Fortunate Young Gentleman

Chapter 172 The situation has changed [3rd update]

Tangning paused: "Li Qing..."

Zhong Yi looked at him and said: "Li Qing is Yaoyao's cousin. She has been to Lingzhou once before, but I didn't meet my husband. Three inches of the world."

"Oh, that's such a pity..." Tangning shook her head and said, "You guys chat, I'll go back to Red Sleeve Pavilion to pack my things and leave first."

When he came to Beijing, he packed lightly and didn't need to pack much. The most important things in the room were his banknotes and manuscripts.

However, there were still some books that needed to be brought back, so he went back with Peng Chen.

As my father-in-law was promoted to Pingan County Magistrate this time, his original team was naturally unable to bring him along. When Peng Chen was in Lingzhou, he was alone, without a wife or family, and there was no need to go back this time.

After Tangning packed her luggage, she casually glanced in the direction of the door and saw several figures standing outside, looking around.

Tangning looked at the girls in the pavilion and wondered, "What are you doing standing outside?"

Miss Chu Chu walked in, looked at him, and asked softly: "Is the young master going to move away?"

Tangning nodded and said with a smile, "I'm really sorry for bothering you here for so long."

"It doesn't bother you at all. We are very happy that the young master lives here..."

"Yes, you should come back often to see us!"

"Don't forget us..."

After Tang Ning came to the capital, he actually interacted the most with the girls in the building. After all, they were all in the same building. They looked down without looking up. The girls were also very kind to him. They served him tea and water, and squeezed his shoulders and legs. , even if he refused every time, he still couldn't shirk it.

It seems that since Su Mei came to Red Sleeve Pavilion twice and was ignored by him, their attitude towards him has become better and better.

Although Su Huxu is the most popular woman among the men in the capital, she is also the most hated by the women in the capital...

Thinking of Su Huxu, Tang Ning looked back at Shopkeeper Xu and said, "Shopkeeper, if the room in the building is enough, don't occupy this room yet."

Shopkeeper Xu thought for a while, nodded and said: "Don't worry, sir, I will keep this room for you forever."

Tang Ning smiled and said without further explanation, "Thank you, Shopkeeper Xu."

Shopkeeper Xu quickly waved his hand and said, "It's a trivial matter, sir. You're welcome."

When Tangning left, the window in this room had some tricks done. The window looked closed from the inside, but it could be opened easily from the outside.

This was actually a bit unnecessary, because this window was of no use to Su Hu.

After he moves out, Fairy Tang will no longer conduct surprise inspections, so Su Huhu can safely regard this place as her fox den.

When he said goodbye to the girls, packed up his gifts and returned to the county office, he found that Fang Hong was also there.

"Congratulations to Mr. Zhong on your promotion."

"Thank you, Master Fang, for the recommendation."

"You don't need to thank me, just thank your virtuous son-in-law."

Master Fang was being polite with his father-in-law. Tangning returned to the room to put away her things, and Qing'er asked him to come over for dinner.

We had just moved to the county government office, and the kitchen hadn't been opened yet. All the meals were ordered from restaurants outside, and Fang Hong stayed with him.

Fang Hong sat at the same table with his father-in-law and his third uncle, accompanied by Tang Ning, and his mother-in-law and Xiao Yixiao sat at the same table with Tang Yaoyao.

The third uncle had nothing to say to them and focused all his attention on the food and wine.

Zhong Yi, who had just finished reading the fifth volume of "The West Chamber", looked at Tang Yaoyao and asked: "When will the sixth volume of "The West Chamber" be released?"

Tang Yaoyao counted with his fingers and said: "It seems to be tomorrow, but only Songzhuzhai sells it. If I go there late, it will be sold out..."

"West Wing?" Zhong Mingli looked back, and when he turned his head, he asked with some confusion.

Fang Hong smiled and said, "Master Zhong, you don't know yet. The West Chamber refers to "The Romance of the West Chamber". This book has been selling very well in the capital in recent days. Almost everyone has a copy. Women in the capital are very fond of this book." like."

"Everyone has one copy?" Zhong Mingli was a little surprised when he heard this, and murmured: "If so, this can be regarded as a book."

"Although it is a book, some censors in the imperial court were dissatisfied with the content of the book and criticized it for ignoring etiquette. Some even denounced it as a book of obscenity..." Fang Hong shook his head and said: "Looking at it from this point of view, this This grand occasion won’t last long.”

Tang Ning paused while picking up the food.

Unexpectedly, "The Romance of the West Chamber" attracted the attention of those censors so quickly. He had tried his best to delete the parts that were not suitable for children, but the core and ideas of the book could not be changed. It did deviate from the mainstream of feudal society.

He does not want to awaken young men and women's awareness of free love. In fact, without "The Romance of the West Chamber", there will be substitutes such as "The Romance of the East Chamber" and "The Romance of the South Chamber". If some things have been suppressed for a long time, they will inevitably become It broke out that he just wanted his big house.

If "The Romance of the West Chamber" is being watched, his big house is gone, he is about to get married, and he doesn't even have a decent wedding room, how can he explain to Xiao Yi Xiaoru?

After finally finishing the meal, Tang Ning went back to her room to get her cloak and hurried out of the county office.


Shopkeeper Peng welcomed him with a smile and said: "Sir, why did you come a day earlier this time? The accounts for the past few days haven't been settled yet..."

Tang Ning slapped a thick stack of manuscripts on the table and said, "Use the fastest time to print out the subsequent content. Print as many copies as you can."

Shopkeeper Peng picked up the pile of manuscripts and said in surprise: "My lord, my lord, are these more than fifteen volumes?"

"There is another one here, as good as "The West Chamber"."

Since "The Romance of the West Chamber" will be banned, the larger "The Peony Pavilion" will inevitably be spared. Even if it has been revised by him, there is no chance. Now he can only fight for time.

"Another one?" Shopkeeper Peng's breathing was a little rapid, and it took him a while to calm down, why: "But Master, we don't have enough manpower and time, so we can't print so many at one time."

"The situation has changed. "The Romance of the West Chamber" has been targeted by some royal officials. If it's too late, I'm afraid it won't be sold."

"What?" Shopkeeper Peng's expression suddenly changed and he asked, "Can't we sell it?"

If "The Romance of the West Chamber" is banned, his bookshop will lose its biggest source of profit. "The Romance of the West Chamber" is his cash cow. Now that someone wants to cut down his cash cow, how can he not be anxious?

He quickly asked: "Is the news about the young master true?"

"Don't doubt my words." A hoarse voice came from inside the cloak.

Shopkeeper Peng looked at him and seemed to understand something. He gritted his teeth and said, "Don't worry, sir, I'll have someone print it as soon as possible!"

Tangning glanced at him and asked, "Aren't you afraid of getting into trouble?"

"Don't let Yin Cai get into trouble..." Shopkeeper Peng shook his head and said, "Don't worry, sir, the most serious consequence is that no more sales will be banned. We must seize the time now..."

Tang Ning had also learned early that the printing industry in the capital was developed and the imperial court prohibited the printing of certain novels. However, there were still bookshops that dared to secretly print them. Even if they were caught, they would not bear much responsibility.

Shopkeeper Peng walked to the back hall, called a few clerks over, and said: "During this period, everyone should work harder and try to print a volume every two days..."

When the guys heard this, their expressions suddenly changed.

"Shopkeeper, it used to take five days to print a volume, but now you need two days. This is costing our lives!"

"Yes, shopkeeper, this definitely won't work!"

"There's no way this can be done!"

Shopkeeper Peng thought for a while and said, "This month, everyone's wages will be doubled."

One of the waiters hesitated: "Shopkeeper, this is not a matter of wages..."


"Shopkeeper, everyone needs to rest too!"

"Yes, one volume every two days, this is too tiring..."

Shopkeeper Peng thought for a moment and said, "Five times!"

A waiter stood up and said solemnly: "Shopkeeper, for the sake of our bookstore, even if I don't eat or sleep, I still have to complete the tasks assigned to me by the shopkeeper!"

"Don't worry, shopkeeper, even if that guy Chen Si doesn't do it, I will continue to do it!"

"Chen Si, what are you doing? Put down my movable type! Put me down!"

"Shopkeeper, where are the next few volumes? I can't wait..."

Not long after, shopkeeper Peng came out from behind, smiled at Tang Ning, and said, "Don't worry, sir, I will call in more craftsmen tomorrow to print out all the content behind it as soon as possible!"

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