Former General Is Undead Knight

Episode 7: Bandits ③

A short walk through the woods eventually began to see the building lined up.

"Hmm, over there"

"Kee, knight... you know, really... are you okay...?

"Leave it to me... I'd like to answer, but you're starting to get a little confused"

Lambert is not weak.

It's just that this band of bandits, just a little bit odd, stands out.

Lambert wondered if there was anything behind it.

"Bandits, such as staying in one village for a long time… returns and risks, are far from commensurate. It's also uncomfortable that the earlier bandits are too weak"

"Well, what is that..."

Lambert stops his leg.

The girl is also caught, stopping her legs and looking back at him.

Lambert stared at the girl's face.

"Dear Knight?

"... well, now you won't have to think about it. When you're done, you just have to take your time. If the branches are rotten, the leaves that follow them also rot. You have to say no before it spreads to the trees."

"Oh, is that... about the village?

"Don't worry, I'll take care of everything."

Not answering the girl's questions, Lambert speeded up his legs to the village.

The village was a terrible disaster.

Skinny and fading villagers are being used here and there by bandit-like men.

The bandits seemed to work with whips and sickles in their hands, threatening the villagers with half the play.

With difficulty in movement, you can beat him with a whip, crush his fingers with a sickle, or if he is terrible, kill him as he pleases.

In the corner of the village, there were about five dead villagers, cluttered.

There is no particular bias in the layers of corpses, young and old, varied.

This is the hungry and the rebellious of the last few days, those who have accidentally been killed by bandits doing too much.

Counting by the number of people who have been occupied by bandits, this number is nearly ten times higher.

If the numbers accumulate, let the villagers dig a big hole and throw it all together in the hole.

The leaders of the bandits loved to see villagers throw their villagers' bodies cluttered into the hole, and were deliberately forced to do the work by collecting what was close.

Lambert stepped into the village and turned his neck, keeping these sights in sight.

"Well, that sounds terrible..."

As I say, I descend into the village without even pulling out the great sword.

One of the bandits whips happily into the back of a half-naked villager trembling with his head.

"Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. You're not deliberately pissing me off, are you? Hey! Shall I smash your daughter to death next? Oh?"

I didn't think Lambert was going to let him hit any more, and he was willing to kill the bandits.

The bandit looked up tingly as if he felt a chill, and put Lambert and the girl standing after that little distance into his eyes.

"What, you are! Hey, weird guy's coming to the village! Somebody come and join us!

The bandit shouted to the village.

"If you can get me company, fine. Save yourself the trouble of looking."

"Ha, what..."

Lambert stuffed the time in an instant and moved to the current of the bandit.

"... what? Wow, wow!

Bandits whipped bullshit.

Lambert stood in front of the bandits and rubbed it all with his unique legs.

He completely read through all the whip trajectories that even the person who waved the whip did not grasp.

If I tried from the bandits, it just seemed like Lambert had a rash and passed the whip.

I didn't have to avoid it, but I wanted to show you the difference in force to hang the threat.

"Hey, what..."

As it was, Lambert gently tackled the bandit's body and bounced off.

The bandit was unconscious at the time of collision with the overwhelming weight difference and could not afford to take a passive.

Beating the ground from his shoulders, his hands on the ground defenselessly pressed with weight and impact, twisting and bending in strange directions.

Lambert gives in and grabs the bandit's shoulder, forcing him to wake up his upper body.

"All of them, how many? Except you."

"Ah, ah... ah..."

Apparently the jaw came off due to a knocking impact on the ground, and he couldn't seem to speak properly.

"I thought you'd take it as far as passive... I didn't know it was so brittle"

Lambert stood up and pulled out the sword, claiming the bandit's neck.

Feeling human mana approaching for five, Lambert reassembles the sword that nearly rests on his sheath and looks ahead to feel mana.

"La, latis!

"You monster bastard! I'll kill you!

Lambert approached the bandit at the head, placing the great sword at the bottom.

"Ha, fast......!


Slash it up from the thief's crotch to the tip of his head.

From the body, which is nicely divided into two parts, guts and blood splashes pop out.

Immediate death.

The bandits were out of breath before stunning replaced fear.


The faces of the four bandits who refrain from behind are stained with terror.

Lambert bypassed the body and approached the other bandits before the body fell completely left and right.

Simply as Lambert waved the great sword three times and stepped in, the three became truly two.

The last one, who was put behind him, waved a wooden stick with stones tied together as he screamed.


"Too late. Wow!

Lambert amputated the two arms protruded forward by the bandit with a sword, sticking straight up to his abdomen and lifting it straight up.

"My uncle... my uncle..."

Pouring from where the great sword is piercing, some of the blood and guts fall zero into Lambert.

"Pull five of you, how many are left?

"Yiju... Hello, Niju..."

Saying, the bandit slaps the side of the big sword weakly with his hand, which has become only one.

"Well, thank God."

Lambert waved his sword down to the rear.

A bandit man turns into a piece of meat.

Lambert hung his foot near his abdomen before pulling out the great sword.

(If you get away with it, it's a pain in the ass... I want to know the number of people)

Lambert ran around the village, killing the bandits and going around.

I count the numbers in my head, and dispose of them pale.

"You... what the heck!

One of the bandits is slaughtered with a sword as he calls.

Lambert bounced the bandit's sword with the armor of his arm, grabbing his neck as it was and slamming it all over the ground.

The bandit's head cracks and blood leaks through a hole called a hole in his face.

(Now, there are ten of us left... you don't even have to pull out your sword. These guys are these guys too...... I wonder if this village is ok with not being able to repel this degree of raw)

Waving his arms and paying for his blood, he was still twisting his neck thinking about things by his own standards of time.

Soon I feel multiple manas approaching me again and change my mind.

However, there are more than ten people to detect from the signs of that mana.

I wondered if I had misidentified the number of bandits, but I noticed that nearly half of them had weak mana.

(Hmm... have you come with the hostages?)

As Lambert expected, the bandits showed up with a woman and a child who clearly wasn't one of them.

The hostages have their hands tied with rope and pulled with rope tied around their necks.

The mouth was stuffed with cloth. There are three hostages, with one bandit attached to each of them.

(The number of bandits is ten...... now that sounds good to consider them all)

At the back of the line stood a skinny cunning man and a big man with a bald head and thick lips.

The big man had emotionless, vitreous eyes.

In his hand, the top of his head was cut off and he eagled at a pompous empty pocket.

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