Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1825: : Natural disasters

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

Hua Qing was slightly shocked, and it seemed that the child's dependence on Liu Yuzhou had reached this level.


"Go to bed." Hua Qing black face.

I always feel that many things have changed after being with Liu Yuzhou again.

Maybe it was the match of the children that started them up to now, but...

Now Hua Qing has such a little dependence on that man in his heart.

She also tried to persuade herself to be used to it, which is the most terrible thing.

But after returning to the room, he couldn't help sending WeChat to Liu Yuzhou.

Hua Qing: Starting tomorrow, you move to my house.

Liu Yuzhou: Qingqing, suddenly?

Hua Qing: Not willing? Then when I didn't say it.

Liu Yuzhou: Willing to be willing, but I think, after I go to your house, will you be inconvenient? Especially in this life, will he not get used to it?

Hua Qing: It was my son who asked you to come. Do you think I wanted you to come?

Liu Yuzhou: Well, I think too much.

Hua Qing: You can come as you like.

Liu Yuzhou: Come here, I will move things in the morning tomorrow, you sleep green early.

Hua Qing: I see.

Liu Yuzhou: Good night, I miss you.

Hua Qing: Mental illness.

Although he was scolded for mental illness, he still felt a little sweet in his heart. Hua Qing felt that he was going to die.

She put down her mobile phone, covered her hot face, and could not fall asleep.

Then the ghost messenger went to look at Liu Yuzhou's Weibo trumpet.

He also inadvertently listened to his son, as if they only discovered it when they played some games together.

The trumpet is actually a very naughty name, called-Fang Cao Qing Qing.

Then after she clicked in, she found that she had a lot of mood records.

Until a long time ago, it was estimated that they had not divorced.

One of them is written like this-Qing Qing lost her temper today, and I was sad to see her look angry. When I was married, I vowed to be good for her life. Although her family had money, I thought that if she had nothing one day, she would not be Miss Huajia, or a director of Huajia. I would love her too. She may not know that she is not a strong woman at all in my eyes, but a little girl.

To be honest, such text can make people touch the soul.

Even the wolf heart like Hua Qing can't avoid it.

She finally sighed slightly and went to sleep with a complex emotion.


The sound of the ambulance cut through the sky and the tranquility of Jiangcheng.

The entire Wang family was in a panic, Hua Zhi, in a car accident.

Just twenty minutes ago, I went out to party with friends and came back late.

Originally, there was a driver picking up. Wang Junxian had already gone on a business trip in a neighboring city and did not go home.

Just such a gap, something went wrong.

Driving a black Bentley Continental, the car is already scrapped.

The driver was deemed dead, and the other party was a truck, drunk driver, and died on the spot.

Fortunately, Hua Zhi did not sit in the co-pilot, only in the back, and airbags were also ejected.

Even so, she was seriously injured and was taken directly to the hospital.

The most important thing is that she is already in the third trimester and is about to give birth soon, and the expected delivery period is earlier than Yu Ping.

This incident put the entire Wang family in crisis. Wang Junxian kept shaking his hands after receiving the call.

He called Jiang Liu directly, but gave Hua Sheng.

Hua Sheng was also awakened at midnight.

Just listen to Wang Junxian saying with a choked voice over there, "A Sheng, Xiao Zhi has a car accident, I beg you to save her and our children, my Wang family will never forget your great grace, I know only You have this ability, A Sheng, I beg you."

Hua Sheng froze, "Is the third sister in a car accident?"

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