Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 919: : Slag female surname Hua

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

"Of course it's belly. Jiangliu's parents want grandchildren, can't you see it?"

"This thing... the more anxious and the more demanding, the more natural it is." The wind seemed very open.

"Okay...but I still hope that they can have a child sooner, otherwise they always feel that his marriage is not solid." Qin Wanyu said to himself.

The wind went up and punched him on the shoulder. "I said, don't worry about eating carrots lightly, okay? Take care of yourself."

Qin Wanyu hadn't spoken yet, and the phone rang.

It was Hua Zhi who called.

"Wind, please help me... woo woo woo, I'm so upset."

"Grandma, what are you crying for, you say slowly." The wind is very big.

"Feng Xi, Wang Junxian's... woo, **** bastard... refused to answer my phone, blacked me all, and the apartment at home changed the password, this kills thousands of knives... woo woo woo, I apologize to him He didn’t take care of me. You said that the murder wasn’t overkill. What is he doing? Is it to kill me?”

"Grandma, you obviously abused others first, okay?"

"Then I... Then I don't know that I want to marry... In short, you help me quickly."

"How can I help you? Wang Junxian and I are not familiar with it. You might as well ask Jiang Liu, he and Wang Junxian are the strongest."

"I have fought Jiangliu, and he and Asheng seem to be angry with me and refuse to help me."

"Then I can't help."

"No, no, you can, I want to ask you... Do you have any kind of secret technique, that is, the kind that makes Wang Junxian fall in love with me all the time, and the kind of heartbreak, even if I wear him a green hat, he is right I am the kind that will never die, do you? Help me and give him the secret technique."

The wind is crying and laughing.

"Sister, this... really not."

"Impossible, you are the eighty-fifth generation descendant of the magnificent family, why can't you do this?"

"Sister, my Feng family is to eliminate evil spirits and remove evil spirits for the way of the heavens, to ensure the safety of the people, not to help you save your ex boyfriend, okay?"

"Oh, I don't care, as far as we are concerned, you are not allowed to help me, woo woo woo..."

Qin Wanyu listened aside, and he was all angry.

He and Wang Junxian also have a very good relationship. Now, seeing Hua Zhi as a dead man, he is really mad.

Scolded directly, "Don't be a big star, the old king next door is so good. Where is it worthy of you? You should go to your brother Zhao Shixun, but they are great people."

"Qin Wanyu, shut up for me."

In this way, Hua Zhi and Qin Wanyu quarreled from each other.

Hua Zhi's head was about to explode, and she hung up the phone directly.

"You too, Hua Zhi is not awake now, and you follow along."

"I'm just angry, why should she... she is happy, she can lose her appointment at any time and hurt someone. Now that she knows that she is wrong, she asks others to forgive her. If she doesn't forgive, it's their fault. Is she always right? Many stars? Woolen yarn? The Pharaoh did it right this time. I supported her and dumped Hua Zhi and Slag Girl."

Qin Wanyu was indeed angry, even the word **** girl was used.

But having said that, this time Hua Zhi's approach is really unacceptable, these friends feel that she is ashamed of Wang Junxian.

But helpless, knowing that it was wrong, and too late, Wang Jun showed iron and did not want to take care of her.

Feng Xi smiled and was about to answer, and suddenly his stomach turned over.

The feeling of rushing up in an instant is really unbearable.

"Er...Er..." She squatted on the ground, covering her chest and gagged.

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