Fortunate Young Gentleman

Chapter 135: Fame in the Capital

Xiao Jue looked away from his torn skirt and said, "You guys, what we were talking about just now... was quite intense."

They actually didn't talk much. In the room just now, Su Mei played a song for him first, and then the two of them have been playing cards until now.

Originally, he wanted to play some exciting games of flying chess, but when Su Mei picked up the dice and shook it casually a few times, he gave up the idea.

When it comes to shaking the sieve, perhaps only Tang Yaoyao is her opponent.

However, the process of playing cards was quite intense. Su Mei went from not understanding the rules to becoming familiar with the routines, and became more and more into the state. Tang Ning's victory in the next few games was very doubtful, and the last one even made her overturn. This involved There are many psychological battles, which are extremely tense and exciting.

"Okay, it's getting late. If you don't go back, the old man at home will be nagging you." Xiao Jue waved to him and said, "I'll come see you tomorrow."

Tang Ning thought for a while and said, "Not tomorrow. I have to study tomorrow. I have to take the provincial exam soon, so I have to hurry up."

Li Tianlan walked over and said, "I'll go find you tomorrow morning."

"Okay." Tangning nodded and said, "Come here early tomorrow and I'll ask them to prepare a breakfast for you."

In the bustling streets of the capital, Xiao Fu followed Xiao Jue for a long time and finally couldn't help but ask: "Young Master, does this Young Master Tang's identity seem to be unusual?"

"What does that have to do with anything?" Xiao Jue crossed his hands and put them behind his head, and said nonchalantly: "I regard him as a friend, not because of his family background, but just friends with similar temperaments, no matter what his status is. …”

Xiao Fu thought for a while and said, "But the temperaments of the young master and Mr. Tang... seem to be very different."

"Are you doubting me?" Xiao Jue turned around, kicked his butt angrily, and asked, "What kind of identity am I, Xiao Jue, am I capable of plotting against him?"

Xiao Fu patted his butt and asked doubtfully: "I heard Mr. Tang said some secret book..."

"Do you care?" Xiao Jue kicked his butt again and said angrily: "From now on, you are not allowed to speak. If you say one more word, your legs will be broken!"

Xiao Jue put his hands behind his head again. Thinking of Tang Ning's damaged skirt, a thoughtful expression appeared on his face. After a moment, he couldn't help but ask, "What did he and Miss Su do during that hour?"

No one answered.

"Xiao Fu?" Xiao Jue frowned and asked, "Where did you die?"

Xiao Fu hurriedly ran in front of him and said, "It's the young master who doesn't let me speak."

Xiao Jue thought for a while and kicked him on the butt: "Then you still say it!"

The capital, a brothel somewhere.

Liu Li knocked on the door, pushed the door open and went in. He didn't dare to look at the figure on the bed, lowered his head and said: "Second Young Master, someone saw them entering the Red Sleeve Pavilion. No wonder we searched all the inns and couldn't find it... "

"Hongxiu Pavilion?" Tang Zhao looked calm and asked: "Hongxiu Pavilion is not an inn, so why can they hide in Hongxiu Pavilion?"

Liu Li lowered his head and said, "I have asked Chang Yue to check."

"No need to check." Tang Zhao waved his hand and said: "I don't want to know how he lived in Hongxiu Pavilion. Now that I have found him, you know what to do in the future, right?"

Liu Li nodded immediately and said, "Don't worry, Second Young Master, I will make arrangements as soon as possible."

Tang Zhao waved his hand, and Liu Li immediately exited, closing the door behind him.

He stood outside the door and breathed a long sigh of relief.

"Tang Ning..." He murmured the name, looked back again, and turned to leave.

After shopping for most of the night yesterday, it was already midnight when I returned to Hongxiu Pavilion.

On the night of the Shangyuan Dynasty, there were also many guests in Hongxiu Pavilion. Although it was not as good as Tianranju, the two places were different types of places. The "elegance" of Tianranju was only reflected in the couplet, while the elegance of Hongxiuge Pavilion, It is truly elegant and the environment is quiet and peaceful, just like a paradise in the noisy capital city.

Like Tiantianju, Hongxiuge Pavilion was also open for business last night.

After Tang Ning went to bed last night, the sound of silk and bamboo kept lingering in his ears, which kept him from falling asleep very late.

But he didn't stay in bed in the morning. He made an appointment with Li Tianlan for breakfast today, and then helped him with tutoring and policy making. As soon as Shangyuan passed, he had to prepare well for the provincial examination.

Hongxiu Pavilion was busy all night yesterday. It will be closed for the day today and will not welcome guests again until tomorrow morning.

Although he didn't have to entertain guests, when he went downstairs, he saw that the girls in the building had also gotten up early. When Tangning came down the stairs, they all looked at him.

He couldn't help but pause in his steps. The first thought in his mind was whether his face had not been washed clean. He also thought that he had looked carefully when he came out just now and there should be no dirt, so he walked down with confidence.

Shopkeeper Xu stepped forward and said apologetically: "Sir, did I disturb you last night?"

Tang Ning shook her head and said, "It's okay, isn't Miss Li here yet?"

Shopkeeper Xu shook his head and said, "Not yet."

Peng Chen and the old beggar had already gotten up to have breakfast, which made Tangning a little embarrassed. He was the last one to get up every day.

"Sir, have some tea."

As soon as he sat down, a woman came over and helped him fill his tea cup.

"Thank you." Tang Ning nodded to her. The girl in Hongxiuge Pavilion was a prostitute rather than a prostitute. This girl named Chu Chu had served him tea and water and said a few words in the past two days.

After she helped Tang Ning fill his cup with water, she did not leave but stood behind him.

Tang Ning looked back at her and said, "Miss Chuchu, go and do your thing. If there is anything, I can do it myself."

Miss Chuchu looked at him and suddenly took out a small booklet from her sleeve. She looked at him and smiled and said, "Mr. Tang, can you write your name on it?"

Tang Ning looked at her in confusion. Was she asking for his signature?

Although signatures have existed since ancient times and were not invented by later generations, he was not a celebrity or a great calligrapher. What was the point of asking for his signature...

He opened the booklet and found that the booklet contained the ten poems from yesterday. In addition, the two poems "Lime Chant" and "Bodhisattva Man" were also included.

The poems that were published last night were actually in a booklet after only one night?

"Okay, Chuchu, you dare to eat alone behind our backs..." A dissatisfied voice came from the back, and another woman came over, glared at Miss Chuchu, and when she looked at Tang Ning, she smiled and said, "Mr. Tang, can you help me sign one too?"

"I want one too, I want one too..."

"And me..."


A series of crisp and tender voices came, and Tang Ning was instantly drowned in waves of fragrance.

The old beggar looked up and saw Tang Ning sitting opposite him, but he could no longer see him.

His face showed envy, he drank the wine in the glass, smacked his lips, and sighed...

Not far away, Shopkeeper Xu was sitting at the counter watching this scene, and shook his head with some regret.

On the night of the Lantern Festival, it was not only Tianranju that used poetry gatherings as a gimmick. Hongxiu Pavilion also had a Lantern Festival poetry gathering. The champion of the poetry gathering would be treated with certain preferential treatment by Hongxiu Pavilion.

But the champion of the poetry contest selected by Hongxiu Pavilion last night was far inferior to that young master Tang.

The comparison of poems is not limited to major poetry contests. On the night of the Lantern Festival, people will make a general ranking of the poems circulated in major poetry contests. It is very likely that the works of the champion of a poetry contest will not even be qualified to be on the list.

But one person's works occupy the top ten, which is also unprecedented in history.

This is enough to make him famous in the capital overnight.

"What a pity..."

Shopkeeper Xu shook his head. Obviously they are his own people, but those good poems eventually fell into the hands of Tianranju. Even if he gave them one or two poems...

There was some regret on his face. He took out a pen and paper and started writing a letter.

He needed to confirm the identity of this young master Tang and report his actions in the capital in the past few days.

Although he had only been in the capital for two days, he had already become famous on the night of the Lantern Festival with ten poems handed down from generation to generation. Within a few days, his name would spread throughout the capital.

In addition, he also won the opportunity to spend an hour alone with Miss Su Meisu, a famous beauty in the capital, which made others envious...

I don't know what they did in that hour?

Also, he has a friend in the capital. He and Miss Li seem to have a close relationship. What's the girl's name...I think it's Li Tianlan?

Yes, it should be Li Tianlan.


After writing, Shopkeeper Xu sealed the envelope, walked out of the counter, handed it to a clerk, and said: "This letter will be sent to Lingzhou as soon as possible..."

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