sheng didn't want to talk about it.

Wang Group Headquarters

"Mr. Jiang, come to me early in the morning, are you here to apply? I still lack a vice president here." Wang Junxian looked at Jiang Liule.

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