Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1832: : Suddenly become a father

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

When Hua Sheng came out of the emergency room with his child in hand, the Wang family was shocked.

Jiang Liu and Wang Junxian were also shocked. Wang Junxian even felt that he was covered by a huge haze.

He even thought that the child came out, that Hua Zhi...

Seeing Wang Junxian look like that, Hua Sheng quickly explained, "The third sister is very good, she is just too tired to sleep, the mother and child are safe, a boy, six pounds and nine pounds."

After listening to this sentence, Wang Junxian only felt soft.

Almost fell down, because it was too nervous, but fortunately the river was standing by.

"My God, is this my grandson?"

Wang Junxian's parents hurried forward and looked at the newborn kid.

The little guy's voice was particularly loud, crying, and even alarmed a floor.

Wang Junxian's sister is also a spoiler that she can't help but also asked carefully, "A Sheng, can I hug?"

"of course."

Hua Sheng smiled and handed the child over, Wang Liurun had been cautiously holding and coaxing.

The parents of the Wang family also for a moment forgot the scene of tension and excitement just now, and all were silent in the joy of the arrival of the newborn.

No one expected that Hua Zhi gave birth to such a thrilling child.

No matter whether it is an adult or a child, it is a walk at the gate of the ghost gate.

Others don't know, but Wang Junxian knows how tragic the scene of the car accident is.

The moment the traffic police sent him a photo, his heart was cold.

Because the two cars are all unrecognizable, the most important thing is that the other two people in the car have died on the spot.

Hua Zhi is still a pregnant woman who is about to give birth. How can she withstand such a big impact?

Without Hua Sheng, Hua Zhi and his children could not be guaranteed. He knew, he knew all.

It wasn't until I heard that the child and Hua Zhi were all right that Wang Junxian relaxed, but his body was the same as being exhausted.

He leaned against the wall, not in a mood to see the child, but just felt that he was alive too.

Otherwise, if Hua Zhi and the children are away, then he...

Is there any reason to support living?

The woman, and their children, but all of him is the love of his life and the motivation for the rest of his life.

"Pharaoh, relax, and hear A Sheng say no, they are all right."

Wang Junxian nodded, pale, but couldn't say a word.

This kind of scene is really distressing. Jiang Liu has experienced the pain of losing Huasheng, so he can understand Wang Junxian's mood at this moment.

"Lao Wang, I heard A Sheng say that your son is six pounds and ninety-two, why not call your son Wang Liujiu?"

Jiang Liu's remarks were purely ridiculous, and he didn't want to make him too nervous.

Wang Junxian was also amused, although he smiled a little bit reluctantly, and had some meaning of having fun.

But he was still very grateful to Jiang Liu, this good buddy, has been with him around this time.

"Then your child was born, if it was eight catties, would it be Jiang Sanba?"

"No, it should be Jiang Basan."

"That's three catties."

"Bullshit, how can a child be catty, not a cat?"

So you pinched me sentence by sentence, Wang Junxian really relaxed.

Then it came back to see the child.

But before going to see the children, he passed by Huasheng, first glanced at Huasheng, and then bowed deeply.

"What are you doing?" Hua Sheng frowned slightly.

"It's all from my family. It doesn't need to be said to say thank you, but you and I know how much this matter means to me, thank you. I also thank you for Xiao Zhi and the children, thank you for your action."

"Everyone said they were so polite?" Hua Sheng sighed.

Jiang Liu came to say, "He was suddenly a father, so excited he didn't know what to do."

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