Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1853: :no way no money

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Xie Dongyao may not have thought that it would be so fast, because in her view, Hua Sheng is pregnant, and the wind is not a climate at all.

So she dared to do so many disgusting things, but after Xie Ning disappeared, she also began to realize that something was wrong.

So I also tried to find the person who demolished her...

"Master, please help me."

"Master, are you still there?"

"Master, I don't think Hua Sheng will let me go. The little boy Xie Ning probably told me everything. Even Xie Dongyang didn't believe me anymore. I haven't completed my mission. Please give the master guidance."

"I contacted Qiao Xue and Hua Qing, and they didn't reply. I always had a bad feeling, Master..."

Xie Dongyao knelt in his apartment, folded his hands, bowed towards the outside, but there was no response.

The person she asked for didn't come. I didn't know if she didn't hear her help, or... she didn't want to save her at all.

However, the master did not wait, but waited for the wind and Hua Sheng to come.

The two women appeared at the same time, and the speed was very fast. Hearing the sound, Xie Dongyao panicked, turned around and suddenly changed his face.

"You are afraid of us." Feng Xi smiled. Carrying a treasure bag unique to Fengjia in his hand.

"It seems, A Sheng, she knows why we are here."

Xie Dongyao looked at the wind and Huasheng again.

"Xie Ning should tell you all?"

"Yes." Huasheng's attitude was always cold.

Sometimes I even think that if Xie Dongyao was not rescued and let her die on a blood curse, it might not necessarily be a good thing.

If she died at that time, maybe Xie Dongze and Xie Yun will stay behind...

Just because of the benevolence of the thought at that time, it made her a Muggle into the climate.

"Xie Dongyao, you don't need to pretend anymore. What are your identities? We are very clear. We haven't dealt with you, but it's just looking at your brother's face. Now you have started to do evil things, even if your brother can't protect you. Don’t expect anyone to come to your rescue. Qiao Xue has vanished and Hua Qing has sincerely surrendered. You are now in a desperate end. It’s better not to struggle with us? Don’t suffer.”

When the wind was talking, he had gone to the treasure bag and took out three yellow symbols.

"Do you dare to move me? Don't forget, my identity is still Xie Dongyao. If I die, Xie Dongyang will be sad... Huasheng, do you really have the heart? Even if you don't like Xie Dongyang, he has also been You have done a lot of things, don’t you look at the monk’s face and the Buddha’s face?

Xie Dongyao's desire to survive was choking, and he also tried to brainwash Huasheng.

Hua Sheng was calm, sweeping her from top to bottom, and then sideways said to the wind, "Shang Fu."


The wind blows very fast, and three yellow spells go one by one towards Xie Dongyao, very fast.

She wanted to run, but found that her feet couldn't move at all. She could only watch the three yellow spells cling to her.

One on the forehead, one on the chest, and one on the back.

"Three souls away, seven souls open, ghosts and gods retreat, magic lights lead the way."

Then, Feng Xi held a small lamp in his left palm, and the wick inside was very strange.

"Feng Xi, Hua Sheng, you are so kind to me, are you worthy of my brother? Our Xie family has helped you a lot, right? You are so kind to me, are you afraid of retribution? My brother and dad are gone, we The Xie family has almost died of you two, and it is still coming to yin me. What is your intention?"

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