Fortunate Young Gentleman

Chapter 28: Better at fighting than her!

It was an extremely hot night in early autumn. Tang Ning opened the window and felt much cooler when the wind blew in from the outside.

After a long night of tossing, he washed up, lay on the bed, and fell asleep quickly.

Outside the window, there was a small patch of night sky. The bright fireworks illuminated the entire sky, and almost half of Lingzhou City could be seen.

The Fang family's dinner party has ended, and everyone is leaving one after another.

Before the fireworks show, the old lady of the Fang family came out once, and several talented men and women presented some birthday poems. The old man was very happy, gave some words of encouragement, and also gave everyone some rewards.

Naturally, a few people are not short of these rewards, but being able to establish a relationship with the Fang family is a great honor for anyone.

When the girl named Xiaorou walked out of Fang's house, she was still mumbling: "If Sister Xiaoyi didn't go back, it would be Xue Yun's turn to show off!"

Although Xue Yun had lost face in front of everyone just now, in front of the old lady, she tried her best to show off and flatter her. She presented a birthday poem to the old lady and made the old lady smile with joy. She was rewarded with a red hairpin on the spot.

Hu Jin looked at her and said with a smile, "Hey, if you hadn't been caught in the conversation just now, would Xue Yun have had the opportunity to be proud in front of Xiaoyi?"

The girl stuck out her tongue, lowered her head and stopped talking.

She was silent for a while, then raised her head and asked curiously: "Sister Hu, why didn't Sister Xiaoyi take out that poem earlier? If she had taken it out earlier, Xue Yun would have shut up!"

"She didn't take it out because she didn't want some people to misunderstand..." Hu Jin showed a smile on his face, patted her head and said, "You are still young and don't understand this..."

She shook her head and murmured: "This man named Tang is really quite capable, and he actually made Xiaoyi fall for it so quickly..."

They walked out of Fang Mansion, and people came out one after another.

Among those talented people and beauties, in the chats of twos and threes, the words "talented girl", "laughing in tears" and "nerdy uncle" were mentioned frequently.

And that sad and long Chinese Valentine's Day poem gradually spread as the crowd dispersed.

Fang Mansion.

It was late at night.

A door opened, and the middle-aged man guarding the door hurriedly greeted him, "Mr. Sun, you are coming out..."

Divine Doctor Sun looked at him and said with a smile, "I've kept you waiting for a long time."

The middle-aged man shook his head repeatedly: "Soon, soon..."

Doctor Sun looked at the middle-aged man with a smile on his face and said, "Mrs. Fang's illness has improved..."

The middle-aged man was startled, and a look of ecstasy immediately appeared on his face, and asked: "Is what Mr. Sun said true?"

A few hours ago, the answer he got from Mr. Sun was just "try your best". Looking at his expression now, it is clear that he has strong confidence in this matter.

Mr. Sun saw a trace of doubt on the middle-aged man's eyebrows and explained: "Before meeting Little Brother Tang, I was really not sure about the old lady's illness. Although there was a record of this disease in the writings of my ancestors, There is a cure, but the volume recording the rescue method is seriously incomplete and has not been completed for hundreds of years. I can only take a risk..."

When he said this, a hint of joy appeared on his face, and he changed his words and said: "But just now, little brother Tang helped me fill up the incomplete volume, and the prescription was also in it. With that Zhang Fangzi, although the old lady’s illness will not be cured, it is not difficult to extend her life for a few more years..."

The middle-aged man's face became even more joyful and he said, "Thank you, Mr. Sun. Our Fang family owes you so much..."

Divine Doctor Sun shook his head and said, "I don't take any credit for what happened today. If you want to thank me, let's thank little brother Tang."

The middle-aged man nodded immediately, "Thank you, of course!"

The two of them talked for a few more words. The middle-aged man looked at him and said, "Mr. Sun, it's getting late. You should rest in Fang Mansion today."

Divine Doctor Sun nodded and did not refuse.

After the middle-aged man finished arranging these things, a trace of tiredness appeared on his brow.

"Fang Lin."

A servant of the Fang family immediately walked up to him and said respectfully: "What are your orders, sir?"

The middle-aged man said: "Prepare a generous gift and send it to Zhong Mansion tomorrow."

The servant bowed and said, "Yes, sir!"

When he turned to leave, there was another voice behind him.

"Wait a minute." The middle-aged man thought for a while and said, "Prepare the gift first, don't send it in a hurry."

The middle-aged man rubbed his eyebrows. Mr. Sun, despite his status and aloofness, must be so serious about that young man. Is it a bit too casual for the Fang family to give him a gift like this?

He thought for a while, seemed to have thought of something, and murmured: "Zhong family, Zhong Mingli..."

After coaxing Zhong Yi up very late last night, Tang Ning got up late again the next morning.

But he no longer cares.

Before going to bed every night, he would lock the doors and windows to prevent Qing'er from taking any chances.

After a simple wash, he went to the yard and did some simple stretching movements.

"I can't tell that you still have a resentment towards women..."

A joking voice came from the door, and Tang Yaoyao's figure appeared in Tang Ning's eyes.

Tang Ning knew that Zhong Yi should have told her what happened last night.

There are no secrets between Zhong Yi and Tang Yaoyao.

She even left things like throwing hydrangeas to Tang Yaoyao, which showed her trust in Tang Yaoyao.

"I told you, it was a dream. How could I write something like that?" Tang Ning shook her head and changed the subject: "Why are you here so early today?"

Tang Yaoyao walked in and said: "Xiaoyi was not feeling well last night, so I came to see her."

Tang Yaojing cared about Zhongyi very much. The two were as close as sisters, and Zhongyi was willing to be so open-hearted to her.

Tang Ning went back to her room to drink water. Tang Yaoyao walked into the room and suddenly asked: "Are you good at writing poems?"

"No." Tang Ning shook his head.

Tang Yaoyao helped him fill the water and said: "Xiaoyi told me, don't be so stingy, how about writing a few poems for me, like the ones yesterday, which look like those written by a woman..."

"I really can't do it."

"It's okay if you dreamed about it..."

Tang Ning thought for a while and said: "One hundred taels of silver per poem, no bargaining."

Tang Yaoyao turned around and walked out the door.

Tang Ning was surprised and said: "Where are you going?"

"I'm going to ask my father for ten thousand taels of silver, and I'll give you one thousand poems first." Tang Yaoyao said without looking back.

Being uneducated is terrible. Tang Ning reminded her, "Ten thousand taels of silver is one hundred poems."

"Really?" Tang Yaoyao counted on her fingers and said, "Then let's start with one hundred poems. One hundred taels is too much. I'm afraid my father won't give it to me."

Tang Ning looked at her and curled his lips. One hundred taels is too much, and ten thousand taels is too little?

At the current price level, ten thousand taels is enough for a poor family to live normally for thousands of years.

She can easily take out ten thousand taels. She thought the Tang family was the richest in Lingzhou!

When talking about this with Zhong Yi, Tang Ning expressed strong contempt for Tang Yaoyao's behavior of swell up his face and pretend to be rich.

Zhong Yi looked at him and said in surprise, "You..., don't you know it yet?"

Tang Ning asked in confusion, "What do you know?"

"Yaoyao's family is the richest in Lingzhou."


Tang Yaoyao slapped a stack of banknotes on the table, looked at Tang Ning, and said, "This is 10,000 taels. Count them. When will you give me the 100 poems?"

Tang Ning has studied the talented women of Chinese history. If he is given some time, it is not difficult to find 100 poems.

But if so, he will be emptied by Tang Yaoyao.

Zhong Yi looked at Tang Yaoyao with a wry smile and said, "Even if you can buy poems, others will not believe you if you say you wrote them yourself. In any poem, in addition to the artistic conception, the more important thing is the situation, which has a lot to do with one's own experience. If there is any mismatch, it will only lead to others' ridicule..."

Tang Yaoyao said a little disappointedly, "It's all my father's fault. He forced me to learn embroidery and chess, but now he is forcing me to learn to write poems. I am not you..."

Tang Ning shook her head and said, "Everyone is unique. Although you can't embroider as well as her, play chess as well as her, and write poems as well as her, but..."

Zhong Yi and Tang Yaoyao looked over.

Tang Ning thought for a moment and said, "You are better than her..."

"Better than her..."

As a woman, Tang Ning really couldn't think of how Tang Yaoyao was better than Zhong Yi.

If having long legs could be considered an advantage.

Tang Yaoyao narrowed her eyes and squeezed the joints of her hands until they creaked, "What am I better than her..."

"You are better than fighting!"

Tang Ning looked at her and said, then walked out the door with a smile on her face, saying, "Dr. Sun, long time no see, long time no see, let's talk over here..."

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