Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1801: : Unexpected

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

"Don't you save Xie Dongyang first?"

Hua Qing froze and asked a question that he could not understand, but Hua Sheng did not answer her.

What Hua Sheng wants to do without reporting to her is really certain.

Hua Sheng opened the bathroom door and went out, and the river was still not far from the door.

"Hey, it's been so long that it worried me."

"It's okay, my second sister and I talk about homely."

Hua Sheng smiled, and it was a fictional thing just to kill Hua Qing just now. Such a face also made Hua Qing creepy.

"The eldest sister was worried just now, saying that when the second elder sister went in, you would follow in. Maybe you were going to quarrel. After all, you are at odds."

Hua Lin said this, and Hua Feng did guess just now.

But it would be a little embarrassing, "Oh, am I not worried about Wumei, she is still so belly-up, she said that the pregnant woman is emotional, and I am afraid that she is like our third son, and it will be really a bit of a horn, and the sisters who make trouble It’s not good."

"Really? I'm afraid you are worried about your elder sister. My sister and I... get along well, and there will be no more disputes in the future."

After listening to Hua Feng, he felt a little incredible.

Then she looked at Hua Qing who couldn't see far away. There was no clutter on her body, and no handprints were left on her neck.

Huasheng always does things neatly.

But Hua Qing's expression was a little uncomfortable at this moment.

But when Hua Sheng said that, he didn’t dare to agree, and could only nod. “Yes, that’s right. I got along with Wumei very well, and I won’t quarrel in the future. Wumei is a smart person. No matter how nice people are, I always keep my face shameless, and I won’t do it in the future, we will get along well with our sisters."

Hua Feng frowned slightly, only to feel a bit strange.

Hua Sheng suddenly said, "Second Sister, you didn't work when you came back. The woman's leisure time is not good. You are the golden career period of the woman. In the past, she was also experienced in managing the family. Recently, the elder sister is busy, you come back to the group Help me."

"Ah?" Hua Qing was unprepared.

"Five sisters, let me tell you..." Hua Feng looked at it and Hua Sheng wanted to get Hua Qing back. That must be a disagreement, just to refute.

Was interrupted by Hua Sheng, "That’s it. The second sister will go back, just like the elder sister, they are all executive presidents, regardless of positive and negative. Since they are all the same sisters and sisters, they can’t be distinguished from high to low, like It's a matter of balance, right?"


Hua Feng really hated Hua Qing at this time, just thinking that Hua Qing had just whistled with her five sisters in the bathroom just now, trying to pretend to be her president.

And they manage well by themselves, why should they come in and get involved?

"Thank you Wumei for your trust, I will not let you down."

Hua Qing was completely afraid of Hua Sheng, and thought of the flame that was as good as death in his body, he felt like a cold war.

She also instantly understood that letting herself go to the company was only to contain Huafeng, and she really valued her and all were jokes.

However, in this situation, there is no choice but to listen to Huasheng's arrangement.

"Five sisters, the youngest one does not necessarily agree on this matter, after all..."

"Sister Sister I will say, come here today, you come back, I am a little tired."

Before leaving, Hua Sheng gave Hua Qing a look, which meant that she was about to see Qiao Xue. She nodded slightly and said that she knew that, she followed Hua Lin Hua Feng away.

When Jiang Liu sent them out, Hua Sheng took out the bamboo sticks that had not been used for a long time, and fortune-telling for Xie Dongyang's divination, the fortune was tested.

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