Fortunate Young Gentleman

Chapter 164: Talents of the Country

Chapter 164 of the Main Text Volume of Ruyi Little Man: The Talents of the Country "Don't bother cooking small delicacies, and don't bother running a big country..." The two bachelors repeated a few sentences and looked at King Run who took out a small fish. , eyes widened.

The original sentence of this sentence should come from Laozi's masterpiece "Tao Te Ching", "Governing a big country is like cooking small delicacies."

If these words were said by King Duan, King Kang or King Huai, although they would be surprised, they would not be so shocked.

After all, the three of them are one of the three princes whom His Majesty stayed in the capital to personally train. They are the best among all the princes and receive the best education from the royal family.

But the one who said these words just now was the eleven-year-old King Run.

The two bachelors are usually responsible for the homework of the princes, and they know their abilities clearly. Although His Royal Highness Prince Run cannot be called naughty, he has never studied hard and did not even recognize the words. When did he secretly read " Tao Te Ching?

As King Run's mentor, the two of them were even sure that His Highness King Run could not even recognize the words "Governing a big country is like cooking small delicacies".

To be able to say "Don't disturb small things while cooking, don't disturb a big country" is not just as simple as reading the Tao Te Ching. It requires reading it into your heart, and you also need a certain talent to connect it with the principles of governing a country. superior.

Emperor Chen's eyes were even more incredible. He looked at the two bachelors and asked, "Two beloved ministers, did you teach what King Run just said?"

The two men shook their heads quickly and said, "Your Majesty, we have never taught His Highness Prince Run the Tao Te Ching."

Emperor Chen still didn't believe it. Several emperors of the Chen Kingdom all advocated reform. When the throne came to his hands, he also followed the example of the previous emperor and vigorously promoted reform. In the early days of his reign, many reforms were carried out, but he went through many stumbling blocks.

He has been in office for many years and has gone through many twists and turns before finally realizing the truth that "the people should not be troubled". Such a way of governing the country was actually explained by his eleven-year-old son with the help of a few small fishes...

If he had realized this truth in his early years and abandoned those measures that disturbed the people in pursuit of quick success and instant benefits, the national power of Chen State today would have at least reached another level.

A trace of doubt appeared on Chen Huang's face, and he asked: "Yuan'er, who taught you that sentence just now?"

If it weren't for the teachings of the two great bachelors, he would have doubted the intentions of the people behind it.

"No one taught me..." Zhao Yuan had finished eating the last fish and said, "I heard it myself today."

"Where did you hear it?"

"I heard what the man who saved my mother-in-law said." Zhao Yuan said with a look of aggrievedness: "Father, he didn't even give me the assorted pots to eat, and that beautiful sister even scared me to drop my bowl. After a while, let the imperial chef Can you do it for me again..."

Emperor Chen then remembered that last time Tang Ning saved Concubine Shu, he had agreed to Prince Run's request to come to the door in person to express his gratitude yesterday. Although Prince Run was young, he was still stubborn and knew that it was a good thing to be grateful. However, among them, Apparently there was something going on that he didn't know about.

Chen Huang looked out the door and said, "Ling Yun, come in."

Ling Yun strode into the palace, bowed and said, "What are your orders, Your Majesty?"

Emperor Chen looked at him and said, "Tell me exactly what happened when you and Yuan'er went out today."

After Ling Yun was stunned for a moment, he nodded and told everything that happened today.

After a while, Chen Huang's expression softened and he asked, "Did Yuan'er hear it when he was discussing strategies with others?"

"Your Majesty, that is indeed the case."

"Yuan'er doesn't like reading the most on weekdays, but he is actually interested in these things?" Chen Huang seemed to have remembered something, and asked again: "He let Yuan'er eat outside?"

The expression on Ling Yun's face was a little helpless, and he said: "Back to Your Majesty, Tang Jieyuan originally did not intend to give food to Prince Run, but His Highness Prince Run..."

Zhao Yuan looked up at Chen Huang and said sadly while making gestures: "He only gave me half a bowl. The bowl was so small that I dropped it before I could drink the soup..."

Emperor Chen understood what Ling Yun meant without hearing what he said, and felt helpless. Although the other princes and princesses were naughty, none of them were as greedy as him.

There seems to be no one in the Zhao clan like him.

Emperor Chen touched his head and said, "Father, I will ask the imperial kitchen to make it for you again later."

Zhao Yuan immediately beamed.

Chen Huang looked at Ling Yun again and asked, "Do you still remember what they said at that time?"

Ling Yun thought for a while and said: "I only remember that Tang Jieyuan once said that running a big country is like cooking small delicacies, and cooking small delicacies must not be disturbed. When running a big country, don't be troublesome, because trouble will make people work hard, and trouble will cause fish to collapse..."

"Trouble makes people work hard, and disturbance makes fish collapse..." In the hall, an old man thought carefully and nodded: "Although this idea is novel, but if you think about it carefully, it is very reasonable. It is a pity that the ancients' method of cooking fish cannot be used." Otherwise, this sentence in the Tao Te Ching would not have been controversial for so long.”

Another old man pondered for a while before speaking: "Ruling a big country is like cooking small dishes. Although this sentence can be understood as everything is indispensable and everything must be done in moderation, this Tang Jieyuan's explanation seems to be the most consistent with Lao Tzu's explanation. "Governing by doing nothing", if his interpretation is thrown out, it will definitely attract countless approval..."

The old man beside him saluted Emperor Chen and said: "Last year, when several policy papers caused controversy between the DPRK and China, I noticed this person. At that time, I only thought that he focused on practical strategies. I didn't expect that he also had such a high level of knowledge in governing the country. "Yan, now it seems that this is the true talent of the country."

"Although this boy is young, he is indeed very talented. With one policy paper, he saved the national treasury a million silver coins. I didn't expect that he also has great insights on state governance." Emperor Chen helped Zhao Yuan wipe his mouth and asked, "Governing a country is like cooking small fish. Yuan'er, do you think this sentence is right?"

Prince Run nodded vigorously and said, "Yes, I was wondering why the small fish fried in the imperial kitchen were always broken off. It turns out that they didn't understand this principle. This time it tastes much better..."

Emperor Chen smiled, and after a moment, he looked down and said, "Prince Duan, Prince Kang, and Prince Huai are three adult princes. As princes, they only know how to fight for power and profit. They are not as good as a child. I will pass on my order to let them face the wall for three days and reflect on their mistakes!"

When he looked at Prince Run, his eyes became soft, and there was some regret. Although Yuan'er was young and greedy, he had a pure heart and could be cultivated. It was a pity that he was still a little too young.

After a while, Emperor Chen heaved a sigh of relief and asked with a smile: "What is the assorted pot that Yuan'er is talking about?"

Zhao Yuan said with some boasting: "It's just putting all the ingredients together and cooking them. Father, you haven't eaten it before, it's delicious..."

Emperor Chen smiled and said: "Then father, please try it later..."


Before Tang Yaojing came to the capital, all Tang Ning had to do every day was to exchange ideas with Li Tianlan and occasionally play cards with Su Mei to relax.

After Tang Yaojing came to the capital, he could no longer do these things as he pleased.

The provincial exam is approaching, and he should seize the time to review, but for this provincial exam, he actually has nothing to prepare.

There is no need to think about the first round at all. He has memorized all the books long ago, and there will be no problem unless there is a typo.

There is no need to prepare for the second round of poems.

As for the third round of policy essays, he had already read all the books available on the market, including "Thirty Years of Imperial Examination Policy Essays", "One Hundred Secret Papers", "Previous Top Scholars Teach You How to Write Policy Essays" and so on.

Unlike others, he would not forget what he had read, so he did not need to review.

In addition, he had a real top scholar who taught him every day, so now he did not need to spend too much effort on this.

This was Tang Yaojing's first time in the capital. Tang Ning came a few days earlier than her. He had nothing to do, so the job of accompanying her to eat, drink and go shopping fell on him.

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