Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1006: : See you

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

Hua Sheng's indifferent link was connected to the holographic shadow keyboard, and his fingers quickly typed back to the mysterious man.

"you are?"

"Don't you remember me so soon?"

"You are F." This sentence is not a question mark, but a definite tone, because no one will do such a thing except the F who pretends to be a ghost.

It's as if Pluto and the white dye are both in a haunt, either appearing in a dream or directly.

It will not be operated by computer, so Huasheng is sure that this is the real world person.

"Haha, sure enough you didn't forget me, I'm very happy."

"What do you want to do?"

To be honest, Hua Sheng didn't feel very good about this F in his heart. The feeling was that he couldn't say it, but he was very uneasy.

So after her SS status retired, almost no contact with foreign auction houses.

SS has also become a legend on the rivers and lakes, no one knows where to go.

"Huasheng, I have come to Jiangcheng and want to see you."

Hua Sheng took a deep breath, his heart tightened.

In fact, she didn't know why she was so afraid of this F, people who were not even afraid of the Underworld Lord, and people who were not even afraid of the mutant zombie king.

She would be afraid of an antique expert who had never met before, and she did not know why it was a strong intuition.

However, she believes that her instincts can never be wrong.

"I'm not familiar with you, you have found the wrong person."

"No, I am very interested in you."

"But I'm not interested, sorry, I don't like to contact any strangers." Hua Sheng's attitude is very firm.

Of course, he would not go to meet other men on his back, nor could he meet this strange man who didn't know the details.

"But you have no choice."

"You threaten me?" Hua Sheng felt a little angry, feeling that this person was crazy.

"It's okay for you to understand this, I just want to say... I have been laid out for a long time to see you, and I look forward to this day for a long time...You better agree, otherwise you will regret it."

Hua Sheng was very angry and replied directly, "There is no regret in my life motto."

"Haha, I like your spiciness."

"Don't talk nonsense, F tell me, I have retired, I am no longer SS, you better not find me trouble, we don't make any mistakes in the river, I have no reason to see you, please be kind to me, may regret it."

Hua Sheng didn't know what happened recently, and obviously felt he was very aggressive.

Even such a stranger who had never met before, she was so moved.

Of course, the killing heart is not so tyrannical.

Instead, she uses the magical technique on her body to prevent the other party from having the ability to find her in trouble.

"Huasheng, I really like you, really."

"Mr. F, please weigh yourself."

I have never met before, and actually said I like it. Hua Sheng felt that this man must be an extremely superficial person, and the degree of disgust immediately reached its peak.

"Self-esteem? Hahaha... This is the funniest joke I've ever heard. You are so cute. You are so cute that you want to be held in your arms."

This kind of teasing makes Huasheng uncomfortable.

She couldn't be angry, and her fingers moved quickly.

According to the status of the other party, an anti-triad tracing came, and a virus was successfully implanted-Destroyer 6.

In the loft at the top of a skyscraper in Jiangcheng, the laptop in front of the man banged and exploded with a black screen.


The two shadows behind him came forward, and the man raised his hand to signal that it was fine.

"Oh, my little Asheng lost his temper and blew my computer with a super virus. You said... My girl, why is she so cute?" The man's voice was a bit **** in the night, even the voice was incomparable Pleasant, just like the sound of nature in the martial arts novel.

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