Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 374: : Stay through seven nights

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

The coming of the wind gave hopeless rivers hope, but he didn't say anything about it, because he didn't know if he could succeed.

On the other side of the group, Jiang Liu pretended that Hua Sheng was ill and had to take care of him. He hadn’t been to work for half a month.

Following the instructions of the wind, Jiang Liu personally went to a dilapidated Taoist temple hundreds of miles away, where he saw the only person in Taoist temple, a crazy Taoist priest.

Yes, this Taoist is not only dirty, but also talkative, incoherent, and extremely unreliable.

After Jiang Liu called Feng Xi to confirm that it was him, he drove him to meet Jiang Cheng.

In a private room of a hotel

According to the request of the crazy Taoist, Jiang Liu ordered roast goose, beef sauce, smoked ham, and steamed Taihu white fish, and finally added two pounds of sorghum wine.

The mad Taoist began to eat regardless of the image, the appearance of the food was extremely exaggerated, and the table around was confusing.

Jiang Liu patiently asked the wind in a low voice, "Is he really the tall man you said?"

"Yeah, he is my master and my grandfather's only apprentice."

"Ah? Then he is you...?"

"He was not my father. My father had no talents. He learned Chinese medicine, and I was not very interested. Grandpa was very sad when he saw a stunt loss. Later, he met my master by chance. At that time, my master had not yet He was so sick, he was just an ordinary villager, but because of his strange character and clean bones, my grandfather took this road seriously, but then... after some accidents, he became like this, but I still believe that he has not forgotten the ways to solve the blood curse. Don’t underestimate him."

Feng Xi can call Master, presumably this man is indeed not a general, Jiang Liu has been waiting for this crazy Taoist to drink enough, and he took the alcohol to the hospital ward.

After seeing Hua Sheng, the crazy old man touched his dirty beard. "This girl is interesting."

"Master, save yourself quickly." The wind rushed helplessly.

"She is so courageous, a novice, who has never broken the blood curse, and dared to break away from the soul. It is really dead. The wind is right. You guessed it. There are seven wizards behind this blood curse. They cast a curse, that is, an enchantment, and trapped the girl's soul outside the door."

"What should I do, Master?" Feng Xi asked hurriedly, and Jiang Liu listened nervously behind him, sweating slightly in his palm.

"If someone else has no other choice, but I can."

"Haha, Master, I know you can do it." Feng Xi breathed a sigh of relief, and it was weird to say that this old man usually talks madly, but once he reaches a professional, he can talk for three days and three nights. Xi always speaks professional terminology, and Jiang Liu really cannot understand it.

But the old man said there was a way, and Jiang Liu was pleasantly surprised.

"Boy, don't be too happy first. The situation of this girl is very complicated. If you want to wake her up, the process is extremely difficult. Would you like to give it all?"

"I do."

"If you are also in danger of life?" the old man asked Jiang Liu.

"That is also willing, and I will never regret it. Please ask my husband to save my wife without delay." Jiang Liu bowed to the old man again.

"Oh, it's a tough guy, let's try it. You can prepare things as I said, then take her home and drive everyone away. You must protect her for seven days and nights, and you can't close your eyes. , You can eat and drink, but you can’t leave her room. I will put an extinguishing lamp on her bedside. This wick is for drinking human blood. The lamp will go out every four hours. At this time, you need to feed the wick with human blood. , Continue it and continue to burn, if it is extinct, this girl will completely break the food, Daluo fairy can not be saved, there is only one chance, can you give it a try?"

"Yes." Jiang Liu nodded.

"I will remind you one last time. Seven days and seven nights of unsightlyness is beyond the limits of human endurance. If you fall asleep halfway and the wick is extinguished, your wife’s soul will never come back, and you... will also run out of yang, If you can’t live for half a year, you have to think about it. If you don’t get it right, you will have two lives."

"Yes." Jiang Liu listened to all the conditions and still kept his mind.

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