Fortunate Young Gentleman

Chapter 106: The murderer shows up

Tang Huai's expression changed and he laughed dryly: "Eunuch Wei, what do you mean?"

"We are just a servant who delivers messages." Eunuch Wei looked at Tang Huai and said with a smile: "Master Tang should understand what your majesty means. Let's go, your majesty is still waiting there."

Tang Huai clasped his fists again and said, "Eunuch Wei, walk slowly."

He watched Eunuch Wei disappear from sight, with a gloomy look on his face, and the fists in his sleeves clenched and unclenched.

In the end, he just gritted his teeth and turned around to leave.

In the deep palace, Emperor Chen put down a secret envelope and asked casually: "Wei Jian, what do you think of this matter?"

"What do you think, my servant?" Eunuch Wei had a look of confusion on his face and said, "I just stand in front of His Majesty and look..."

Chen Huang was startled, then pointed at him angrily and funny, and said: "You, you, you, you have been with me all your life, and you know how to be harmonious. You have never thought of sharing my worries for me!"

Eunuch Wei said helplessly: "Your Majesty, this old slave is stupid and can't compare with the great lords in the court. My duty is to serve Your Majesty comfortably..."

Emperor Chen waved his hand and said: "Seven dead soldiers were sent to Lingzhou at one time. Tang Huai was so generous that he almost killed the envoys of Chu State. What did he want to do?"

Eunuch Wei walked to Emperor Chen, thought for a while, and whispered: "Although Master Tang's move is a bit outrageous, the Tang family should still be loyal to His Majesty..."

"I don't doubt his loyalty." Chen Huang shook his head and said, "But the Tang family's actions over the years are indeed a bit excessive..."

Eunuch Wei raised his eyes and lowered his head again, but he stopped answering.

As the Minister of Rites, Tang Huai was responsible for the imperial examinations. He had disciples all over the court and all over the country. In recent years, he had become a little too powerful.

Huang Chen opened the secret fold again, looked at the name on the secret fold, shook his head and said, "Seventeen years later, Tang Huai still has such murderous intentions towards his nephew..., Tang Ning, Tangning, why does this name sound familiar?"

Eunuch Wei thought for a while and said, "Your Majesty, the Lingzhou Jieyuan who contributed the flood control strategy and saved the court hundreds of thousands of taels of silver every year seems to be called Tangning..."

"Is it him?" Chen Huang immediately recalled and murmured: "Is he the abandoned baby of the Tang family?"

Eunuch Wei nodded and said, "Looking at Mr. Tang's reaction, it should be right."

"Tang family, Tang Ning..." Emperor Chen thought for a while and said, "I ordered Zhongshu Sheng to draft a decree. Lingzhou Prefecture tried to solve the problem of Tang Ning in the Yuan Dynasty. If he made suggestions to control the floods, he would be rewarded with a jade belt and fifty pieces of silk..."

"According to the order." Eunuch Wei looked slightly different, responded, and said: "Your Majesty, the news just came from Lingzhou. The Chu State envoy has set off from Lingzhou and will arrive in the capital soon."

"Chu State..." Emperor Chen whispered, with a gloomy look on his face, "Chu State has seen a large number of talented people emerge in recent years. Looking back at our court, some people in the court only know how to form cliques, and some people only live in plain sight. , there are really not many that can be of great use. If things continue like this, there will be endless troubles..."

Eunuch Wei thought for a while and said, "Your Majesty, don't worry. Not long ago, many talents emerged from various state examinations. With a little training, they can become pillars of the court in a few years."

"The court cannot be filled with mediocre people, but it cannot be filled with all smart people. However, there can be a shortage of mediocre people, but there cannot be a shortage of smart people." Emperor Chen was silent for a while, and then said: "Zhang Hao is right, our imperial examination is , it’s time to make a move.”

Tang Mansion, somewhere in a dark room.

The one-armed old man knelt on the ground and said in a hoarse voice: "Master, this old slave deserves to die!"

Tang Huai looked at him and asked expressionlessly: "Seventeen years ago, someone picked him up from the snow; half a year ago, it was your people who found those rogues from Lingzhou to do things badly; This time, the Tang family lost seven dead soldiers. What was the reason? "

"The old slave didn't expect that he was actually with the envoy of the Chu State, and the envoy of the Chu State was protected by experts..." The old man hissed a few words, and then said: "Master, give the old slave another chance. …”

"I gave you a chance, who gave me a chance!" Tang Huai looked at him and said angrily: "I gave you a chance, will your Majesty give me a chance?"

The old man's expression changed and he was shocked: "Could it be..."

Tang Huai waved his hand and said: "This matter has nothing to do with my Tang family, there is no need to mention it again..."

The old man was stunned for a moment, then nodded and said, "Old slave, I understand."

Tang Huai closed his eyes and said, "Get out."

"Yes." The old man bowed and bowed, then slowly withdrew.


After the old man walked out, Tang Huai clenched his fist and smashed it against the wall.

"Uncle Han, where did you go some time ago and when did you come back?" The girl was walking in the Tang Mansion and saw a figure in front of her. She walked over quickly. When she walked in front of her, her expression suddenly changed and she asked : "Uncle Han, what's wrong with your arm?"

The old man smiled and said, "I went back to my hometown and met an enemy and accidentally broke it."

The girl looked at his empty sleeves, frowned, and asked: "Who is so cruel? Has anyone reported him to the police?"

The old man shook his head and said, "Miss Shui'er, don't worry, he's not much better than me."

The girl looked at him, shook her head and said, "You are so old and you still learn how to fight..."

The old man smiled, lowered his head and said nothing.

The girl looked at him helplessly and warned: "Then you must remember to see the doctor..."

The former Lingzhou governor Dong Cunyi packed up and rushed to Fengzhou to take up his post a few days after receiving the imperial order.

It is said that the new Lingzhou governor of the imperial court will arrive in Lingzhou in the next few days.

The local officials of Lingzhou were a little uneasy. Although Governor Dong was not easy to deal with, they had worked together for so many years and had been at peace.

As for the new governor, no one knew who he was or what his temper was, so they were naturally a little uneasy.

This matter was something that the father-in-law and the local officials of Lingzhou needed to worry about. It had been a while since Li Tianlan left Lingzhou. Tang Ning had been living a very fulfilling life these days. He read books and ran every day. He originally wanted to lure out a few assassins, but the other party seemed to have really left Lingzhou. This disappointed Tang Ning. He didn't even know who the enemy was. Who could he seek revenge on?

Every time he went out, Peng Chen followed him not far behind, and Tang Yaoyao usually followed him and Fang Xiaopang to exercise together.

Fang Xiaopang's desperate way of losing weight is wrong. Although dieting or excessive exercise can indeed help lose a lot of weight in a short period of time, it is not healthy.

She now only runs for half an hour every morning and evening, and pays more attention to nutritional balance when eating. In addition, she also does some anaerobic and aerobic exercises taught by Tang Ning. Although the effect is slower than before, it will not harm the body.

After exercising in the morning, she and Fang Xiaopang have breakfast in front of the shop of the third uncle.

Liu Laoer holds a bun in his mouth. After swallowing it in a few bites, he looks at Tang Ning and says with a smile: "Boss, we got another street yesterday."

Liu Laoer originally called him "Young Master". Since Tang Ning gave him a large sum of silver and asked him to establish the Beggars' Gang and recruit beggars from Lingzhou, his name for Tang Ning has changed.

If the Beggars' Gang is the largest gang in the world, this "Gang Leader" will naturally be very impressive, but now the Beggars' Gang is only a beggar group of about a hundred people. This Gang Leader seems to be useless.

In order to avoid beggars coming up to him and saluting him wherever he went, except for Liu Laoer and a few key members around him, the beggars in Lingzhou only knew that they had a gang leader, but they didn't know who the gang leader was.

Liu Laoer ate a bun, wiped his mouth, and said, "Gang leader, a brother in our gang seemed to have seen the person who attacked you in the alley that morning a few months ago. Although they were all covered at the time, one of them was bald, and his left foot was a little lame, and there was a scar on his forehead. I have asked my brothers to keep an eye on him."

Tang Ning put down his chopsticks, looked at him, and asked, "Where is he?"

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