Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 828: :what relationship

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

Huasheng lowered his head and drank porridge. "I'm just raising my hand. Isn't it necessary to preach?"

"Well, this style is very Huasheng." Jiang Liu teased her.

"Mr. Jiang, you are making trouble. You will be careful and late for a while. Don't think you are the boss, you can make mistakes casually."

"Well, listen to you, then I go to work."

After eating, Jiangliu got up with a smile and picked up his briefcase.

You must hug before leaving, this is a required course every day.

After Jiangliu left, Huasheng shook her head helplessly. Where did she think that this thing had been taken out, although it was a good thing?

But he didn't want that person to keep saying that she was not a living Bodhisattva.

But now it is clear that everyone has set up a personal design for her, a good-hearted young grandma, but she knows that it is not her, it is only a human design.

"Miss, you are famous now."

"Anyway, I don't eat by fame anyway."

"Miss, I sneaked a glance, your Weibo fans skyrocketed by more than 300,000 people."

"I'm not on Weibo, how can there be any fans?" Hua Sheng stared.

"The Weibo your fans opened for you, it reads-Huasheng Global Support Association." Ginkgo showed Huasheng with his mobile phone.

Huasheng: ...

Okay, she has chopsticks in her mouth, and she looks cute.

It's not embarrassing to say embarrassment, it's not funny to say that it's funny, in short, it's just boring.

At noon, Hua Sheng wanted to go to the shop to sit with Yu Ping, but the guy who knew the wind was back.

Furious, driving directly to Shilichunfeng.

Without further ado, they went to the urban area with Huasheng, and the two went to a very high-end Cantonese restaurant.

A bowl of seafood porridge should be 888, which is super expensive.

"A Sheng, you let go and eat, I'll treat you today, don't be polite." The wind was smug.

Hua Sheng couldn't help laughing, "Are you rich?"

"Yeah, the family is very satisfied, and the final payment is given back to the extra red envelope. Did you make 200,000 yuan before and after this trip?"

The wind has nothing to do with money*, as long as she is satisfied with eating, drinking and drinking, she is basically enough and does not want too much.

So for her, over 200,000 people are very happy.

"Do people who wear tens of millions of bracelets care about 200,000?" Hua Sheng glanced at the windy wrist.

Feng Xi immediately hid his hands under the table. "Cough, this is not mine. I want to return it to Qin Wanyu's mother, but I haven't had a chance to meet her."

"Don't they think you?"

"Babbling, I didn't agree."

"So what is your relationship with Qin Wanyu now? Live with the same food?" Hua Sheng asked straightforwardly.

The wind is also shameless and anxious, and straightened out the sentence directly, "Qin Wanyu's words... not blowing or not black, is it my male nanny? Bodyguard?"

"Do you want a face?"

"Haha, really, don't believe you ask him."

Feng Xi is of course a joke, but Hua Sheng is ruthless, she took out her mobile phone and sent a video directly to Qin Wanyu.

"Hua Sheng, what's the matter? If you send me a video, won't the river kill me?" Qin Wanyu teased.

"Those are not the point, the point is I want to ask you, what is the relationship with the wind now?"

"Ah..." Qin Wanyu was directly embarrassed.

"Qin Wanyu, don't talk nonsense about you, be careful I'll take your skin and cramp you." Feng Xi threatened.

"Feng Xi... how to say, it is my... dry daughter." Qin Wanyu responded shamelessly with his chin.

"Qin Wanyu, your uncle......" The wind jumped all over, directly upgraded to be her father, this person is not a smoker?

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