Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 2012: : Darkness is coming

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

Qin Wanyu didn't think much, and quickly got up and leaned over her shoulder.

"Oh my grandma, you can go to sleep... We have all stayed for a few days, and if we continue, we will both become mummy."

"Don't make trouble, Qin Wanyu, let me tell you the truth, don't you think the river is a bit wrong?"

"No, Jiangliu has always been like this. Since A Sheng's accident, his whole person has collapsed, so for me, no matter whether he cries, laughs, relaxes, pessimism, it is all pretend Yes, he can only be heartache... I have known him for so many years, and I know that he is the most affectionate person, and loves Huasheng so much, so... The collapse of the river is the norm, you are saying that he is a bit wrong , Then I definitely don't admit it."

In fact, Qin Wanyu is also right about the analysis. The collapse of the river is normal, but if it is normal, it is not right.

"No... I can't say why...but I always feel..."

"Are you forced to marry because of my buddy and forced you for me, are you upset?"

"I don't have it, don't wrong me."

"Then you agreed?"

Qin Wanyu took the opportunity to steal a kiss from the wind, and sternly put his nose on the face.

The sweet smile from the wind, "What can you do if you don't agree? Anyway, except for you, no one is willing to marry me. After all, I am already a famous aunt in ten miles and eight villages."

"Rest assured, I don't dislike you, I will be the man behind my aunt."

"No good news, what about the president?"

"The president is not right, just for you, as long as you marry me, let me do whatever I want."

With that said, Qin Wanyu pushed the wind down on the bed, and there was a scene that was not suitable for children.

These people have been depressed for too long.

Ten years of spring breeze, in fact, has not stopped much in recent years.

Therefore, Qin Wanyu has always been hung in a heart. Although A Sheng has not yet woken up, there will always be a solution.

On the way back, I also asked about the wind.

Feng Xi said that white dye came out, and it seems that he has found a solution.

A Sheng should wake up soon.

As for children... No one dared to mention it. As long as Huasheng can wake up, the child is actually less important.

The two couples are alive to be the best state for everyone.

late at night

A cold wind roared past, and the black breath spread quietly around the villa.

Wrap the whole villa a little bit.

Nangong Liuyue woke up in an instant and immediately moved out of the garden.

He is the most sensitive to this kind of breath, in the end he is a fox, so... very alert.

"Ha... Lord Hades..."

After seeing the man, Nangong Liuyue was stunned slightly. He had seen Pluto only once.

I still followed Bairan to work in the underworld, so I was extremely impressed.

And this powerful and overwhelming breath, no one but Hades...

"It's easy to know if you know this seat."

"What does Lord Pluto have to do?" Nangong Liuyue was very respectful.

"Let you go back to your room, nothing needs to happen, this seat has its own task."

"it is good."

Nangong Liuyue had never doubted Pluto's motives, so he immediately obediently returned to his room and never came out.

Pluto moved to Shili Chunfeng Tower in an instant.

At this moment, Jiang Liu is in the study, writing a wonderful book...

He wrote to everyone, including the child who was too late to meet him and called Dad...

As I was writing, I felt a strong and death-like breath gradually approaching myself...

He slowly raised his head, and saw Pluto standing at the door, his eyes facing each other...In an instant, the air solidified...

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