Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 2016: : Awakening of the Devil

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

Seventy-two fantasy

Jiangliu quickly found the demon's hiding place after communicating with Huasheng.

Jiang Liu stood before the seal for a long time.

In fact, he is still very entangled in his heart. The cut moon is the devil that Asen seals with his best efforts, and this sleep is a hundred years.

One hundred years is just a flick for a fairy.

But for an ordinary couple, it is already the most rare look.

Hua Sheng braved the big evil that was eternally chased and killed by the Demon Realm, and just wanted to beg the old man with the river.

Thinking of this, Jiang Liu felt that this life was worth it.

Yes, it is enough for a woman to pay so much for herself.

"Asheng...if there is an afterlife...Forget...what is there in the afterlife..."

Jiang Liu actually wanted to say that if there is an afterlife, I hope we can still meet.

But if you think about it for a long time, you still don't understand this life.

If this is the case in the afterlife, it might as well not meet each other.

After all, A Sheng was with her, and she had suffered too much along the way.

Having said that, Jiang Liu whispered the spell that the cat spirit who had transformed into a little black taught him, and opened the last seal.

The man who slept for a long time at the bottom of the lake...

Finally slowly opened his eyes...

The red crescent in the eyebrows instantly reflected the water of the lake...

The red light is particularly enchanting between heaven and earth.

The river instead immersed in the bottom of the lake... deeply buried by the fragments of time.

A red light fell on the shore, chopping the moon and quietly looking at the sparkling lake...

He just looked at everything just now, without stopping, struggling, or killing.

That man... The man that A Sheng likes, has healed the spell?

To replace him.

But... what is this for?

He tapped the surface of the lake with his finger... The red aperture hung over the lake...

Naturally described a natural video equipment, all that happened before, vividly remembered...

Just like the movie, let Cue Yue watch it again.

However, he didn't have anything to say, and he had no complicated emotions.

It’s all the same as the doomsday...

The next second, the red light disappeared by the lake and also disappeared in the seventy-two fantasy.


In the Luang Temple, the Emperor Tian directly fell a glass cup.

Several princes stepped back... terrified and trembling.

"Look at the good things you did..." Emperor Tian Hengmei glared at the Eighth Prince Tian Yao.

The eighth prince did not expect this time, but he did not expect the Pluto, who has always been cautious, actually violated his destiny and refused to kill the river.

Actually let him enter the illusion, to replace the demon's awakening.

The awakening of the moon is a threat to the Three Realms and Six Dao...

Who knows if a demon who has been sleeping for so long wakes up, will he lose his reason and start killing?

The eight princes only felt that the Hades had been in charge of the underworld for so long, and they knew how to have mercy on all things and creatures in the world.

But it never occurred to me, because of a difference in thought, because of a woman... even doing such a thing against the conscience.

Therefore, the eight princes who had promised before the emperor were very passive at this moment.

Even... Heavenly Emperor was so disappointed with him to the extreme...

After all, he was also the son who had to be entrusted with heavy responsibility...

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