Fortunate Young Gentleman

Chapter 113: Talking about Wine on the Street

"Young man, you are such a good person." The old beggar took the piece of silver, looked at Tangning, and said seriously: "Good people are rewarded, and the gods will bless you."

After saying that, she clutched the broken piece of silver tightly, as if she was worried that Tang Ning would regret it, and immediately turned around and left, striding towards a wine shop not far away.

Tangning shook his head, sat in front of his third uncle's shop, and asked Qiao'er to help him get a bowl of yogurt. When he picked up the spoon, he saw Butcher Zheng's daughter Nannan standing next to him, looking at him eagerly. .

Tangning looked at her and asked, "Want to eat?"

The little girl nodded, shook her head, and turned to look at Butcher Zheng in the shop next to her.

Tangning handed her the bowl of yogurt and said, "Eat it."

"Thank you, brother." The little girl picked up the spoon and ate it in small bites.

Tang Ning took another bowl of yogurt, turned to look at Butcher Zheng, and asked casually, "Senior, is the new knife still good to use?"

"Easy to use, easy to use." Butcher Zheng looked at him and said with a smile: "I am just a butcher of pigs and sells meat. Don't call me senior."

Although he said this, Tang Ning knew very well that this butcher selling meat on the street was a true martial arts senior.

He asked Li Tianlan that the assassin who escaped on the long street that day was already top-notch in martial arts. With an ordinary butcher knife, he could kill the top assassin with one blow and leave one of his arms behind. Belongs to the lonely type of master.

If Peng Chen had the strength of Butcher Zheng, Tang Ning wouldn't have to worry so much now.

It's a pity that Senior Zheng seemed unwilling to talk about those things. If Tangning mentioned it again, it would only offend people. She stopped continuing the topic and concentrated on eating his yogurt.

The old beggar quickly walked out of the wine shop. The piece of silver was enough to fill his wine gourd.

He leaned against the corner, opened the wine gourd, took a sip, and then narrowed his eyes with an expression of enjoyment on his face.

After a long time, he smacked his lips and took out a broken bowl from his arms. After pouring half of the bowl of wine, he motioned to Tangning and said, "Young man, would you like a bowl?"

Tang Ning shook his head. He didn't drink alcohol before. After coming here, he tasted the wine here. The alcohol content was not high, but the taste was pretty good. It could be drank as a drink.

Of course, the reason why he doesn't drink now is that the bowl the old beggar holds the wine in is extremely dirty, and he is the only one who doesn't dislike himself.

The old beggar drank all the wine in the bowl and sighed: "Young man, you don't understand wine yet. When you are a few decades older, you will know how good wine is..."

This old beggar really loves wine as much as his life. He has nothing to do. Tang Ning looked at him and asked casually, "Does this old man know a lot about wine?"

"Remove that "?"." The old beggar glanced at him and said disdainfully: "I haven't drunk any wine there. I drank all the wine from your Chen country decades ago, and the nectar white wine from Lingzhou." , The Capital’s Thousand Days Drunk is considered to be the best wine, and the Royal Palace’s Royal Wine is better than them, but this thing is difficult to make and takes too much effort..."

When talking about this topic, the old beggar obviously became interested and kept talking: "The wine in Chu State is average, there is no top-quality wine. I don't want to mention the others..."

"When it comes to the best wine, I still think that Liang Guo's Bamboo Leaf Green is the strongest and mellowest. That is the wine that men should drink. After one sip, it is like poison entering the throat, the throat is burning, and the intestines in the abdomen are pierced and rotten. But it has an endless aftertaste..."

Having said this, he sighed, with a sad look on his face, and sighed: "It's a pity that the Liang Kingdom has been destroyed for nearly ten years. From then on, there will be no more green bamboo leaves in the world..."

Drinking alcohol makes your throat burn and your intestines pierce and rotten. In this world, it should be regarded as the best wine.

Due to the craftsmanship, the alcohol content here is generally not high, which is why there are so many wine masters who claim that they will not get drunk after a thousand cups. If replaced by high-strength liquor of later generations, a thousand cups will not only make you drunk, but also cause gastric perforation.

Distilling high-strength wine is almost a necessary skill for every time traveler to return to ancient times. However, in fact, the simply distilled wine is strong enough, but it lacks the mellow aroma that real wine should have, and is far from the level of fine wine. .

When it comes to drinking, Tang Ning may not be as good as the old beggar, but when it comes to understanding wine, even if he lives for hundreds of years, he won't be able to compare to Tang Ning.

During the work-study program, he did almost everything. During the hottest summer months, he would wear a puppet as tall as one person and stand on the street handing out leaflets. He worked as a tutor, worked at KFC, and made cosmetics. Sales, liquor sales, are no longer familiar with the types of liquor, brewing methods, and their respective characteristics.

He didn't know what the old beggar said was true or false, and he listened absentmindedly. Whether it was Ganlubai or Qianrizui, he was not interested in it. In order for the Beggar Gang to develop and grow, and to become formal, it would take a lot. For money, maybe you can consider improving the brewing process and try to brew some of the famous wines of later generations...

He can't handle this matter by himself. The Tang family seems to have opened a wine shop, and the wealth will not go to outsiders. How about discussing it with Tang Yaoyao?

"I'm telling you, this green bamboo leaf..." The old beggar spat as he spoke. When he raised his eyes, he saw Tang Ning's eyes wandering and looking distracted. He frowned and said, "Boy, you don't believe me?"

From the fact that his address to Tangning changed from "young man" to "boy", it was clear that he was really dissatisfied.

Tangning came back to her senses, shook her head and said, "It's not that I don't believe it, it's just that I think it's a bit inappropriate to distinguish fine wines by region and name. I wonder if seniors have ever heard of another way of distinguishing wines?"

The old beggar looked at him and said, "Please tell me."

"Fine wines are distinguished by region or name, rather than by aroma. The aroma is sweet, full-bodied, harmonious in aroma, long in the aftertaste, and fragrant in aromas."

"Elegant and delicate, the wine is rich and mellow, fragrant but not bright, low but not light, it is a sauce-flavor type."

"The cellar aroma is rich, sweet and sweet, with a clean and long tail. It is a strong aroma type."

"The fragrance is mellow, sweet and soft, the aftertaste is refreshing, sweet and refreshing, it is a light fragrance type..."

"You said so much..." The old beggar listened to him in a daze, licked his lips, looked at him, and said, "I didn't understand a word of it."

He shook his head, with a look of disbelief on his face, and said, "You scholars are the best at making up stories. I have lived in Liquor Country for many years, and I have never heard what you said."

"I've never heard of it." Tangning waved her hand and said, "Forget it if you haven't heard of it. Old man, please continue drinking. I have something else to do and I'll leave first..."

The old beggar was about to argue with him, but he didn't expect him to leave immediately. After being stunned for a moment, he immediately said: "Wait a minute!"

Tangning turned around and the old beggar looked at him and said, "Do you have any evidence for what you just said?"

"No." Tangning shook her head and said, "Just say it casually, old man, don't take it seriously."

"How can you just joke about this kind of thing?" The old beggar frowned and looked at him, his face turned solemn, and said, "I don't believe it. You, a young boy who is still young, can actually know more about wine than me?"

He took out a yellowed book from his arms and said: "The few secret books I sold you last time are just fragments. Add this one to the whole book. You can't practice with the fragments alone." In the highest depths, if you can bring out those fine wines you mentioned, I will give this book to you as well..."

Tangning looked at him with wide eyes and said angrily, "You didn't say it was a broken copy at the time!"

"I didn't say it wasn't a broken copy..." The old beggar looked at him, waved his hand and said, "But don't worry, although the secret book is incomplete, there is no harm in practicing it. It's just that you can't practice it to the peak. Wait for you to get it." How about using the full volume to unleash their full power?”

Tang Ning originally thought that although the old beggar was sloppy and full of lies, he was at least honest in doing business, but now her view of him has changed.

He stared at the old beggar and said suspiciously: "Are those dual cultivation secret books also incomplete or fake?"

"Fart, that's a serious sexual intercourse technique..." The old beggar looked at him, puffed his beard, glared, and said angrily: "You are a charlatan!"

Tangning nodded. Judging from what he did, he was indeed a charlatan.

The old beggar looked him up and down, and suddenly said: "Whether that double cultivation secret book is true or false, it shouldn't make much difference to you, right?"

Tangning looked at him and asked, "What do you mean?"

"You are still a child, and your yang has not disappeared, right?"


The old beggar's eyes seemed to be filled with amusement, and he tsked: "Your wife is so beautiful, and you have been married for so long, and yet you are still a child... Isn't it impossible for you?"

Tangning turned around quickly and strode away.

The old beggar waved to him and shouted: "Don't leave. I also have a kidney-strengthening technique here. I can sell it to you cheaply. It only costs ten taels of silver..."

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