Fortunate Young Gentleman

Chapter 182: Ways to Make Money

Compared to 80%, 20% is really not much.

But Cui Lang didn't think that Lingzhou Jieyuan would answer 20% less than them.

Before the reform of the imperial examination, there were often more than ten or dozens of provincial examinations, each with different subjects. Each student only had to choose a few subjects in which he was good at taking the examination.

Later, the imperial court felt that this was too troublesome and not conducive to ranking, so it merged all subjects except poetry and policy theory into one test. Candidates generally only need to answer about 60% of the questions correctly to pass the first test.

As a state's Jieyuan, countless people have high hopes for it. Cui Lang will naturally not set the goal at 60%. He will definitely try his best not to be compared with people like Shen Jian and Gu Bai.

But manpower is sometimes exhausted. The purpose of this first session is to differentiate. It is not to let the candidates complete their answers. He tried his best and tried his best, but he could only complete 80% of it in three days. Gu Bai and Shen Jian It's almost at this level.

Taking a detailed look at all the previous imperial examinations, it was very rare for someone to answer 80% of the answers, and only one person would appear after 90%. As for the 100%, he had never heard of anyone who made no mistakes in the first round of the provincial examination.

Gu Bai patted Tang Ning's shoulder hard and said, "I have never admired anyone in my life, except Brother Tang. No, no, no, you are simply not human!"

Cui Lang and Shen Jian deeply agreed with his words. The three of them had always been rivals, but now they felt that they shared the same hatred.

He lost to him without any suspense in the first game. In the second game... no one dared to compare poetry with him. Cui Lang had read all the works of Poetry Maniac. He felt that in terms of poetry, he and Tang Ning were at least as good as each other. The difference is ten Gu Bai.

As long as there are no major mistakes in his strategy, he will definitely come out on top in this provincial examination without even thinking about it.

Fortunately, there will be a palace examination after the provincial examination, and the palace examination will only test policy theory. By then, it will be time for everyone to rely on their abilities.

After everyone sat down, Cui Lang cupped his hands to Tang Ning and said, "Brother Tang, this is our first time meeting you. Cui wants to toast you."

Shen Jian also picked up his wine glass and said, "Shen also wants to toast Brother Tang..."

Tang Ning picked up the wine glass, clinked it with the two of them, and drank it all in one gulp.

After being influenced by the old beggar, his drinking capacity has improved. In addition, the wine here is not strong. After drinking one glass, he does not feel anything.

Suddenly there was a burst of laughter at the door. The madam whom I had just met led more than ten beautiful women in and said with a smile: "Young gentlemen, the girls are here..."

Liu Jun pointed at two of them and said, "Xiangxiang, Yuanyuan, you two, come to me."

Gu Bai pressed down his outstretched hand and said, "Hey, why are you in a hurry? This is Brother Tang's first time, let Brother Tang choose first!"

Tangning shook her head and said, "No, you can just play, I can do it alone."

Liu Jun looked at him and said: "We are all our own people. You are welcome. This is your first time here, so you have to enjoy it."

Xiao Jue waved his hand and said: "Forget it, you are just playing your own game, don't worry about him."

He still remembered the scene where Miss Tang kicked Lu Teng away, and he understood Tang Ning very well. Of course, he also understood that he was unwilling to lose his virginity in this place.

He wouldn't want it in his place.

The three of them, Liu Jun and Liu Jun, were sitting there, each with two girls accompanying them. Even Cui Lang and Shen Jian were accompanied by two girls who were drinking and squeezing their shoulders. Their expressions were pleasant and enjoyable. It seemed that this was a normal thing. .

Gu Bai is the most secretive and the most playful. There are four women beside him, one is beating his legs, one is pinching his shoulders, one is picking up vegetables, and one is pouring wine...

Only Tang Ning and Xiao Jue were left alone to make enough food and clothing by themselves.

The life of rich children in the capital is indeed beyond the imagination of ordinary people like them. Liu Jun and the other three disappeared while drinking. Cui Lang and Shen Jian were soon drunk by the women around them, and they were swaying. Help them leave.

Xiao Jue looked at Gu Bai and asked, "What are your plans after the imperial examination?"

"You guys go down first." Gu Bai smiled slightly at the women beside him. They looked at him with some nostalgia and slowly retreated.

"What other plans do you have? I originally wanted to be the number one scholar and get a good job in the court." He glanced at Tang Ning and said, "Now that I can't pass the exam, I can just get a job and get by. What? I heard that you are going to the palace, or are you working under Ling Yun? "

Xiao Jue said dissatisfied: "What does it mean to be an errand under Ling Yun? When I enter the palace, I am also in charge of people, okay..."

Xiao Jue drank a lot in the evening, and when he walked out, he was feeling dizzy and staggering.

Tang Ning knew how much she drank and never did anything showy at the wine table. She was very sober at the moment.

Xiao Jue walked a few steps and suddenly looked back at him and asked: "You really were 20% better than Gu Bai and the others in the first game. You are really not human..."

"You're drunk." Tang Ning waved to Xiao Fu, who was following behind, and said, "Xiao Fu, help your young master go back."

"What home are you going back to!" Xiao Jue waved his hand and said, "I'm going to the casino. I'm betting all my fortune on you this time. Don't let me down..."

The capital, an underground gambling house somewhere.

Although the government has not explicitly banned gambling, the casinos are not so arrogant as to blatantly display the word "gambling house" outside.

But for many gamblers in the capital, they have long been familiar with the locations of various casinos in the city.

"I'll bet Cui Lang, ten taels!"

"I bet Shen Jian's provincial yuan, twenty taels!"

"Haha, although Cui Lang and Shen Jian are powerful, they are still inferior to Gu Bai. I bet on Gu Bai, 100 taels. This time, it depends on him to win glory for our capital!"


The imperial examination held every three years is not only a grand event for the court, but also a grand event for the gambling houses. Starting from the provincial examination, the major gambling houses in the capital will open a handicap for the imperial examination. There are many participants. Some people make a lot of money from it, while others lose everything.

Recently, the most popular concern is, of course, who can win the first place in the provincial examination. Everyone generally believes that the provincial champion this time must be one of the three champions in Jiangzhou, Mingzhou, and Jingji.

Among the major gambling houses, the number of people betting on them is the largest.

"I bet on Tang Ning!" After a drunken voice, someone put a stack of silver bills on the table.

This stack of silver bills is at least more than a thousand taels. Seeing this, everyone was shocked.

"Who is Tang Ning?"

"I've never heard of him!"

"I've heard of him. He seems to be the champion of some state, but not many people bet on him..."

"Is this guy crazy? He doesn't bet on Cui Lang, Shen Jian, or Gu Bai. Is he too rich to spend it?"

"Isn't this Young Master Xiao? He's so drunk and still comes to gamble... But this is something Young Master Xiao can do."

Seeing that the person who came was Young Master Xiao, everyone put aside their doubts.

He can even go to a brothel and ask ten women to feed mosquitoes. It's not surprising that Young Master Xiao can do anything unexpected.

"Although Tang Ning is also a champion, he is a champion in Lingzhou..., which is far behind Jiangnan and Jingji. Young Master Xiao is afraid that he will lose a lot this time. He is too wasteful."

"It is better to stop meddling in other people's affairs. If he loses, it will be the Xiao family, not us."

"I'd better think about it carefully. Should I bet on Gu Bai or Cui Lang..."

The crowd became noisy again, and the gambling house began to become chaotic again. A figure came in from outside, put a stack of banknotes on the table, and said, "All of these are bets on Tang Ning."

It was a banknote that was almost as thick as that of Young Master Xiao just now, which immediately caused a sensation in a small area.

When they wanted to see who was as wasteful as Young Master Xiao, they found that the man was covered with a white cloth.

"Who is this person?"

"He is so generous, doesn't he have too much money to spend?"

In the crowd, one person scratched his head and muttered, "Why do I feel that person looks like Gu Bai? I've seen him wearing this dress..."

Someone beside him slapped him on the head and cursed, "Gu Bai, the champion of the five states of Beijing, Hebei, bought someone else to be the provincial champion. You are blind!"

Tang Ning stood at the door of the gambling house, watching Xiao Jue and Gu Bai walk out, and suddenly realized that he seemed to have found a way to make money.

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