Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1835: : Vaguely murderous

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Hua Zhi laughed at Hua Zhi in one sentence. Hua Sheng rarely joke, so the atmosphere is extremely warm.

"I didn't expect you to be kidding."

"They were all brought by Mr. Jiang. He was not doing business right now. He stayed with me every day at home and talked more every day. I used to think that Mr. Jiang was the president of Gao Leng, but after a long time, I found that it was not that cold. It's just a warm man, and occasionally humorous."

"No, you are wrong. The river is only warm to you. For others, it is still a walking refrigerator."

"Ha, this is a good name."

"Don't say it's me, I'm afraid he will take revenge on me."

"Okay, haha, never betray you."

"Five sisters, I..." Hua Zhi pulled the posture that Hua Sheng remembered.

"Don't move, you're a caesarean, and the knife edge is not good, don't move around... lying down."

"I just, I think there are thousands of words in my heart..."

Yes, Hua Zhi just felt that there were so many things she wanted to tell Hua Sheng, but she didn't know where to start.

"Then slowly, let's walk slowly for a long way. In deep words, we will say shallowly that you are more than thirty, and I am less than thirty. We still have a lot of time to get along. accompany."

"Yes, I was so relieved at the thought of this. Wumei, in fact...I was prepared to die with my child this time."

"I know." Hua Sheng was not surprised at all, this is Hua Zhi's character, very strong.

"When the big truck crashed over, I felt like I was over... that car was aimed at me, I could see it, and the driver's eyes were decisive."

"This matter, Wang Junxian has already investigated, and suspected that it was intentionally manipulated."

"Not surprisingly, I have pressed many people in the entertainment industry and moved many people's cakes over the years. Especially after being an investor, I hope to make good movies and win glory for domestic reputation, not blindly. To make money. However, not everyone in this world is as principled as we are. So I guess, I may have blocked those people’s money."

"This matter, your husband will solve it, you don't want to think about it." Hua Sheng comforted.

"Five sisters, did you make you owe love to Lord Pluto again?"

"No, I didn't let Ming Yan shoot, you can rest assured."

"Don't lie to me, the last time Beihan Bingyu has made you owe humanity. If you go on like this, I'm afraid..."

Hua Zhi is very young, so I feel that the five sisters are already very embarrassed. If they are really passive for themselves, they might as well die.

Anyway, people will die sooner or later, even if the world's richest man, you can't live to be two hundred years old, but just a mortal.

Some things are really not that hard to think about. Hua Zhi's stubbornness and determination are Hua Lin and the other three sisters can never compare.

However, Hua Sheng did not give up on her.

She didn't even give up her fourth sister. How could she give up her third sister with such a good relationship?

"You, don't think about it all, I said, I'm not that weak. What if your husband is really dead?"


"You should go to sleep, Sister, you need to rest."

Hua Zhi still had many things to say, but they were all blocked by Hua Zhi and they didn't say it.

Hua Zhi had just given birth to a child, and her emotions were not very stable. She didn't want her to be too excited and crying, which was not good for the mother.

When he walked out of the hospital, Huasheng was a bit murderous.

Amazingly, Jiang Liu actually felt this vague murderousness.

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