Fortunate Young Gentleman

Chapter 140: Domineering Su Fox

The young man named Xu Shou looked a little unhappy. It would be fine if Su Mei didn't see him. After all, she rarely agreed to appointments with other people, and even if she did, it was just to show her face in front of others.

But when he made an appointment to meet her, she became "unwell" and then went into someone else's room. Didn't this make it clear that Xu Shou was not qualified to meet her? Where should he put his face in front of these friends?

Xu Shou looked at Liu Li and asked, "Who is in the room?"

Liu Li shook his head and said, "I didn't see clearly. Maybe my eyes were wrong just now. Maybe that was not Miss Su Mei just now."

He smiled and said, "Don't worry about this, everyone. Let's drink and eat. It's rare that Brother Xu is treating us today, so don't be polite to him."

Xu Shou knew it was Liu Li who was stepping down the steps for him. He sat back down and a servant standing behind him immediately filled his glass with wine.

Xu Shou looked at the servant standing aside and said, "Stand at the door and watch to see if the person who comes out after a while is Su Mei."

"Yes, sir."

The servant nodded and immediately withdrew.

In another room, when Su Mei filled up the wine for him with her own hands, Tang Ning picked up the wine glass, wondering whether he should drink it.

He often beat her at cards, and often asked her to put notes on his face. Su Mei was talking about the humiliation she suffered today, and she would repay it in the future. She didn't know whether it meant on the poker field or some other field.

This woman seemed to be the type to retaliate. Although she didn't poison his wine, she didn't know if she had added any ingredients secretly.

After thinking about it carefully, she felt that it shouldn't be the case. Tangning took a sip and said, "Thank you, Miss Su. I can do it myself."

The old beggar looked at his empty wine glass, shook his head, and poured it for himself.

Su Mei looked at them and said, "You guys eat slowly. If you have anything to do, just tell the servants. I'll go down and get busy first."

Tangning wanted her to leave as soon as possible and said, "Miss Su, go and do your work. Don't worry about us."

Su Mei glanced at him and walked out of the room.

The little maid behind her looked at her, thought for a moment, and asked, "Miss, why are you so nice to that guy?"

Su Mei looked at her and asked, "Is there any?"

The little maid nodded vigorously.

"Be nice to him so that he can play cards with me..." Su Mei sighed and said, "These days, there are not many people who can play cards with me..."

The little maid nodded in understanding. In another room, the servant walked into the room, walked up to Xu Shou, and whispered: "Master, the person who walked out of the room is indeed Miss Su Meisu."

Xu Shou picked up the wine glass, drank the wine in the glass, and asked: "Who is in the room?"

The servant immediately said: "I have found out clearly that the person in the room is the leader of the Lantern Festival Poetry Club."

"The leader of the Lantern Poetry Club, that crazy poet?" Xu Shou frowned, turned to look at the people on the table, and asked, "What is this person's background?"

"I'm not sure about the specifics." Liu Li thought for a while and said, "It is said that he came from Lingzhou. He tried to solve the Yuan Dynasty in the state and won the title from the second young master of Tang Dynasty. He wrote very good poems."

Liu Li looked at him and said, "Don't mess around. He was with Young Master Xiao that night. It is said that he is a friend of Young Master Xiao. There is no need to offend Young Master Xiao for someone who has nothing to do with him."

Xu Shou smiled and said: "Don't worry, this is the capital, how could I mess up? Besides, I have nothing to do with offending Young Master Xiao. The small Wu'an Marquis Mansion cannot afford to offend Duke Dingguo Mansion."

After he finished speaking, he waved to a servant behind him, "Come here."

The food in Tiantian Ju tasted really good. The old beggar let out a long wine burp, wiped his mouth carelessly with his sleeve, and lay down comfortably on the chair.

After all, he was a martial arts master. Tang Ning once suggested to him that he should change his image and pay for the clothes, but the old beggar refused without even thinking about it.

Later, Tang Ning let him go, but threatened him by saying that he had no wine to drink. He could be sloppy, but he couldn't be dirty, and he couldn't pick his feet while eating. Although the old beggar was reluctant, but his weakness was caught, he also Had to give in.

He still looks a little sloppy now, but he doesn't smell bad. However, his behavior of wiping his mouth with his sleeve may not be able to change for a while.

Tangning shook her head and said, "Are you full? Come back when you are full."

Although he could eat and drink for free in Tiantianju with the brand Su Mei gave him, but if he really relied on this brand to eat and drink here for free every day------the old beggar was shameless, and Tang Ning would still have to pay for it. .

From now on, she would come to Tianju less often for meals, which also meant she could have less entanglements with Su Mei. Tang Ning always felt that this woman was not that simple.

He and the old beggar Peng Chen walked downstairs, and a young woman walked in outside the door.

Tang Ning passed by the woman. The woman suddenly stopped and turned her head to look at him. Tang Ning saw a moment of hesitation in her eyes.

But it was only for a moment.

A moment later, the woman fell to the ground, hugging Tang Ning's legs, and said in a crying voice: "You heartless person, just leave at your word, how can we, mother and son, live..."

At this time, almost every table downstairs was filled with guests. After the woman's sad voice sounded, countless eyes looked over at her.

"what happened?"

"Who is that woman?"

"That person seems to be the leader of the Lantern Festival Poetry Club, Lingzhou Jieyuan Tangning."

"He is the crazy poet?"


Everyone looked at this side with doubtful eyes. Tang Ning raised his eyebrows slightly, looked down at the woman, and asked: "Did the girl recognize the wrong person?"

"Recognized the wrong person?" The woman got up from the ground, pointed at him, and said disappointedly: "We promised to be together forever, how long has it been, and you don't recognize me?"

Tang Ning looked at her and asked: "Do you know my name?"

The woman looked at him and said: "Of course I remember, your name is Tang Ning."

"The girl really recognized the wrong person." Tang Ning looked at her, shook his head, and said: "My name is Peng Chen."

Peng Chen behind him looked up at him.

The woman looked at Tang Ning, a trace of doubt appeared on her face, and at this moment, a voice came from behind.

"When did the champion of the Lantern Festival Poetry Festival, the crazy poet Tang Ning, change his name?"

Tang Ning turned around and saw a young man walking over accompanied by several people. Among the people behind him, Tang Ning saw the son of the Minister of Rites.

When Tang Ning looked at the woman again, he understood what was going on.

It turned out that those foolish dudes in novels who offered themselves up to be slapped in the face were all fake. They actually thought of hiring extras and providing assists at the critical moment...

The woman had come to her senses at this moment. Looking at Tang Ning, her face showed sadness again, and she said loudly: "Even if you turned into ashes, I would recognize you. You said you would marry me, but you have been gone for two years. Do you, do you not want me anymore?"

The faces of the people around him showed expressions of interest.

"Is this..., abandoning after having sex?"

"I didn't expect that the crazy poet would have such a romantic affair..."

"Someone actually came to my house. This is going to be exciting."


Xu Shou came over from the back, looked at Tang Ning, and smiled: "This is what you did wrong, Tang Kuishou. People who study are learning the words of saints and the way to cultivate themselves. How can you do such a thing of abandoning after having sex, which has a beginning but no end?"

Scholars should not only have profound knowledge, but also noble qualities.

The imperial court not only selects talents, but also selects virtues. Most people with major stains in their lives will not have much development in their official careers. The same is true for the imperial examinations. The examiners can completely disqualify people who have passed the examinations because someone has abandoned his wife after having an affair with her.

Xu Shou looked at Tang Ning and shook his head and said, "Even I can't stand what Tang Kuishou did. Today I will make the decision for this girl!"

Even Tang Ning had to admit that throwing dirty water is almost unsolvable.

If you admit it, you will abandon her after having an affair with her. If you don't admit it, you will abandon her after having an affair with her and not repent. Where did these Beijing dandies learn these disgusting methods?

Tang Ning looked at the woman and said seriously, "Girl, I have never met you before and have no grudges against you. Why do you do this?"

The woman's eyes showed a trace of hesitation, which soon became firm. She gritted her teeth and said, "Forget it. If you don't recognize me, I will leave. I will raise the child alone..."

After that, she ran out of the door quickly.

Tang Ning couldn't let her go. If she left, this matter would never be cleared up.

He just took a step forward and stopped.

A figure appeared in front of the woman, blocking her way.

Su Mei looked at the woman and asked, "Who ordered you?"

The woman's face flashed a trace of panic, and she shook her head and said, "What order?"


Su Mei slapped her in the face and asked again, "Who ordered you?"

The woman covered her face, stunned in place, trembling, "No one..."


Su Mei slapped her on the other side of the face again and asked again, "Who ordered you?"



"Who are you..."



Tang Ning had to admit that at this moment, Su Mei was domineering.

The woman's face was swollen on both sides. After being slapped on the face again, her knees softened and she knelt on the ground, saying in a lost voice, "I don't know, I just took the money, I don't know anything..."

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