Fortunate Young Gentleman

Chapter 147: Justice for You [Fourth Update]

Emperor Chen asked, Ling Yun bowed his head slightly and said truthfully: "Your Majesty, Doctor Tang was taken out of the prison by me and Lord Fang."

"Prison?" Emperor Chen frowned and asked: "Which prison?"

Ling Yun said: "Ping'an County Prison."

Emperor Chen looked at him and asked: "He is the champion of a state and has my jade belt on him. Why was he put in prison?"

Ling Yun shook his head and said: "I was in a hurry to take Doctor Tang back to the palace and didn't ask much."

Emperor Chen thought for a while and said: "You go and investigate this matter yourself."

Ling Yun bowed and said: "I obey your order!"

He was also a little confused in his heart. As a juren, as long as the crime he committed was not serious, he would not be taken to prison. Moreover, he had the jade belt bestowed by His Majesty. Even if he committed a serious crime, as long as he showed it to others, the Ping'an County Magistrate would not dare to put him in prison even if he had the courage. With these two prerequisites, he saved the concubine, so it is no wonder that His Majesty would take this case seriously.

An eunuch came from a distance and said respectfully: "Your Majesty, Divine Doctor Tang is already waiting in the Imperial Study."

Emperor Chen nodded and said: "Move to the Imperial Study."

In the Imperial Study, Emperor Chen had not arrived yet, and Tang Ning was standing alone in the hall.

There was a middle-aged eunuch in the front, who was also chubby. Judging from his body shape, you can tell that his status among the eunuchs would not be very low.

There were calligraphy and paintings hanging on the three walls of the study, and the price was probably not cheap. Tang Ning didn't know much about calligraphy and paintings. After taking a look, he lowered his head again and waited at ease.

The medical books that the old dean asked him to read in the past were not read in vain. It turned out that the sense of accomplishment of curing diseases and saving lives was completely different from copying poems.

If there is a chance in the future, I must learn a few more tricks from Divine Doctor Sun. Even if it is not for saving people, it is good for self-protection.

The door of the Imperial Study was pushed open, and Tang Ning heard footsteps coming from behind.

It was not until a figure came to the front that he bowed and said, "Student pays respect to His Majesty!"

"No need to be polite." Emperor Chen sat on the chair, looking at Tang Ning, with a satisfied look on his face. When he turned his eyes to the imperial physician who followed him in, his face darkened and he said, "The Imperial Hospital, with more than a dozen imperial physicians, almost delayed the treatment of Concubine Shu. Tell me, what crime should you be punished for!"

"I am guilty!" The imperial physician's knees softened and he knelt on the ground.

Tang Ning thought for a moment, then bowed and said, "Your Majesty, I have something to say."

Emperor Chen looked at him, his expression eased, and said, "Go ahead."

Tang Ning raised his head and said, "Your Majesty, the Imperial Hospital is responsible for the condition of Concubine Shu, but the bigger fault lies in the prescription and the medical book that records the prescription. For the sake of the people of the world, please urge the Imperial Hospital to correct the prescription as soon as possible to avoid delaying more patients."

"Although this is the case, the Imperial Hospital cannot escape blame." Emperor Chen nodded, looked at the Imperial Physician, and said, "It almost delayed Concubine Shu's condition. All the doctors in the Imperial Hospital will be fined for one year to serve as a warning to others."

The Imperial Physician knelt on the ground and said loudly, "Thank you, Your Majesty!"

After the Imperial Physician left, Emperor Chen looked at Tang Ning and said, "Today is all thanks to you. Tell me, how do you want me to reward you?"

Tang Ning opened his mouth, but didn't know how to start.

How can you directly ask someone what reward they want? If he wants a top scholar, will he give it to him? If he wants a first-rank official position, will he confer it? If he wants millions of taels of silver, he certainly won't give it to him. He can't give anything and still pretends to be so generous...

He cupped his hands and said, "It is the duty of a doctor to cure diseases and save lives. I don't want any reward."

"I didn't expect you to have a kind heart as a doctor." Emperor Chen looked at him and said, "But I have always rewarded those who have made contributions and punished those who have made mistakes. You will not lose any reward."

Tang Ning didn't respond. Just be polite. If he really didn't give the reward, wouldn't his trip be in vain?

Emperor Chen looked at him and changed his tone, saying: "However, a tree that stands out in the forest will be destroyed by the wind. You are about to take the provincial examination. If I reward you again and again, it may have the opposite effect. I will remember this reward for you and wait until you take the examination."

After promising for a long time, it turned out to be a blank check. Tang Ning could only nod and say: "It's all up to your majesty."

Emperor Chen looked at him and asked: "Why were you arrested and taken to the county government today? Why didn't you show me the jade belt I gave you?"

"The son of Wu'an Marquis had his leg broken on the street last night. The magistrate of Ping'an County suspected that it was done by the student and asked the student to go to the county government to answer questions." Tang Ning raised his head and said: "The student believed that the county magistrate would give the student justice and handle the case impartially, so he did not show the jade belt. I didn't expect..."

"I didn't expect him to put you in jail directly?" Emperor Chen frowned , and then asked: "The son of Marquis Wu'an broke his leg, why would the county government suspect you?"

Tang Ning said truthfully: "To be honest with your majesty, I was framed in Tianranju last night and had a misunderstanding with the son of Marquis Wu'an. It is normal for the county magistrate to suspect me."

He thought for a while and said: "As for the county magistrate's putting me in jail first, maybe he was busy with official duties. The prisoners in the cell who wanted to beat me should not have been arranged by the county magistrate..."

"Asshole!" Emperor Chen slapped the table, looked at him, and said: "You go back first, no need to go to the county government again. I will have someone investigate this case thoroughly and give you justice."

Tang Ning bowed and said: "I thank your majesty!"

After he left the imperial study, Emperor Chen's face darkened and said: "Marquis Wu'an is not enough to make the magistrate of Ping'an take such a big risk..."

After being escorted out of the palace by an eunuch, Tang Ning looked at the sky and thought he should be able to go back in time for dinner.

Fang Hong stood outside the palace gate waiting for him, pointed to a carriage and said, "I'll take you back."

Before Tang Ning had time to get on the carriage, he was surrounded by a group of people.

Many imperial doctors, led by the Imperial Physician, bowed deeply to him. The Imperial Physician looked at him and said, "Thank you, Doctor Tang, for your kind words just now in the Imperial Study!"

"No need to call me Doctor Tang." Tang Ning waved his hand and said, "I'm not a doctor, and I just told the truth. Lord Chen doesn't have to do that."

The Imperial Physician shook his head and said, "Even so, I still have to thank Mr. Tang for resolving the crisis of my Imperial Hospital."

"It's just a little help, don't take it to heart." Tang Ning smiled and got on the carriage.

Watching the carriage leave, the Imperial Physician withdrew his gaze, looked at Ling Yihong, breathed a sigh of relief, and said: "Lord Ling, this time thanks to you..."

Someone echoed: "At first I didn't believe that Doctor Tang was Lord Ling's uncle, I was really short-sighted..."

"If it weren't for Lord Ling, my Imperial Hospital would be in danger this time..."


Safe County Office.

Ever since the departure of the Imperial Guards leader and Minister Fang, Chang Yan has never let go of his worries.

He actually arrested the person summoned by His Majesty in person and put him in jail. It seems that he has delayed something very important. How can he let go of his worries?

If he really delayed His Majesty's important matter, let alone his official hat, even his head can still grow safely on his head.

Until now, he can only pin his hopes on that person's broad mind and will not complain to His Majesty------but that person doesn't look like a broad-minded person!

He was pacing in the back hall of the county government office when a yamen runner ran in quickly and said, "Sir, Marquis Wu'an is here!"

"Marquis Wu'an, Marquis Wu'an, it's all Marquis Wu'an's fault!" Chang Yan was angry when he mentioned Marquis Wu'an. If it wasn't for his son, how could things have gotten to this point!

Chang Yan waved his hand and said, "If you don't see me, just say I'm not here!"

"Why, how did this marquis offend County Magistrate Chang?" As soon as he finished speaking, a gloomy voice came from the door.

Chang Yan was stunned, with an embarrassed look on his face, and glared at the yamen runner fiercely.

Marquis Wu'an didn't continue the previous topic, but walked straight over, looked at Chang Yan and asked, "Where is he?"

Chang Yan said with some annoyance, "He's gone..."

Marquis Wu'an was stunned, looked at him, and said angrily, "What, he's gone!"

Chang Yan was about to answer, but he saw that the imperial guard general who left in the morning had returned, and behind him, there were two teams of imperial guards.

His face turned pale, and he collapsed to the ground powerlessly. [This chapter was first published on Ai. You. Voice. Novel Network, please remember the URL]

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