Fortunate Young Gentleman

Chapter 223: Debate in the Court [3rd update]

Tang Ning looked at Su Mei, who was beaming with joy, and asked, "You seem happy that she's not here?"

"No." Su Mei shook her head and said, "It's such a pity that she's not here."

Tangning looked at the slightly upturned corners of her mouth, but she didn't see any regret at all.

She looked at Su Mei and said, "Go to the county government office to find her."

"I'm a little sleepy. Let's take a nap first." Su Mei walked briskly towards the inner courtyard.

"Hey, stop, you can't sleep here!"

Tang Ning quickly stopped her. Although Xiao Yi was not here now, there was no guarantee that she wouldn't come soon, and Fairy Tang might appear at any time. If they found Su Mei lying on his bed, they would really be trying to catch her. bed.

Su Mei turned around, stretched out two lush green fingers, and touched his shoulders. Tang Ning was unable to take another step.

"Be good and be obedient. My sister will buy you sweets when she wakes up."

She smiled charmingly at Tang Ning and slowly disappeared from Tang Ning's eyes.

The old beggar came over from the side, patted him on the shoulder, and said: "Peach Blossom Tribulation, Peach Blossom Destiny, it all depends on your luck..."

After being patted on the shoulder by him, Tang Ning could move again.

What peach blossom robs peach blossom fate, peach blossom nunnery in Taohuawu, he rubbed his shoulders, turned around, and saw Tang Yaoyao walking in from outside.

As she walked towards the inner courtyard, she said, "Let me see what it's like inside your home..."

"Wait a minute!" Tangning held her wrist and said, "I have something important to tell you."

Tang Yaoyao shook off his hand and asked, "What's the matter?"

Tangning looked at her and said, "About the bookshop."

Tang Yaoyao has been taking care of the bookshop these two days. Hearing this, she looked at him and asked, "Do you have any new ideas?"

"I know how to deal with those shameless pirated booksellers." Tangning looked at her and said, "Let me tell you in detail..."

Tang Yaoyao waved his hand and said, "Don't worry about this, I'll go in and take a look first."

"You can read it anytime. I have to go back to the county office now. Let's talk as we walk." He grabbed Tang Yaoyao's arm and walked outside while saying: "In the future, if anyone dares to steal our books, We don’t need to destroy his shop, the government will come looking for him..."

"I'm not going to the county government office. I just came back from the county government office."

"Let me tell you, Xiaoyi has a new bracelet. It's very beautiful. I'll show you later..."

"I've already seen it..."

"Look at it again!"

In the imperial palace, above the Golden Palace, the morning dynasty has not yet begun.

King Kang stood at the front with a somewhat impatient expression on his face.

According to his original plan, he would tell the whole story about the "Copyright Law" in the morning of the next day, and show his face harshly in front of his father and the courtiers.

Unexpectedly, my father fell ill for some reason that day. According to the imperial doctor, he probably ate something unclean and suffered from diarrhea. The strange thing is that the imperial chef in the imperial dining room was not punished...

Due to his father's illness, the morning court meeting had been postponed for three days, and he was already waiting impatiently.

After finally waiting until the morning dynasty started, the Minister of Hubu stood up first and said that the Ministry of Hubu was busy with affairs, and now the position of Minister of Hubu was vacant. It should be arranged as soon as possible to avoid missing important events in the court.

Immediately afterwards, regarding the position of Minister of the Ministry of Finance, the Minister of the Ministry of Personnel recommended several important ministers. After hearing this, he felt a little relieved.

Among these people, although there is no one from him, there is also no one from Duan Wang. Even if they cannot take advantage this time, fortunately, they will not suffer a loss.

The Minister of Household Affairs is very important and will not be decided so easily, but he should be among the recommended people. The decision will probably be made in the next morning meeting.

After finally waiting for the matter to end, before he could stand up, another censor accused a certain gentleman of the court of being disheveled and buttoning the wrong button when he went to court...

These censors have the most shit. Even he was impeached every three days. As long as it wasn't a big case like the one Tang Zhao committed last time, such as buttoning the wrong button and farting during the morning court, it was just a formality. .

Finally, when no one stood up, he took a step forward and said, "Father, I have something to report."

Chen Huang's face was still a little pale, he looked at him and said, "What's the matter?"

"Reporting to the emperor, I learned that many famous scholars in the world have spent their whole lives writing books and biographies, but the final results have been pirated and copied everywhere, leaving them impoverished and unable to make a living. Such behavior is no different from theft. ?" King Kang bowed and said, "So I sincerely ask my father to establish a "copyright law" to curb unhealthy trends.

As soon as King Kang opened his mouth, many ministers in the court were already guessing that he was setting another trap for King Duan.

But after thinking about it, this matter seems to have nothing to do with King Duan.

Not only that, but the implication of King Kang's words seemed to be that he wanted to intervene in the publication of books. They thought about it, but they did not think of what benefits it would bring to King Kang to facilitate this matter.

It can't be that King Kang really pities those who publish books, right?

King Duan stood up from the side and said, "Father, legislation is a matter of great importance and should not be taken lightly."

Emperor Chen nodded, looked at Prince Kang, and asked: "Cheng'er, since you said you want to legislate, how should you enact it? Do you have any ideas about the details?"

A smile appeared on Prince Duan's face. If Prince Kang hadn't acted impulsively every time, his father would not have asked him this question.

King Kang also smiled and nodded, "Yes."

Emperor Chen was also a little surprised and said, "Tell me about it."

King Kang nodded and spoke slowly.

"There are five benefits to the court's establishment of copyright law. First, cracking down on pirated book publishers is a protection for authors. Those famous scholars who have devoted their entire lives to leaving their works to future generations should not end up in poverty."

"Second, pirated books are also expensive, but there are many misprints and omissions, which may mislead students; third..."

"Fifth, if pirated booksellers are willing to pay a certain "copyright fee", they can print books. Part of these fees will be returned to the legitimate booksellers, and the other part can be returned to the national treasury..."

After King Kang finished talking, he handed over a memorial in his hand and said, "Father, I have written in detail about many matters related to the "Copyright Law" in this memorial. Please read it."

As early as when King Kang said the second point, Prince Duan's smile had already frozen on his face.

He actually made such sufficient preparations?

All the officials were also surprised, and the look they looked at King Kang changed slightly.

Today, the points listed by the King Kang are clear and well-reasoned, and each reason is convincing. He is completely different from the previous one.

On the other hand, the Prince Duan seems to oppose the King Kang just for the sake of opposing him.

One is not for personal gain, but for the fairness and justice of this world, and the other is only for power, and strikes dissidents regardless of the reason. The difference is obvious.

Emperor Chen took the memorial and read it for a long time. He showed satisfaction on his face. He looked at the King Kang and nodded, saying: "Very good, since you have such a thorough consideration, this matter will be handed over to you, Cheng'er."

Kang suppressed the ecstasy in his heart and said: "I will not disappoint my father's expectations!"


Tang Ning just came back from Tangrenzhai and officially started selling it today. Because it has been preheating and promoting it in the past few days, everyone has high expectations for it. Today, the bookstore has not opened yet, and there is a long queue on the street.

Starting from today, at most five days, pirated copies will appear in major bookstores. I don’t know what the situation is with the King Kang.

He walked back to his room. Su Mei was lying on his bed, but she was not asleep. She was sitting with her legs crossed and reading a book.

Tang Ning walked over and took a closer look. Only then did he realize that she was reading a secret book on dual cultivation that he had hidden under his pillow. He had studied it last night.

Seeing Tang Ning coming in, Su Mei closed the book, glanced at him, and asked, "Your wife doesn't know martial arts. Who are you going to practice this with?"

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