Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1847: : Rebelled

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

Hua Sheng's expression immediately dignified when he heard it.

"okay, I get it."

"what happened?"

"I have something to do with Feng Xi. I guess I have to go out. You take care of Ning Ning at home."

"Sister A Sheng, I'll go with you."

"No, you are guarding at home. I'm afraid someone will take advantage of you while I'm away. I'm at ease when you are at home." Hua Sheng thought very carefully. Although Jiang Liu didn't know why he repelled the four magicians of the demon world, but, His condition is unstable, so he can't be expected to let the river flow to protect Shili Spring.

Xie Ning can live here for so long. Presumably Xie Dongyao also knew that he had been exposed.

Then it is really possible to come to kill people at any time, or just turn their faces.

Nangong Liuyue is here, at least those vampires can't break through the defense line, so Hua Sheng still left them.

Hua Sheng came to Hua Qing's house almost instantly with the wind.

Xiao Yu was not at home and was taken out by Liu Yuzhou to eat KFC.

Hua Qing had an appointment with Qiao Xue for several times. Qiao Xue refused to meet each other and was also very cautious.

This time I was able to make an appointment because Qiao Xue suddenly discovered that he had broken contact with Xie Dongyao, and then contacted Hua Qing, wanting to use those vampires to continue to engage in things.

After all, there is only Hua Qing who can be connected with the vampire, and the forces behind Qiao Xue are the gang of Zhuoya, that is, Wu Gu.

After Hua Qing drew the curtains, the room was dark and only a faint light came in.

Qiao Xue walked out of the corner in a white dress, his face pale and scary.

"I can't contact Xie Dongyao."

"is it?"

"Well, I suspect that she might be picked up by Fengxi, or... she is afraid to turn to Fengxi and Huasheng herself."

"Then it's not about that, Xie Dongyao kept saying that he was behind a big backer, how could he surrender easily?"

"But I haven't responded for a long time, and I heard... Xie Ning, Xie Dongyang's niece, took the initiative to go to the spring breeze. I was worried that the child had said everything, don't forget. Personal plan, the child is in the car."

"So what?"

"Of course you are afraid that we will be dealt with. Are you not afraid of Huasheng?"

Qiao Xue looked at Hua Qing coldly.

Hua Qing said nothing...

"I was scared before, but I can't now."

"It's because the vampires support you. Don't forget that those vampires are useless to them. Huasheng has found reinforcements. Can they deal with the vampires' reinforcements?" Qiao Xue seemed worried.

But looking at Hua Qing's face, I always felt something was wrong.

"No, are so strange today, you..."

Qiao Xue was not stupid at home. After all, he had lived for so many years with the old fritters, but he still saw the clues and felt that Hua Qing today is a bit wrong.

"Yeah, you are right. I used to be afraid of Huasheng, now I am not afraid, do you know why?"

"You... you turned to her..." Qiao Xue's eyes widened.

"You are really smart, but it's a pity that the smart is not used in the right place, it is all crooked... No wonder Qin Wanyu will not like you."

Realizing that he was designed, Qiao Xue just wanted to disappear invisibly, and found that he could not move at all.

"What's my fixation curse? You have been Zhuoya's dog for so long, and she hasn't taught you anything, is she not an errand? I actually want to ask you, you hate me, hate Qin Wanyu It is reasonable, but why did you make Zhuoya's dog to come against us in Jiangcheng? How much resentment do you have?"

The wind came from the dark, holding a candle in his hand. By candlelight, she could see her delicate and elegant face clearly.

"Hua Qing, do you trust them? Do you really think they will let you go?" Qiao Xue smiled a bit maliciously.

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