Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 914: : Hate yourself

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

"I rely on... what do you mean?" Hua Zhi must have been an accident.

"Come on, wind, I'm too lazy to say."

Seeing Sanjie's heartlessness, Huasheng really looks like he hates iron.

Feng Xi cleared his throat and said, "In other words, last night was actually not a simple dinner date. It was Wang Junxian who prepared a week's hard work in advance. He arranged flowers and balloons at the Jun Zhi Hotel, as well as a nine-layer proposal cake and cake. The above is a barbie doll made by 16 pastry chefs as you like. It is very cute. The ring is also customized in South Africa, and it is a pigeon egg diamond with a good color. The most amazing thing is that Wang Junxian invited Peng San crazy Director. Just to give you a surprise, he wore a princess costume that saw Li Huabai, because he knew that the movie meant different things to you. In short... It was a very warm and romantic proposal scene last night. , As long as you arrive at six o'clock, the entire Jiangcheng will display fireworks, but didn't come."

Hua Zhi's face has changed and changed, unable to say a word at all.

Feng Xi also said, "We all thought you had an accident at the beginning, and I was very worried. Wang Junxian was even more panicked. He wanted to go back to you in person, but you turned off the phone, and there was no one at home. No one knew where you went, for your safety. , Everyone went to watch the monitoring, and your mobile phone records, and found that... you suddenly missed the appointment, because of the text message of Zhao Shixun. In fact, this is nothing to us, but Wang Junxian is a proud man, how can he Endure what you did? Later...Wang Junxian smashed tens of millions of decorations, ruined cakes and fireworks, and told someone to send Peng Dao to the airport, surprise turned into despair, Hua Zhi, this time, It's really big play, we all think that Wang Junxian may... I won't forgive you this time."


Hua Zhi wanted to explain something, but his heart was dull, especially when he heard that Wang Junxian had called someone to smash a million pieces of layout and ruined the cake.

What a sad thing this is.

People like him are really rarely angry, but once angry, it is really a disaster.

Hua Zhi's chest was ups and downs, "It's not like that, I didn't meet Zhao Shixun... I admit that it was because of his text message that I was confused, but I really don't love him anymore. Why didn't you tell me that Wang Junxian asked for marriage Well, if I say that, I am going to die even if I die?"

"Hua Zhi, you can't blame us at this time, but blame yourself, swinging... what you think is not important, your approach has represented that you can't let go of the past, and Zhao Shixun can't let go, which is the most sad thing for Wang Junxian. Place, let alone, the proposal is kept secret, just to surprise you." The wind looked at her quietly.

Hua Zhi's eyes turned red...

"What the **** did I miss, I'm so damned." Hua Zhi blamed herself.

She really didn't know that Wang Junxian asked to marry. She had been looking forward to it. Later, she mentioned it a few times. Nothing happened when she saw Wang Junxian, thinking that he was not interested.

Where would I know that this guy actually prepared all this.

"No, I'm going to find him, I want to explain."

After knowing this, Hua Zhi insisted no more and turned to run.

Thinking about why the mad shutdown and escape yesterday, why hurt the man who loves him like that?

Hua Zhi really hated himself, and wished he could get rid of it with two knives.

"Three sisters, I think you should stop looking for him at this time, it will be embarrassing." Hua Sheng said behind him.

Hua Zhi suddenly stopped...

Hua Sheng also said, "At the end of yesterday, Wang Junxian said such a sentence, no matter who you are, no matter how big you are, you can only have one chance with me."

Hua Zhi's heart shrank suddenly after listening.

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