Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 889: : Start for your friends

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

Hua Sheng was suddenly embarrassed. In fact, Hua Zhi also asked about children's affairs in private, even Feng Xi asked.

She also wanted to be pregnant, but her strength was not allowed...

"I checked, there is nothing wrong with it, it is cold."

"What about the river? Men also have to check, sometimes not all our faults." Now Hua Lin is obviously much closer to Hua Sheng.

After all, she knew deeply that Hua Sheng pulled her back from the death hand again and again.

Although I don't know what method to use, it is definitely the credit of the five sisters.

Hua Sheng did not say, Hua Lin did not ask.

"There is no problem with the river. The children and parents still need to have a fate. Maybe the time has not come yet?" Hua Sheng smiled lightly.

Seeing Hua Sheng didn't say much, Hua Lin stopped asking.

Just before leaving, Hua Lin quietly said in Hua Sheng's ear, "I heard that there is a place called Songzi Mountain in the southern town, which is a homophonic sender. There is a temple on the mountain, it's have the opportunity to go with the river Bye bye."

"Okay, I will definitely go if I have a chance."

Hua Sheng smiled without breaking, after all, Hua Lin is for her good.

After leaving Hualin's house, Huasheng originally planned to buy some fruits and fresh vegetables in the supermarket.

It's a pity that some people have lost their sights.

Ling Xiao drove a Mercedes-Benz G, this car is very high-profile, most of them are opened by the Internet.

Men really like it because of domineering.

Ling Xiao directly blocked the car in front of Huasheng's car, preventing her from moving half a step.

"Mr. Ling, I believe what I have said on the phone is very clear."

"Huasheng, why do you refuse to be thousands of miles away, I didn't want to treat you...I just want to be your friend."

Ling Xiao is now the new favorite of the Ling family. After Ling Qi's death, he has become the grandfather's most important person.

The wealth and status of the Ling family is still very good.

Although it is not as rich as the four big families, it is not a common generation.

Therefore, in order to show the swing, Ling Xiao naturally needs to be high-profile.

"But I don't want to be your friend."

"Why?" Ling Xiao began to dominate.

"Because I don't like your being."

After listening to Ling Xiao, she smiled and leaned on the Mercedes-Benz. "There is a loophole in this saying? You don't understand me. How do you know who I am? Hua Sheng, this is not fair to me. You have to give at least I only have a chance to show myself, so that I can clearly see who I am?"

"No, I'm not interested, and I don't want to waste time."

Hua Sheng's face was cold...

Ginkgo rushed straight up, "I said why are you shameless, my lady said so clearly, you still do not leave? Rely on what? Believe us or not?"

"Alarm? Anyway, what's wrong with you?" Ling Xiao took out the scum of the dude.

Hua Sheng sighed slightly.

Ling Ming was still very modest and cautious during the chaos in the graveyard that night, not like that.

It seems that the Ling family gave him too much, making him somewhat arrogant and a little giddy.

Wealth and power can really fascinate, Huasheng strives to recall, Ling Xiao that night, maybe better.

The one in front of me was terrible superficial.

Hua Sheng just wanted to say something, and heard a snap.

Ling Xiao's head was suddenly slapped, and he was furious suddenly, turning around and about to scold.

I saw the woman behind...

"You... how are you?"

If others, it is estimated that Ling Xiao will make her die very badly, but this person is a wind, it is another matter.

Although Feng Xi is young, he is already expensive as the head of the Feng family.

Naturally, it goes without saying that that is the person whose grandpa has to respect a few points, and Ling Xiao naturally dares not mess up.

"Well? When the street tunes a good woman?" Feng Xi tilted his head, staring fiercely at Ling Xiao.

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