Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 864: : What to miss

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

"Wow, Mrs. Jiang is so sweet." Jiang Liu had a hard time seeing Huasheng as a little woman, so sticky.

So they were reluctant to let go, and the two were also greasy at home, but fortunately, Ginkgo was already used to being stuffed with dog food.

"I'm serious?"

"Well, it’s okay, it’s okay, Mrs. Jiang is fine.

Jiang Liu is naturally not afraid to go to work with a small tail, the main thing is that he also wants to see A Sheng all the time.

However, she was able to say so, Jiang Liu was very happy.

At night, the two watch TV together in the living room.

Hua Sheng tilted his head and lay on the shoulders of the river.

It’s a variety show called "We Are Old"

Some of the actors inside are amateurs, no traffic stars and those scandal-ridden stars.

It's interesting to see how they go to life after getting old by the special technicians.

There was a couple who had been quarreling and loving each other before, but when they were old, they fell into the play. The two actually cried together and apologized to each other.

Hua Sheng likes to watch this kind, and Jiang Liu will accompany him, and he takes it seriously, because he doesn't like perfunctory his lover.

Jiang Liu asked her, "A Sheng, what will we look like when we are old?"

"It should be... would you despise my old age, and go to find a young girl?"

Jiang Liu stretched out his hand and spoiled Huasheng's head. "Nonsense."

Hua Sheng clutched his head, not convinced, "Why are you playing me, I just tell a fact."

"Then why don't you tell me that I'm old and dying, you can't help looking for handsome guys?"

"That's not my style."

"Is it my style?" Jiang Liu also looked wronged.

After talking, the two looked at each other and smiled. At this time, Huasheng's mobile phone rang.

"A Sheng, come to the dinner, it's very lively." Hua Zhi's voice was a little excited, and she likes to stick with Wumei more and more.

"No, I'm watching TV."

"Fuck, so boring, look."

Hua Zhi thinks that watching TV is a super waste of time. In her free time, she will only watch catwalks and pretend to be released. She will never look at those boring stuff.

Especially the reality show, which may be related to professionalism, so Hua Zhi somewhat excludes those programs that have been performed.

Hua Zhi's makeup today is a little clever. Instead of the usual coolness, she changed to a little woman.

An apricot cake skirt, layer by layer, is very cute, with two simple suspenders on it.

Hua Zhi is very thin, so when the large area of ​​the arm is exposed, it looks good, especially the looming clavicle.

In addition, Hua Zhi made a curly hairstyle today, and also put on a shiny headdress.

Full of girlish feelings, many media have swarmed around and shot wildly against Hua Zhi.

After he was busy, Huasheng turned and picked up a glass of champagne just to drink, and saw Wang Liurun walking towards her. Who is Wang Liurun?

That was Wang Junxian's sister and sister, the eldest lady of the Wang family.

"Hua Zhi."

"Sister." She cried intimately.

"What's wrong with you and Jun Xian recently? He has been returning to his old house recently. Are you in conflict?" Wang Liurun asked directly.

Upon hearing Wang Junxian returning to his old house, Hua Zhi was even more angry.

Put the champagne glass on the table fiercely, "He likes to go back to his old house, he likes sister Ye Lan, huh."

"Ye Lan? She has already left." Wang Liurun was stunned.

"What? Go? What happened?" Hua Zhi was very happy.

"My brother didn't tell you?" Wang Liurun was also surprised.

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