Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 866: : Too naughty

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

Wang Junxian stiffened and quickly dried out and put on his bathrobe.

Sure enough, he saw Hua Zhi, a little wild cat, sitting on the sofa with Erlang's legs.

She has the key to Wang Junxian's house, and Wang Junxian also has the passwords and keys to several of her houses, so it is extremely easy for anyone to find anyone.

But it is also powerful to be able to fight the Cold War for so long.

If Wang Liurun does not tell Hua Zhi Ye Lan, Hua Zhi does not plan to take care of him yet.

After all, she was so angry with the green tea in her heart that she thought Wang Junxian could not see Ye Lan's poor acting.

Or, if you understand it, you don’t want to hurt Ye Lan too much. Women, there is always jealousy, and flying vinegar is even more powerful.

"Big stars are here, and Peng Xun Shenghui."

"Isn't it true to say this to me?" Hua Zhi glared at him.

"Who dares to be a big star, after all, a big man with tens of millions of fans, if I just say a few words, I can be fleshed out for a year."

"The surnamed Wang, you are wronged, I know, but you don't want to go too far, okay?" Hua Zhi rolled his eyes.

"The big star's words are too heavy. Where do I dare to live? You are not always high. No matter how you are at home or in the entertainment industry, your status is unmatched."

After talking, Wang Junxian walked towards the refrigerator, too lazy to take Li Huazhi.

Open the refrigerator, take out a can of Coke from the inside and drink it, but Yu Guang's eyes can't help but aim at the woman on the sofa.

"It doesn't matter if you don't welcome me so much, let me go."

Hua Zhi is also pretending to be pretending, and seeing Wang Junxian so pretentious, he pretended to leave.

Sure enough, just a few steps away, the guy was not calm.

"Who are you going to see in such a hurry? Is your new boyfriend?"

Hua Zhi paused, smiled, and looked at him, "Yeah, how do you know, I have been very popular recently, in addition to the juniors in the circle, there are many rich circles who are also eyeing me. , And many overseas fans also confessed to me strongly, I don’t know who I am going to talk to?"

Although he knew Hua Zhi deliberately angry, he said it, but Wang Junxian was not very interested.

Capricorn can calm down, but it does not mean that it will not be jealous. After all, it is a man with strong possessiveness.

"Big star, if I remember correctly, haven't the two of us broken up yet? You didn't break up with me, just find someone else, don't you think you are scumbag?"

Hua Zhi was deliberately surprised, "Did you know about my scum? I have been are green."

Wang Junxian: ...

Looking at Wang Junxian's dark, uncomfortable complexion, Hua Zhi was a straightforward group.

Although he blamed him wrong this time, he was also angry that he didn't say a word and didn't explain.

Would it be dead to explain one sentence? His Capricorn is really a beast.

"Well, then you wish you a bright future, love is nourishing, goodbye."

Wang Junxian was estimated to be angry, and turned directly into the study room. He didn't care about Hua Zhi anymore.

Where Hua Zhi really wants to go, but it is also heart-felt to be said.

As a result, Wang Junxian heard the door slamming in the study, and his heart sank.

I was quite disappointed. I thought Hua Zhi was here, and the two were just fine. Now they are stiff again.

In fact, Wang Junxian often hates why he is a Capricorn man.

Wang Junxian sat silently in the study for ten minutes, and went out in a depressed mood, wanting to see the news.

I don't know if I just got out of the study.

"Ah..." Hua Zhi jumped out next to him and yelled, making Wang Junxian's face straight green.

"Ha ha ha ha, are you scared? Are you scared to choke hair?" Hua Zhi smiled back and forth.

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