Fortunate Young Gentleman

Chapter 152: One Step to Heaven [3rd Update]

After several contacts, Tang Ning probably understood that Su Mei's love of playing cards was not out of a gambler's mentality. After all, their method of punishment was to post notes. If she lost, she would just have a blank slate on her face, and if she won, she wouldn't get anything.

This is probably a way for her to relax or have fun. This is an unpredictable woman. Tangning has no idea how many things she has hidden in her heart.

However, he didn't intend to see through it. A woman's curiosity about a man is often the beginning of her downfall. The same is true for a man's curiosity about a woman. Curiosity kills cats, but it can also kill people.

He sat back at his desk and began to write.

After thinking about it carefully, I decided to write a letter and send it back, briefly explaining my father-in-law's promotion. After all, he was suddenly promoted from the county magistrate of the state to the county magistrate of the capital. In addition to the surprise, I'm afraid he was also shocked.

Just mention that it was Fang Hong's recommendation and that he inadvertently saved Concubine Shu, and he should understand.

Xiaoru will definitely come together. In addition, he will also write a letter to tell his third uncle that if they are willing to come to the capital, they will come together. There will also be a letter to arrange things between Liu Laoer and the Beggar Clan...

After the provincial examination at the latest, Xiaoyi and the others would come over. He didn't know when he would be able to return to Lingzhou next time. He felt a little happy, but also felt a little inexplicable.

More than a few.

In the Tang family, Tang Qi paced in the hall and murmured: "The letter sent by the fourth sister should not be false. Concubine Shu was in danger at that time. No wonder His Majesty was so angry and did not give Chang Yan any room to turn around. Although The Ping An County Magistrate is gone, but this at least shows that His Majesty is not targeting our Tang family."

Tang Huai shook his head and said: "If His Majesty was not targeting the Tang family, he would not leave Chang Yan no room at all. This is already a slap on the Tang family. These days, restrain Zhao'er and don't let him outside. It’s chaos.”

"I will confine him at home for a period of time until before the provincial examination." Tang Qi nodded and said, "But Marquis Wu'an is not a generous person. This time his only son broke his leg, but His Majesty reprimanded him. Him, if he couldn't help but do something..."

"If you can't take care of Marquis Wu'an, just take care of yourself." Tang Huai walked to the window, clasped his hands behind his back, looked out the window, and said, "The appointment of Ping'an County Magistrate has been sent out. I'm afraid that His Majesty is not interested in him for saving Shu." One of the rewards given by the concubine. Judging from the current situation, if he performs well in the provincial examination, His Majesty will probably keep him in the capital. "

Tang Qi had a complex look on his face after hearing this. The development of the matter had greatly exceeded their previous expectations.

It was originally thought that he came to the capital quietly and left silently. No one noticed, and no one would think that a candidate named Tang would have anything to do with the Tang family in the capital.

But who could have imagined that on the night of the Shangyuan Dynasty, his ten poems shocked everyone and shocked the entire capital. Everyone knew about his reputation as a poetry madman.

Ping'an County Magistrate Chang Yan also lost his official position because of him. Although the incident in the palace was deliberately suppressed by His Majesty, so that he has not come to the public for the time being, but the new Ping'an County Magistrate is his Taishan, and His Majesty seems to be Deliberately letting him stay in the capital was like a pain in the throat for the Tang family. Sooner or later, the events of more than ten years ago would be brought to the forefront.

Tang Qi raised his head and looked at Tang Huai, and couldn't help but ask: "Did we do something wrong in that matter..."

He was answered with silence.

Lingzhou, Zhongfu.

At the dinner table, Chen Yuxian put some food into Zhong Yi's bowl and asked, "I heard that Yaoyao went to the capital?"

Zhong Yi nodded and said, "I left yesterday."

"Even Yaoyao left..." She and Zhong Yi were the only two people left at the dinner table. Chen Yuxian shook his head and said, "Since Ning'er left, the house suddenly became a lot deserted, and there was no one at the dinner table. ”

Zhong Yi smiled slightly and said, "Dad has been out for a while and should be back soon."

Chen Yuxian thought for a while, looked at her and said, "Let Xiao Ru stay at home to eat from now on. The more people there will be, the more lively it will be."

Zhong Yi put down his chopsticks and looked up at her. After a long time, he nodded gently and said, "Okay."

In the Governor's Mansion, the Chu Governor's family had a new baby, and Lingzhou officials came to congratulate him one after another.

The birth of a new child was a big deal. The concubine added a new child to the Chu family. The Chu governor held a banquet at his house. In addition to the local officials of Lingzhou, the banquet guests also included celebrities in the city.

"Congratulations, Mr. Chu..."

"A small gift is not a sign of respect."

"This is for the young master, Mr. Chu, there is no need to refuse..."

"Don't be polite today, let's drink to your heart's content..." The Governor of Chu drank a lot of wine, and his tone was already a hint of drunkenness. The servants of the Governor's Mansion hurriedly stepped forward to help him.

Among the crowd, Zhong Mingli looked at the sky, stepped forward, and said, "Master Chu, there are still some things going on at the lower official's house..."

"Lord Zhong is leaving now?" Governor Chu glanced at him and said, "Today is my official's wedding. Lord Zhong is leaving just after sitting down for a cup of tea. Could it be that he doesn't want to give me the chance to leave?" face?"

In addition to the smell of alcohol, Chu Governor's words also contained a hint of unexplainable meaning. When the local officials in Lingzhou heard this, they all felt slightly shuddered in their hearts.

Ever since Master Song Qiansong was sentenced to death on Jingdong Road at the beginning of the year and refused the Chu Governor's invitation to a banquet, but visited Magistrate Zhong in person, the Chu Governor's attitude towards Magistrate Zhong has changed somewhat.

The Governor of Chu was the governor of a state and was in charge of Lingzhou. Magistrate Zhong was just the magistrate of a state and county, with several levels of official rank difference. Song Tixing's move undoubtedly greatly reduced the face of the Governor of Chu. If it had been anyone else, I'm afraid it won't feel good.

Everyone also knows that as soon as the Chu Governor arrived in Lingzhou, he wanted to use Magistrate Zhong and Magistrate Zhao to establish his power. As a result, the two men solved the case within one day. When it stood up, it suddenly collapsed.

In addition, when the envoy from the capital came before and His Majesty personally awarded the virtuous son-in-law of the Zhong family, Magistrate Zhong was unparalleled in Lingzhou. He stole the limelight of the Chu governor's dust-washing banquet and made the new governor not even a splash after he took office. No splashing…

Ask yourself, if they were the governor and were always being upstaged by his officials, they would probably feel unhappy.

Zhong Mingli was stunned, then looked at Governor Chu and said, "Master Chu has misunderstood. There is something really wrong at home..."

Governor Chu patted the table and said, "Since it's not the case, then sit down and drink!"

Zhong Mingli looked at him and could only sit back again.

Zhao Zhijie poured a glass of wine for Zhong Mingli and asked, "Why, are you worried that you will be late when you go back and won't be able to enter the room?"

Zhong Mingli took a sip of wine, looked at him, and said disdainfully: "Do you think I am as henpecked as you?"

"Come on, who in Lingzhou doesn't know about your little trouble?" Zhao Zhijie glanced at him with the same disdain and said in a low voice: "However, Chu Governor has been dissatisfied with you for a long time, so you'd better not offend him. Although you have a personal relationship with Mr. Song, he is the governor of Lingzhou after all."

Zhong Mingli remained silent.

The scene just now was seen by everyone, and they couldn't help but sigh in their hearts. The official level is overwhelming. No matter how capable Magistrate Zhong is, no matter how popular he is, he is just Magistrate of Yong'an County. If the Chu Governor deliberately embarrasses him, He could only surrender.

Being capable is not always a good thing. It seems that Mr. Zhong's life will not be easy in the future.

While everyone shook their heads and sighed, several figures walked in from outside.

Seeing the clothes of the two people walking in front, the Lingzhou officials present stood up immediately. Although the others did not know what happened, they also stood up at the same time.

When the governor of Chu saw these two people, he was half awake from the wine. He immediately stepped forward, cupped his hands and said, "What important business do the two envoys have when they come to Lingzhou this time?"

A eunuch looked at him and said, "Of course I'm here to read out the imperial edict."

"Imperial decree?" Chu Governor's expression was startled.

Another eunuch stepped forward and asked, "Where is Mr. Zhong Mingli, the magistrate of Yong'an County?"

Zhong Mingli was stunned for a moment and immediately stepped forward.

The eunuch smiled and said, "Master Zhong, take the order..."

Even though their minds were full of doubts, everyone in the venue, including Governor Chu, saluted.

The eunuch took out the imperial edict and cleared his throat, and soon a high-pitched voice came.

"The imperial edict says: Zhong Mingli, the magistrate of Yong'an County, is honest and virtuous, diligent in government and loves the people. During his time in office, he has made outstanding achievements... and is transferred to the magistrate of Ping'an County. He will take office today. I'm so grateful."

The officials present were stunned.

Zhong Mingli stood there blankly.

The governor of Chu woke up instantly.

The difference between Yong'an County Magistrate and Ping'an County Magistrate is a thousand miles.

One imperial edict, promoted several levels in a row, from prefecture and county magistrate to Beijing county magistrate, this is a step to the sky.

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