Fortunate Young Gentleman

Chapter 117 Leave it to me

Although the old beggar was a bit cunning, he was not completely black-hearted. At least he did not sell him fake goods.

Tang Ning threw all the secret books and mental methods to Tang Yaoyao. The meridians and acupuncture points were too difficult for him to understand. It was better to wait until she had practiced well and then teach him step by step. This was the most time-saving and labor-saving method.

The winemaking workshop was ready. The Tang family had an idle workshop in Lingzhou, and even the rent was saved. He and Tang Yaojing's business of making money had now officially entered the preparation stage.

Although several winemaking masters were skeptical about the brewing method he provided, they were also looking forward to those new theories. After brewing wine for a lifetime, they also hoped to make some breakthroughs.

After the preliminary preparations were done, the rest was a long wait. It should be around the end of next year when we can drink the first batch of new wine.

By the time everything in the workshop was on track, it was already the middle of the twelfth lunar month.

At the beginning of the month, Lingzhou had a snowfall. Although it was not heavy, the temperature began to drop sharply after that.

Uncle San's breakfast shop opened half an hour later in the morning, and the business of the shop was also affected. In the early morning of winter, few people were willing to come out early.

It snowed again last night. Tang Ning got up in the morning, picked up a broom, and swept the thin layer of snow in the yard to the corner of the wall. After exercising for a while, there was a knock on the door.

He opened the door, and Fang Xiaopang squeezed in from outside, handed a food box to Tang Ning, then put his hand to his mouth, blew a few breaths, and said: "I just bought it outside, eat it while it's hot."

Tang Ning opened the food box, and the buns inside were still steaming.

The weather was very cold. Although Fang Xiaopang's hands were frozen red, a layer of fine sweat beads appeared on his forehead. His hair was stuck to his temples. I don't know how many laps he had just run around the Fang Mansion.

In just two months, she has lost a lot of weight. Of course, compared with girls of ordinary age, she is still much fatter, but compared with her two months ago, it is a world of difference.

Her perseverance and persistence greatly exceeded Tang Ning's expectations.

Since the last assassination, the Fang family has been keeping a tighter watch on her. The number of guards around her has increased several times, and her time to go out has been restricted.

She sat in the courtyard for a while, and Tang Ning sent her back.

He carried two jars of wine in his hand. These days, he had promised the old beggar a jar every three days, and he had never stopped.

Since the snow fell in the twelfth month and the temperature dropped sharply, there have been fewer beggars on the streets. When it is cold in winter, they usually choose to hide in the ruined temples or caves outside the city to resist the wind and cold, but even so, there are still many beggars who freeze to death or starve to death in Lingzhou every winter.

Liu Laoer used part of the start-up funds of the Beggars' Gang to gather the beggars in the city and built a shack outside the city. Although the shack is simple, it can shelter from the wind and rain. All Beggars' Gang disciples can live in it, and each person can get two bowls of white porridge and two steamed buns every day.

The old beggar did not join the Beggars' Gang. The severe cold weather did not seem to have any effect on him. He looked even more energetic than before. When Tang Ning came over, he was sitting under the eaves of his uncle's shop and taking a nap.

Before Tang Ning approached, his eyes suddenly opened, grinned, and said happily: "It's an hour early today..."

Tang Ning handed him two jars of wine. After the old beggar took it, he was surprised and said: "Why are there two jars today? I'm so embarrassed..."

After that, he hid one jar behind his back, opened another jar, drank a sip quite intoxicatedly, and said: "It's so comfortable to drink this in such a cold day!"

Tang Ning looked at him and reminded him: "These two jars of wine, senior, drink sparingly, they will be gone after you finish them."

"What?" The old beggar was shocked when he heard this, and looked at him and asked: "It will be gone after you finish drinking it, you won't send me any more in the future "You promised it at the beginning. The butcher can testify that scholars do not lie. Do you want to go back on your word?"

"That's a monk."

"It's the same anyway..."

"I said at the beginning that as long as I'm in Lingzhou, I can often send you wine like this." Tang Ning looked at him and explained, "But in half a month, I will leave Lingzhou and go to the capital, so I won't be able to send you wine anymore."

Tang Ning originally planned to wait until the Lantern Festival before leaving, but it is said that this winter, several states have heavy snow and the roads are difficult to travel. In order to prevent delays, his father-in-law asked him to set off immediately after the New Year.

In total, he only has half a month left in Lingzhou.

"Go to the capital?" The old beggar put down the wine jar, looked at him and asked, "Why don't you stay in Lingzhou? Why go to the capital? Did your father-in-law get promoted?"

Tang Ning shook his head and said, "I'm going to the capital to take the exam."

"What's good about being an official? You have to be tied up and look back and forth. It's better to be a beggar..." The old beggar shook his head and said, looking at him and asked, "Where did you buy your wine?"

"I didn't buy it." Tang Ning shook his head and said, "This is a secret that cannot be passed on. I promised others that I can't pass it on. But don't worry, old senior, Lingzhou will have new wine for sale in a year. It will be stronger and more mellow than the one I gave you. You just have to wait patiently."

"One year?" The old beggar stared at him and asked, "What will I drink in this year?"

Tang Ning looked at him and said in surprise, "What did you drink before, and what do you drink now? Isn't Ganlubai not bad?"

"I'm used to your wine. Now I'd rather drink water than nectar!" The old beggar looked at him and suddenly said: "Why don't you sell me your secret technique? I'll trade it with you for the leg technique." There are boxing skills, sword skills, and sword skills..."

"Scholars don't lie and promise things to others, so how can they break their promises?" Tang Ning shook her head and said, "Furthermore, this secret method involves business secrets and must not be passed on to others. Seniors, please bear with it for a year."

"If you have to endure it for a year..., you might as well let me die!" The old beggar scratched his messy hair. After thinking about it, he looked at Tangning and suddenly said, "I have a way. You don't have to sell me the secret method." , I have wine to drink, the best of both worlds..."

Tangning looked at him and asked, "What can we do?"

The old beggar immediately said: "You go to the capital, and I will follow you to the capital. I don't want your secret method, so you can just give me a jar of wine every few days as you did before!"

Tangning looked embarrassed: "But I have to review my books and prepare for the provincial exam, so I'm afraid I won't have time..."

The old beggar followed up and said, "I'm not taking advantage of you for nothing. If you have any questions about martial arts, you can ask me. If I'm in a good mood, I'll teach you some unique moves. What do you think?"

Tangning thought for a moment and said, "I'll think about it..."

"What are you still thinking about? I don't know how many people in the martial arts want to get my advice, but I don't even look at them..." The old beggar struck while the iron was hot and said quickly: "I promise that I will never disturb your study!"

Being addicted to anything is not a good thing. A generation of martial arts masters can break the bottom line just for the sake of wine. It’s terrible...

Tang Ning originally didn't want to go to such trouble, but she couldn't resist such an old man's pleading. After thinking for a long time, she nodded and reluctantly said, "Okay then..."

The old beggar immediately stretched out his palm: "High-five!"

Tangning clapped his palms together, sighed, shook his head and left.

"The beautiful scenery of the West Lake, in March, the spring rain is like wine, and the willows are like smoke..."

When she returned to the house again, the depression on Tangning's face had long disappeared, and she walked into the courtyard humming a light tune.

Tang Yaoyao was sitting at the stone table in the courtyard, her head lowered and her face sullen, obviously not in a good mood.

Tangning stepped into the yard and withdrew her foot.

At this time, the Tang Fairy must not be provoked. It is best to hide as far away as possible.


Hearing the voice in her ear, Tangning retracted her foot and stepped in again. She walked to her side and asked, "What's wrong? Is your mindset wrong? I'll go find that old beggar..."

Tang Yaoyao looked at him and said, "My father plans to agree to the Bai family's marriage proposal."

Rich Man Tang is not planning to marry his daughter this time, but to recruit a son-in-law. This Bai family is really willing to embrace the Tang family's lap.

But it's normal to think about it. Rich Man Tang only has such a precious daughter, and the Tang family's huge foundation will definitely be left to her in the end.

Whoever marries her will not only get a fair-skinned, beautiful wife with long legs and a slim waist, but also a rich Tang family fortune. This kind of good thing is something that even Tang Ning can't control if she thinks about it.

This is the real way to win Bai Fumei, become CEO, reach the pinnacle of life casually, marry Miss Tang, and save a lifetime of struggle. Ordinary people will laugh out of their dreams when they encounter such a good thing.

Tang Yaoyao looked up at him and asked, "Why are you laughing?"

"It's nothing..." Tangning shook her head, patted her chest, and promised, "Don't worry, your marriage will be taken care of by me."

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