Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 841: : Deeply touched

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

Jiang Liu hurriedly hugged Huasheng and said, "It's okay, nothing but a false alarm."

"What's the matter, you learn from me and learn to deceive me." Hua Sheng obviously didn't want to be deceived by Jiang Liu in a few words.

Jiang Liu took her hand and sat on the sofa, slowly speaking to her.

In fact, it's nothing. The truck driver was tired and ran through the red light. The river flow was normal, so he ran into it.

At first glance it was a normal traffic accident, but Hua Sheng always felt uneasy.

"Don't worry, don't worry, be good."

"You have to be careful later."

"for sure."

"Mrs. Jiang didn't ask me to take three days off, let's go, where are we going?"

"We are at home."

"At home?" Jiang Liu was shocked, and Ginkgo was shocked.

"Yes, sleeping at home, you have been sleeping for less than six hours a day recently. If you can't go on like this, it is an overdraft life, so... I strongly urge you to go to bed immediately.

Jiang Liu smiled, "Well, Mrs. Jiang's words, I must listen, but you will sleep with me."

"Don't talk nonsense."

Hua Sheng immediately punched him, thinking that Ginkgo was still on the side, what nonsense you are.

"You want to be skewed, I don't mean anything else, just to sleep, it's really sleepy, it always feels like I can't wake up. My dad said that I have wrinkles in the corners of my eyes recently."

"Then go to sleep and wake up. I'll make your favorite seafood cake for you."


Jiang Liu was very gratified. He originally thought that Hua Sheng asked him to leave to go out. Why did he think of just letting him sleep at home.

After all, it was for his good sake that Jiang Liu was content.

He really went to bed, and then Hua Sheng and Ginkgo went out to buy vegetables and fruits.

Huasheng made exquisite seafood cakes and seaweed cold noodles, which are all rivers like to eat.

The cold and delicious watermelon, beef sauce, vegetables and cherry tomatoes are placed in the seaweed cold noodles.

Add crushed sesame and sesame oil, it is simply delicious on earth.

When the kitchen was busy, Ginkgo suddenly said, "Miss."


"I want to say something."

"Are you going to leave?" Hua Sheng smiled.

"certainly not."

"You say it." Hua Sheng chatted with Ginkgo while cooking.

Ginkgo hesitated again and again before slowly speaking, "Miss, I want to break up with Gao He."

"Ah? Why? Did you quarrel?"

Hua Sheng was very surprised because the two children had a good conversation recently.

Gao He also often came here to rub rice, and listened to Gingko's words, the two were happy, why did they suddenly break up?

Gingko learned Huasheng’s usual tone of analysis and said, “First, I feel that my family is too disparate. I went with him that day, I didn’t know his birthday, and I was embarrassed not to prepare a gift, although he didn’t blame me in the end, but he felt It's very uncomfortable. Those people who send cars and jewelry watches, even if I have prepared, it is estimated that a bottle of perfume, a shirt or the like will be laughed at, and I, a little nanny, where can I climb high? "

"The second?" Hua Sheng asked the girl with a smile.

"Second, and the most important point, when Chun Tao is gone, there will be fewer people in the family. If I am in love, who will take care of the lady's diet?"

"I have my own hands and feet, and I'm not crippled. Besides, the babysitter must be looking for new ones, and can't dominate your life."

"No, the young lady is not in good health. Usually we eat and drink. If we change a newcomer, we are definitely not used to it. Chuntao is unconscience. If you leave, let me go and leave the young lady sad. I won’t. . It was decided that in the future, if she would not marry, she would wait for the lady and be loyal to the lady for the rest of her life." Ginkgo took a deep breath, as if he had made a lot of determination. He said the idea, told the truth, after Hua Sheng heard it, his heart was deeply Deeply touched.

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