Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 808: : Too many secrets

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

"Please, Mrs. Jiang, don't look at me like that."

"Why are you asking this?" Hua Sheng was nervous.

"I just think there is something you don't want me to know."


"I have shared the same bed with you for so long, I am not stupid, how could I not know. In fact, I sleep very lightly, but recently, I have always slept deeply, no matter how tired, I lie down. , I could still dream of Zhuoya and the past by accident, but now I don’t even dream, A Sheng, why do you think this is?"

"I..." Hua Sheng didn't know what to say.

Can't always say directly, I put a sleeping spell on you, and then do something else quietly by yourself?

In fact, Huasheng is not all because of this curse, Jiang Liu sleeps very poorly.

And I can always see Zhuoya's clips before, but later I have a lot of work pressure and I will also have some very strange dreams.

If a person dreams every night, he will not be able to lift his breath, and his body energy will be insufficient, consuming himself.

At the beginning, Hua Sheng just wrote a peace symbol for Jiang Liu and put it under the pillow, so that he would not have a nightmare.

After seeing that he still couldn't sleep well, he directly cast a sleeping spell.

I just didn't expect that Jiangliu was actually aware of it?

"It's okay, I know you are doing better for me, and I want to sleep better. A few days ago, the company's medical examination, I was indeed better than before. My personal doctor also asked me if I recently had fitness and aerobic exercise. ?Actually, you know, I don't have time at all, I thought, it should be a good sleep problem."


"A Sheng, you let me sleep so well, you don't care about anything, and don't worry about it... then you do everything... what do you think of me as your husband?"

"River, I just..."

"Whatever you think, you have to remember, I am not a child, I am a man...I can protect my wife. We have something to carry together and face together, not you carrying me alone and taking on All, this is not what I want, I want a little wife, not a strong woman."

"I'm sorry." Hua Sheng still felt guilty when he thought about going to the graveyard that day.

"Don't you say sorry, I want you to promise me not to be so willful."

Hua Sheng lowered his head and didn't know how to answer.

"A Sheng, you look at me."

Jiang Liu held Huasheng's face with both hands, "A Sheng, you remember, I don't care who you are, I don't care what you can do. In my eyes, you are just an ordinary girl, my sweetheart. , Is my wife, my life partner. So... Could you... do something later, tell me? It’s like that day, when you go to save Hua Zhi, I won’t let you go, but you at least Tell me the truth, instead of making me like a fool, wait at home and wonder if you can come back?"

Hua Sheng was ashamed...

"Wang Junxian is sad, what about me? If you are in trouble, wouldn't I be sad? The life of others is life, but your life is not life?"

"Jiangliu, I will be fine. I am different from you. You are ordinary people, and I..."

"I don't care who you are, you can't be so selfish, Hua Sheng, you listen to Lao Tzu."

Jiang Liu suddenly became serious, and still spoke in such a tone, Hua Sheng was really scared.

He looked at the river with an aggrieved look, his mouth flat.

"Hua Sheng, you listen to Lao Tzu... If you don't take Lao Tzu seriously, I will..."

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