Fortunate Young Gentleman

Chapter 276: Honest County Magistrate

The Ministry of Justice acted quickly on the matter that the emperor personally instructed.

The final evidence of the arson case that caused a sensation last year all pointed to the Shou'an Earl's Mansion. Shou'an Earl's title was directly stripped, and Shou'an Earl's son was also thrown into the Tianlao. The Ministry of Justice took less than a day from trial to review.

Eight lives have caused a great public opinion, which cannot be calmed down at all.

According to the time calculation, the son of Shou'an Earl will be on the list of executions after autumn this year.

This is naturally a major event that shocked the capital.

In the case last year, including the petty officials of the county government, as many as eight people died. Even in the capital, this is a major case that has attracted the attention of countless people.

However, although this case has attracted much attention, it was finally left unresolved. The Ministry of Justice was not sure whether it was a fire or arson, so the case was shelved.

When the people heard about the case again, the case had been solved.

According to insiders, the case was handled by Ping'an County Magistrate, who had just taken office. He was not afraid of the power of Shou'an Earl's Mansion. He used thundering means to suppress the county magistrate who had colluded with Shou'an Earl in the county yamen, cracked the case, and cleared Xu Shuli's name.

The people applauded this, and after this incident, the county magistrate Zhong became a fair and strict judge who was not afraid of power and stood up for the people. Within two days, more people went to the county yamen to report the case.

Tang Ning was originally worried that these cases could not be investigated further, but he did not expect that Emperor Chen would casually give such a sign.

Shou'an Earl's case was not the most complicated of these cases, but it had the most profound background. Now that even he was removed from the case, the others were naturally not to be feared.

With this sign, it was like having a guarantee, and he didn't have to be a frustrated county magistrate. The county magistrate could not give face to the many powerful families in the capital, but he had to give face to the emperor.

In the Tang Mansion, Tang Huai stood in front of the table, picked up a pen, and crossed out the two words "Shou'an Bo".

Tang Qi sighed and said, "Man proposes, God disposes. No one expected that His Majesty would go to Ping'an County Court. This time, Ping'an County Magistrate was imprisoned, Shou'an Bo was stripped, and the arrangements of the Ministry of Justice were useless. Ping'an County Court was an iron bucket, and it was difficult to infiltrate again."

Since the beginning of this year, the Tang family has been unlucky, and almost nothing has gone smoothly. Even he, who has never believed in fortune, has some doubts in his heart. Is their Tang family really unlucky?

Tang Huai raised his head and said, "Your Majesty has noticed him. Don't bother Ping'an County Magistrate for now."

Tang Qi smiled self-deprecatingly and said, "I am a scholar of the Imperial College. I am nothing after leaving the Imperial College. Who can I bother?"

Tianranjuzhong, the white-haired old woman burned a stack of files, glanced at Su Mei, and said lightly, "Next time you want to do a favor, you can find a way yourself."

"Stingy..." Su Mei glanced at her and walked back to her room. When she saw Tang Ning sitting at the table, she rubbed her eyes and said in surprise, "You didn't go to the palace today?"

"I asked for a few days off." Tang Ning looked at her and said, "Thank you for this time."

"I don't want to listen to thank you. What's the use of thanking you with your mouth? It's better to thank you with your body." Su Mei glanced at him and said, "If you really want to thank me, just play a few rounds of cards with me and sleep with me. That's considered thanking me."

Su Mei is a realist, so when Tang Ning came today, she was ready to devote herself.

While he was drawing cards, he had to be careful that Xiao Tao would peek at his cards and tip off Su Mei. This little girl would come over to take a peek, and then come over to take a peek. No wonder Su Mei never fired a shot.

Tang Ning played a Dongfeng card and asked, "Do you have any evidence of the Tang family's crimes here..."

Su Mei glanced at him and said, "Of course, it depends on the level of evidence you want."

Tang Ning thought for a while and said, "It can bring them down in one fell swoop."

Su Mei looked at him and asked, "It's not easy to bring down the Tang family. What price do you think you can pay?"

Tang Ning thought about it. It's not easy to bring down a family with dozens or hundreds of years of foundation and in the heyday of the capital. I'm afraid she can't pay it back even if she sleeps with her for a lifetime...

"Don't dream." Su Mei glanced at him and said, "If the Tang family could be brought down, they wouldn't have waited until now. You'd better not have such an idea with your weak arms and legs."

Even she said so, it seems that the time The opportunity had not come yet. Tang Ning played a few rounds of mahjong and said, "I'll go see my mother first and come back to accompany you later."

Xiao Tao said while making the bed, "Miss, do you think Mr. Tang has also practiced some kind of charm technique..."

Su Mei put the big doll in the cabinet and said, "Nonsense, how can a man practice charm techniques?"

"He didn't practice charm techniques, how could he be so obsessed with you? But Miss, you can't be so sneaky all your life. If Mrs. Tang leaves here and Mr. Tang doesn't come anymore, what will you do?"


Su Mei took a deep breath, smiled, and said, "Xiao Tao, come here, I'll show you something good..."

Tang Ning didn't meet the old woman when he came to Tianranju this time.

The old beggar had explained to him what Gu technique was. After unveiling the mysterious veil, Tang Ning was not so afraid of it.

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