Fortunate Young Gentleman

Chapter 195: Rumors about Life [3rd update]

Tang Yaojiao made a lot of money this time. One second she was bankrupt, and the next second her net worth was close to one million.

And all of this was closely related to him. What made Tangning even more distressed was that he won the top prize and it was Tang Yaoyao who earned hundreds of thousands of taels of silver. Not even a penny of it belonged to him...

He raised his head, as if the person standing in front of him was not Tang Yaoyao, but a moving silver mountain.

Standing in front of Tang Yaoji, I always feel that she is radiating with light, making people unable to open their eyes.

He walked outside the door and saw Zhong Yi and Su Ru walking in together.

The two women looked at him with a different look on their pretty faces.

Zhong Yi walked forward and looked at him blankly: "Mr.

Tangning smiled, pinched her face gently, and said, "I did what I promised you..."

Su Ru raised her head and looked at him. Although she was smiling, her eyes were sparkling.

In the Ping'an County Government Office, Zhong Mingli had just finished hearing a small case, and he couldn't wait to walk out of the county office and asked a government official: "Has the results been announced for the imperial examination?"

The yamen servant shook his head and said, "My subordinates have been here all the time. I don't know the situation over there in Gongyuan."

As soon as he finished speaking, a man beat the gong and ran through the street in front of him. When he reached the county office, he stopped and shouted loudly: "Congratulations to Lingzhou Tangning Tang Gongzi High School for winning the first place in the first class examination." !”

"First A, first?" Zhong Mingli stood there blankly, as if he had been struck by lightning.

At the same time, the Xiao family.

"Congratulations, Mr. Xiao, for winning second place in the First Class of the Middle Hall Examination!" The servant who announced the good news shouted loudly, and when he took the banknote handed over by the butler, he was stunned in place with an expression of disbelief.

In the lobby of the Xiao family, the gray-haired old man sat on a chair, stood up quickly, looked at the housekeeper and asked: "First and second place, are you sure the person who announced the good news didn't go to the wrong place?"

The butler's face was full of excitement and he said: "Master, it's confirmed. It's our Xiao family. The young master passed the first grade and came second!"

Xiao Jue walked in from outside the door. As soon as he entered, he looked at the old man and asked doubtfully: "Dad, did you ask His Majesty to arrange for me to be ranked first and second this time?"

"I still want to ask you!" The old man looked at him and frowned: "Did you take the wrong medicine? Why did you come back with an A-level score and a second grade?"

"Dad, you are not looking for His Majesty..." Xiao Jue's face became more suspicious and he murmured: "Is it really because of that policy?"

Tang family.

Tang Jing had just returned home, walked into the room, and asked a woman in the room, "Where is Shui'er?"

"Isn't she back yet?" The woman shook her head and said, "She went out early in the morning, and I don't know what happened."

Tang Jing turned around and walked out of the yard, and saw a figure carrying a small bundle and sneaking into the yard.


Tang Jing said loudly, and the figure was startled, and the baggage in his hand fell to the ground, revealing several stacks of banknotes wrapped in the baggage.

Tang Jing glanced at it and knew that the total of these banknotes was not one hundred thousand taels, but probably seventy or eighty thousand taels.

Her monthly income was only one hundred taels. Tang Jing's expression changed, he looked at her and asked, "Where did you get all this money?"

Tang Shui hurriedly picked up the baggage and said, "I, I won it by gambling."

"You won by gambling?" Tang Jing said with a sullen face, "Tell me honestly, where did you get all this money?"

Tang Shui looked at him and said seriously: "I won it by gambling. I bet that my cousin would win the top prize, that's why I won so much."

Tang Jing was startled when he heard this and was a little speechless.

If he had bet ten thousand taels instead of one hundred taels like his daughter, he would be the one carrying the burden now.

He coughed lightly and asked, "Then where did your previous ten thousand taels come from?"

"That's what I won by betting that he would win the provincial exam."

"..." Tang Jing took a deep breath, then looked at her with a calm expression and said, "You don't need the money now, so dad will keep it for you. When you need it later, dad will give it to you."

"No, I want to keep the money myself." Tang Shui shook his head and said, "If this money goes into dad's hands, you can't get it back. This is the dowry I won for myself, and no one will give it to me."

She picked up the little bundle, walked under the courtyard wall, and said, "Dad, I'm going to find my sister-in-law..."

Tang Jing watched her figure disappear on the other side of the courtyard wall, shook his head, looked in a certain direction, and pondered for a long time, not knowing what he was thinking.

In a side hall of the Tang family, Tang Huai was standing in front of the window, looking out the window. Tang Qi was sitting in the hall, holding a tea cup in his hand. The tea in the cup was cold.

I don't know how long it took, Tang Qi put down his teacup, stood up, and said: "Brother, he is now the number one scholar inscribed by your majesty. He will be awarded the title during the ceremony. From then on, he will stay in the capital and his future is unlimited. He appears like this in the capital." In front of others, someone will know about it sooner or later."

There was a lot of helplessness in his words, and it was indeed helpless.

If the Tang family had shown an accepting attitude towards him from the beginning, the situation would have been different at this time.

He is the number one scholar in the imperial examination, and based on what he has shown before, he is unmatched by all previous number one scholars.

Such a person only needs to train in the Hanlin Academy for two years and become familiar with the affairs of the court before he can officially enter the court. His promotion speed is far unmatched by others, and his future is limitless.

With this help, the Tang family became even more powerful - but unfortunately, they messed up the matter from the beginning.

Now, he is the No. 1 scholar and has officially entered people's sight. He is not something that the Tang family can move if they want.

Tang Huai did not speak. Tang Qi was silent for a moment, and then he spoke again: "Brother, this matter requires your decision."

Tang Huai put his hands behind his back and was silent for a moment before he finally spoke.

"You can handle this matter."

Tang Qi looked at him and nodded: "I know."


After the palace examination was posted, there was a big disturbance in the capital.

The disturbance began when the yamen runners found some casino guys in the dark alleys of the capital. These people either had their arms removed or their ribs broken, and they looked very miserable.

The yamen runners did not ask anything from the mouths of these casino guys, but according to witnesses, the person who did it was a masked woman. She was very good at martial arts and won a lot of silver bills in the casino. As for why she clashed with these casino guys, it must be that these casinos were tempted by money, but they didn't expect to encounter a hard point...

After the palace examination was posted, five casinos in the capital were closed in just one day.

In addition, there are police officers patrolling the riverside in the suburbs of Beijing for twelve hours every day. In one day, no less than ten people are fished out of the river.

In addition to the palace examination announcement, there are also more rumors in the capital in the past two days.

The rumor is about the new champion Tang Ning.

The rumor spread from nowhere, but it spread very quickly. It is said that the new champion Tang Ning has a thousand connections with the Tang family in the capital.

At first, some people disdained it, but as various clues became clear, the people who did not believe it at first began to waver.

More than ten years ago, a major event happened in the Tang family. The second daughter of the Tang family was dissatisfied with the family's forced marriage and ran away from home. It was not until more than a year later that she was found by the Tang family. From then on, she lived in the Tang family and did not go out. From then on, no one saw her in the capital again.

Most people in the capital did not know about this major event, but as long as they asked a little, they could confirm whether it was true or not.

Calculated, the age of this new champion seems to match a certain time, and most people began to believe this because at a banquet, Tang Shui, the eldest daughter of the Tang family, beat Lu Teng for this new champion.

At that time, people thought that Tang Shui had some kind of unclear relationship with him. Now it seems that another reason can also make sense, and it makes more sense.

If this is true, then this new champion can be said to have a background that is all-powerful.

The Tang family is in its heyday in the capital, and with this relationship, his future career will definitely be smooth. Before and after this imperial examination, His Majesty seemed to be deliberately suppressing the Ministry of Rites and the Tang family, but who would have thought that the final winner would still be the Tang family...

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