Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3481: : With the outline

"Ji Li? Come out for a chat."

Jiang Xinrui sat in front of the dressing table and took out the strange story from the inside. In fact, there was no interval at all, but the appearance of the book changed a lot.

It became more yellowed and broken, and began to look like an antique.

The whole book is broken.

Jiang Xinrui tapped lightly a few times, saying hello to the thing that claimed to be a koi inside.

Jiang Xinrui's mood wasn't very good at this time, she could only say that it was a little heavy.

feeling? like? Love? Your own partner?

Jiang Xinrui feels that these things are too far away from her. She has always thought this way, but today, Jiang Xinrui discovered that these invisible things are so close to her.

Jiang Xinrui thought it was enough for her to have parents, besides, she had good friends, elder brothers, brothers, uncles and aunts, Jiang Xinrui really thought it was enough.

She didn't even think about the other half. When her parents were arguing, she wanted to deny it, but she didn't know why.

For a while, Jiang Xinrui was a little confused, and couldn't help but breathe wildly. She wanted to find someone to talk to. Of course, she could not be a human being. Most of her were not humans.

Jiang Xinrui couldn't help thinking, if Chi Feng was there, that guy would definitely listen quietly and not talk nonsense. Although he would nag a little, he was obedient and good-looking.

It makes people feel pleasing to look at...

"Hey Hey hey……"

"I said, Miss, I’m recovering from my injury. You just grilled me a few hours ago. Did you forget? This called me out again, but I didn’t speak yet. I was in a daze. Is it Aladdin's magic lamp?"

Standing behind Jiang Xinrui's illusory figure, Ji Li looked very helpless, but even so, I could feel that Ji Li was in a good mood at the moment.

There is a smile between the eyebrows, although the body is still illusory, but still very happy.

I can't wait for a chorus of dancing and dancing.


"Can you come out? How is it possible?"

"Are you Ji Li?"

Jiang Xinrui heard the voice. At first, she was really lost in mind, but soon Jiang Xinrui recovered. He heard the voice behind him seemed to be a little roaring, but Jiang Xinrui was about to say something, and immediately found that something was wrong. When Ji Li talked, the voice was actually rather muffled. The source of the voice was in the ears, but also in the heart. They were able to communicate only by relying on that little vitality.

Otherwise, how could it be possible that other people could not hear, only Jiang Xinrui could hear.

But Jiang Xinrui heard this voice very clearly, not from her heart.

But behind?

Therefore, Jiang Xinrui subconsciously turned his head and saw a vague shadow. Although it was a bit vague, it was not difficult for Ji Li to easily condense his personal shape.

The important thing is that the voice in this meeting is also very clear, and the outline of the body can be seen. Ji Li is a man.

Although Jiang Xinrui had some questions in the end, in fact, he knew that the other party must be Ji Li, otherwise the enchantment of Ten Mile Spring Breeze was there, but not everyone could come in.

"Of course! I'm Ji Li, wait a minute, next time you meet, you will call me later, sure to make you amazing, I am a koi, and I have a very good appearance."

"Actually, I didn't expect to be roasted by your Nine Heavens Profound Fire for a long time. At that time, I was obviously injured and almost transformed me, but when I cultivated, I felt that my whole body was full of strength, and then it became like this. Up!"

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