Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 350: : Refusing to be ambiguous

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

Hua Sheng nodded, "Yes, yes."

"How did you get it?" Xie Dongyang used Huasheng's disease as the opening line, and naturally cut into the topic.

"It was there when I was a kid. My grandma said it might be a fetal band."

"I have asked many authoritative doctors about this disease and said that although it is not fatal, it has suffered very much."

"Yes, chills."

Xie Dongyang glanced at her and took out a hand bag from behind, which seemed to be full.

"It's estimated that you can't move, I will take you to the car in a moment."

"What?" Hua Sheng looked at his bag.

"It's worthless, you can rest assured that this is medicine."

"Sure enough, the medicine factory was opened. The medicine was delivered." Hua Sheng smiled. Hearing that it was medicine, there was no psychological burden, and he took the initiative to open the bag and took it out to look at it.

There are three types in total. The first one says-Nuangong expelling cold foot powder, the second one says-secret cold expelling cold umbilical cord, and the third one says-ginger sugar licorice lemon tea.

"Is this...?" Hua Sheng looked at the packaging and felt that it was not like the packaging of the medicines of the pharmaceutical factory. There was no mark of the national medicine standard.

"This is not for sale."

"What do you mean?"

"It’s not for sale. I let Professor Fan take the synthetic medicines for you separately from the northwest side. There is wormwood in the foot bath powder. The effect is good, and the warming navel is more interesting. You put that small pill every day. On the navel, and then sealed with a sticker, Professor Fan said that the human navel is a very important acupuncture point, which can quickly absorb the medicinal properties. This is still the conclusion that the baby obtains maternal nutrition through the umbilical cord, although the official has not yet approved. But many people in the folk are using it, and the effect is very good. In the end, this is more common. Ginger brown sugar can help you expel cold and nourish blood. Licorice can clear heat and detoxify. Lemon also has detoxification and whitening effects. You can drink it as a health tea."

"I don't like licorice, it smells bad." Hua Sheng said lightly.

"I know, so I asked Professor Fan to make many improvements, and I also tasted it. He said that the taste of lemon can cover licorice and it won't be so bad. Try it at home. If you can't stand it, just throw it away. It doesn't matter if it's gone."

"thank you."

Hua Sheng is a person who is not very expressive. Xie Dongyang specially designed these medicines for her, and the health care medicines for her condition. If she does not move, it is impossible.

"Thank you for what you should do. You helped me so much before. I'm a peach."

"Xie Dongyang."


"Don't do this in the future." Hua Sheng's voice was very soft.

Xie Dongyang's expression stiffened.

"What's wrong? Will Jiang Liu say you?"

"No, it has nothing to do with Jiangliu, I just think that you don’t treat me so well, it’s impossible for me and you, and I don’t want to be ambiguous. When you use it as a spare tire, there is no blue face in this world. Confidant, at least not with me, my world is very simple, black and white. Since you are not the one I like, I don’t want to hang you, some words must be explained to you, I won’t like you, so , Don’t waste time and energy on me, it’s not worth it.”

Although Huasheng has directly rejected it before, it has never been so formal.

Speaking these words will definitely hurt people, but it must be said that Hua Sheng hates being unclear.

Xie Dongyang can't be given hope to keep him so persistent, that's not fair to the river.

Just that day when Jiang Liu came down from Zhong Cuishan, she actually secretly believed that she was going to be with Jiang Liu.

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