Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 2000: : Group Wedding

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

"Look, brother Jiangliu, Ginkgo knows to bully me and knows to abuse me..."

Gao He immediately complained, the road of chasing his wife is endless, Gao He is considered to be more reliable in the rich second generation.

At least it's not a big deal, no passion, from the beginning I like Ginkgo until now, only this girl in my heart.

Just because Chuntao had an accident, Gingko showed his loyalty to the young lady and kept marrying the marriage.

Hua Sheng had long wanted to get married for this girl, so it was before that that Mrs. Hua recognized Ginkgo as a daughter.

"Are you a man and dare to complain to Brother Jiangliu?"

"Okay, don’t quarrel anymore, I’m just proposing to you... Of course, you choose not to choose, it’s your own business. Ashen used to talk to me a lot, and I hope to see you all get married and start a business. Your own stable life. I think that if you choose to get married at this time, when she wakes up, you will be happy for you."

"River..." Feng Xi always felt that it was a bit illogical for Jiang to let everyone get married at this time.

"The wind is over, you have hung Qin Wanyu for a long time, and he is really not easy, you are pitiful to my buddy, are you successful?" Jiang Liu hooked his mouth.

Qin Wanyu immediately lifted his tail to the sky, "Hear no, come on, if you have a little conscience, hurry up and give me a score. I have been slept in vain by you for so long, you scumbag... just want to sleep I don’t want to be responsible."


Qin Wanyu's jokes always bring a little rhythm of driving, so the wind is a bit shy, after all, so many people are watching.

"And you guys."

Pointing to Ginkgo and Gao He, "Xie Dongyang Ai Chen, the day is good, you think about it, it is for...A Sheng rushes about happy events, all say that there are happy events at home, the patient will be okay and fast, don’t you Don’t you want your sister Sheng to wake up?"

"I... of course I think." Ginkgo cares most about the young lady, so the young lady is willing to do anything as long as she can wake up.

Just chatting like this, everyone is very relaxed.

Xie Dongyang and Ai Chen were inconvenient to stay, after all, there are already many people here.

After all, they are still newly married and the relationship is in a delicate stage.

So the two thought about going back to their homes.

Although Mrs. Xie accepted the fact that her son married a second-married woman, she still did not give Ai Chente a good complexion, but this is also common sense.

"Mom, we are back."

Xie Dongyang entered the door, holding Ai Chen in his hand.

"Well, have you eaten?"

Mrs. Xie was sitting on the sofa, holding a tabby cat in her arms, too lazy to lift her eyelids.

In her mind, the eldest daughter-in-law is the best, and the responsibility can be forced by the little fox, yes, in Mrs. Xie's heart. Ai Chen is a fox that confuses her son, a little bit more than Hua Sheng. This black pot, Ai Chen is also inexplicable.

"Eat, mom, this is Ai Chen."

Xie Dongyang deliberately introduced his new wife to his mother.

Mrs. Xie didn't say anything, just like she didn't hear it, but Ai Chen hurried over. "Auntie."

"Auntie, mom."

Xie Dongyang walked over and patted her shoulder from behind, joking and encouraging.

Ai Chen was a little embarrassed, but still called a mother, but the voice was not loud.

Mrs. Xie still doesn't have a good face...

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