Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 818: : He you look

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

"Ye Lan, don't make trouble, come down." Wang Junxian blamed seriously.

The most frustrating thing is that Wang Junxian has revealed that Ming Ye and this Yelan have nothing, but they still get it like a story.

She actually died for her, and it sounded ridiculous to listen to. Although she knew she would not dare to really jump, Wang Junxian still didn't want to trouble herself.

"Cousin, can't you see clearly? Hua Zhi doesn't care about you at all, she doesn't dare to die, really don't know what you still love her?"

"Ye Lan, if you are kind today, jump down, don't scare people here, you really jump, I will respect you as a female man... otherwise I won't let you go."

Hua Zhi was also irritated by Ye Lan, took out her phone and began to shoot at Ye Lan.

He said, "Look, please, Miss Ye Lan wants to jump upstairs... This woman is so interesting. She wears a chicken feather and takes the key and goes to other men's houses to show off her style. Now that I have been exposed, I will be forced to die. I want to ask, is it so good after 00?"

"Hua Zhi, what are you doing, put down your phone."

Wang Junxian frowned, feeling that Hua Zhi was not doing this properly.

"Why? Seeing the younger cousin want to jump off the building, are you distressed?" Hua Zhi must be jealous, thinking that Wang Jun cares about this little green tea.

"Don't make trouble, what time is it, don't provoke her, this is not a wise choice."

Wang Junxian wanted Hua Zhi to stay calm, but Hua Zhi couldn't hear anything.

Ye Lan's actions have completely touched Hua Zhi's bottom line, and now it is even more excessive. Shanggang Shangxian said that she would not go to die for the king, which is hypocritical.

Such a woman, Hua Zhi will easily let go?

"Ye Lan, you jump, why don't you jump? Is it difficult to ride a tiger? If you don't jump, you don't have a face, and you still have the courage to jump?" Hua Zhi sneered.

"What is good for you if I die, and you are so vicious as a public figure."

"I'm vicious? Did you say the opposite, you woman forcibly robs me of a man, and if you fail, you seek death and livelihood. Are your mountain people so distorted?"

"Cousin, I can't bear you... But I really like you... If I am really dead... I hope you can remember me..."

After talking, Ye Lan's feet moved again, moving forward a little.

The whole body wobbled and looked very dangling, but fortunately, her hand was still holding the window, otherwise it would really fall.

"Ye Lan, don't mess around. You're dead. What should your parents do?" Wang Junxian had a headache.

He wanted to get Ye Lan down and sent him away quickly, otherwise it would be in trouble if he really died here.

First, here is his private apartment.

Second, Hua Zhi is still here, and both will be taken away for questioning.

Third, Ye Lan's parents will certainly not give up, and grandma will do it.

Fourth, anyway, it was a human life. Wang Junxian did not want to let her die. The meaning and value of life, not many people can understand, but if it is lost, it will not come again.

Ye Lan was even more excited to hear Wang Junxian say this, not sure if it was true or not.

With her eyes closed and her teeth clenched, she was about to jump. She calculated that Wang Junxian would come and pull her, so she released her hand within a safe range.

Hua Zhi did not expect that Ye Lan really dared to let go.

If Wang Junxian couldn't catch it, or was too late, Ye Lan would really fall into a meatloaf, but here is the 21st floor, no fluke, no false alarm.

Wang Junxian was also scared to death. He grabbed Ye Lan's arm directly and dragged it fiercely before pulling it up.

"Now you are satisfied? Huh?" Wang Junxian sneered and looked back at Hua Zhi, his eyes blamed.

"Oh, you look like Ye Lan is ruthless."

Hua Zhi really dared to see Ye Lan, but Wang Junxian has been convinced by her acting skills, what else can she say?

Hua Zhi picked up her bag and turned her head away. She didn't even bother to change her clothes.

" don't have to control me, let me die..." Ye Lan cried in a low voice, all expressions were just right.

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