Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 936: : Is a werewolf

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

Yu Ping nodded. "Well, think about it. I have found a private investigator. I have already checked it. After finding the evidence, I will start."

Hua Sheng nodded, saying he was not disappointed with Ping.

Sometimes being a person can't be too soft-hearted, in Huasheng's words.

Everyone has to pay for their choices. Yu Ping’s mother outside has violated the moral bottom line of marriage.

But these are not counted, even the greedy united lovers, trying to mutilate their husbands, such a woman, heaven can not tolerate.

After the Ping family came out, Huasheng and Fengxi went to the Huazhi family together.

It is said that Hua Zhi just fainted on the set, and woke up halfway to make a noise to go home and refused to go to the hospital.

Huasheng and Fengfeng didn't have much time to ask, so they drove past.

In the hundreds of square meters of Huazhi's mansion, she was lying on the sofa in the living room and was very decadent.

She was the only one in the room, but there was no agent or assistant.

"What's the matter? Wasn't Wang Junxian thrown away, just chased back."

The wind thought that the two of them would not have a cold war this time, after all, they really love each other.

Hua Zhi didn't say a word and covered the folding fan in her face, which was quite unlucky.

Only dead people would cover their faces in this way, Huasheng was very taboo, and walked over, ripped off the fan directly, and threw it on the ground.

Hua Zhi opened her eyes. "A Sheng, you kicked me to death."

"I thought, but I still don't want to break the law." Hua Sheng looked at her coldly.

"I do not want to live."

"Just because of falling out of love?" Hua Sheng was helpless.

"No, do you know how vicious he is...he actually...he engaged to someone...oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo."

After he finished talking, Hua Zhi cried again and wept bitterly, his long fingers covering a haggard face.

After listening to this, Hua Sheng and Feng Xi glanced at each other.

"Don't howl first, make it clear, who is Wang Junxian engaged to?" Feng Xi dragged her directly from the sofa.

Hua Zhi cried and said, "Don't you know? They can be kept secret... It is said to be one of his university classmates. The woman is not a famous man, just an ordinary university teacher, just like Xiao Lin, but The high school chemistry teacher looks so, but they have all met their parents and are said to be engaged."

"Who do you listen to?" Hua Sheng asked her.

"Did you watch the lace news again?" Feng Xi also asked.

Hua Zhi shook her head, "If the news was written, I wouldn't worry anymore... It was said by a friend of mine, and my friend happened to be the female neighbour of the woman. They all filmed video for me. I saw Wang Junxian with me this morning. The parents went to the woman's house to eat, woo woo... that neighborhood neighbour knew that it was said to be engaged within a week."

Huasheng: ...

Feng Xi: Come on, this Wang Junxian is a werewolf, ruthless enough.

To tell the truth, neither of them knew what to say. Wang Jun was angry, because Jiangliu and Qin Wanyu could not persuade them.

No one could contact him recently, and Hua Zhi went to make a fuss once, and it was not effective.

Such a quick engagement with people, most people can't do it, but Capricorn can, he really can.

Therefore, Hua Zhi's words, Hua Sheng and Feng Xi dare not believe it.

The wind panicked and suffocated for a long time, and came to say, "In the current situation, you only have to marry Zhao Shixun, and the two of you are tied."

Hearing the wind said this, Hua Zhi's cry was even worse.

With tears in his eyes, he was full of grievances, "But the old lady doesn't like Zhao Shixun, the old lady likes the bastard."

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