Fortunate Young Gentleman

Chapter 285: Abacus Mastery

Manager Zheng hurriedly wiped the tea from his clothes and asked, "What?"

He just said casually that he didn't even know the answer to the question just now, and he also knew that it took a while to add up the numbers on the abacus, and he didn't believe that the clerk of the Duzhi Yamen could tell them in one sentence.

Tangning looked at him and said, "Add them up one by one from one to a hundred. The answer is five thousand and fifty."

"Still trying to fool around!" Chief Zheng looked at him, snorted coldly, turned to look at the person following him, and said, "You figure it out!"

The man picked up the abacus and started counting immediately.

Tangning sat back down, picked up the teacup, and drank tea leisurely.

The clerk from the household department was doing his abacus so fast that Tang Ning was dazzled by it. If he was comparing speed, he really couldn't beat these veterans who had been playing with abacus all their lives. But in arithmetic, besides calculation, there were also skills. Although he was doing abacus calculation. Well done, but does he understand the arithmetic sequence?

He is also a person who has studied and passed the academic test. He has a good idea of ​​Chen Guo's mathematics level.

After drinking a cup of tea, the man put down his abacus. His forehead was sweating and his fingers were trembling. He looked at Mr. Zheng and said, "My lord, I have calculated it. The result is five thousand and fifty."

"Hiss..." Manager Zheng took a breath, a little unbelievable, but he didn't want to embarrass himself in front of his subordinates. He looked at Tang Ning and said, "From one to a thousand, if you can still calculate it..."

"Half a million and five hundred."

Before Chief Zheng finished speaking, he stopped abruptly. When he looked at the young official, the young official trembled and said, "Sir, I can't make a cup of tea."

"I still don't believe it." Director Zheng looked at him and said: "Thirty-six, twenty-four, seventy-eight, ninety-five..., one hundred and thirty-six, what is the total of these numbers?"

"Three thousand six hundred and seventy-one."

Tang Ning looked at him and said something, and then the gong sounded.

He stood up, looked at Mr. Chen, and said, "Mr. Chen, see you tomorrow."

Chief Zheng looked at the little official and said angrily: "Why are you still standing there in a daze? Forget it!"

The clerk picked up the abacus and said, "Sir, please tell me again."

"Thirty-six, twenty-four, seventy..." Director Zheng thought for a moment and said, "Did I just say seventy or more?"

When Tang Ning walked out of Duzhi Yamen, she found that many people were gathered outside the door.

When the officials saw him coming out, they all made way for a passage and looked at him very strangely.

Fang Xiaoyue jumped out from the side and said happily: "Brother Tangning, I heard it from outside just now. You are so awesome! I didn't even remember the numbers that person said, but you calculated it all at once!"

In fact, Tang Ning didn't remember the string of numbers that Director Zheng just mentioned, but he felt that Director Zheng couldn't remember them either, so he reported a random number.

Tangning touched her head and asked, "Are you waiting for your father here?"

"My dad will go back very late today." Fang Xiaoyue held his arm and said, "I'll go back with you. I made an appointment with Xiaoxiao yesterday to catch butterflies in the garden today..."

Two figures, one large and one small, walked out of Duzhi Yamen, and the many officials surrounding the door began to make an uproar.

"Doesn't he even have to think about this?"

"Yeah, he's too fast!"

"When did such a person come to Duzhi Yamen!"

"What kind of person is this? It seems to me like a master of abacus!"

While everyone was shocked and talking, Director Zheng said with a sullen face: "Before the superior officer leaves, the inferior officer will leave the office first. Mr. Chen, the newcomer in your Duzhi office is quite arrogant."

Dr. Chen shook his head and said: "Master Zheng has misunderstood. Chief Tang's superior officer is not me. If you have any objections, you can go to the two ministers or the minister..."

Director Zheng was stunned for a moment and asked, "What do you mean?"

Doctor Chen looked at him and said, "He is the new Chief Tang."

Director Zheng was shocked and said, "What, he is Tang Ning!"

Tang Ning's first day at the Ministry of Household Affairs was actually quite peaceful.

But if he was asked to settle the accounts for two days, it was okay, but if he was asked to settle the accounts for three months, Tang Ning felt that he would collapse.

Putting aside other things for now, he had to learn abacus from Tang Yaoyao first.

Although he got over it today, he should still encounter situations where he uses an abacus in the future. If someone finds out that he doesn't even know this basic skill, he will lose face.

He once saw Tang Yaoyao's abacus. Although she was not very educated, her abacus was so smooth that Tang Ning couldn't even see the movements of her hands.

Tang Yaoyao, who was reading the account books in the room, glanced up at him and asked, "You can't even do abacus?"


Tangning thought for a while and said, "Actually, I knew how to do it, but then I forgot about it after being hit by you. You have to be responsible for this matter."

Bo Yuntian, a woman from the Tang Dynasty who was chivalrous and daring, took out her little white jade abacus neatly.

"I'll teach you the fingering technique first. Usually, you use three fingers to move the beads. The three fingers are the thumb, index finger and middle finger... What you are doing is not the fingering technique, it's a chicken claw.... The little finger is bent naturally. The thumb moves the beads down to the beam, and the index finger moves the beads. "Xia Zhu Li Liang..."

The abacus seemed simple, but when Tang Ning started using it for the first time, her finger movements were still a little uncoordinated. Tang Yaoyao frowned, grabbed his hand, and said, "How many times have I told you, this is the correct posture..."

Although she wields knives, guns and abacus all day long, Tang Yaojing's fingers are still exceptionally smooth and delicate. Not only that, they are also cool.


A deep voice came from the door. Mr. Tang coughed heavily and said, "Yaoyao, come out for a moment. I want to talk to you about the wine shop."

Tang Ning fiddled with the abacus in the room for a while. Tang Yaoyao came in again and said, "Do you have time? Let's go to the wine shop together."

"Okay." Tang Ning stood up and walked out of the Tang Mansion with her. Looking at Mr. Tang in the yard, he said, "If Uncle Tang has a sore throat, he can eat some snow pears. It can moisten the lungs and eliminate phlegm, reduce fire and clear heat..."

Mr. Tang glared at him and said loudly, "I'm not getting angry. What's there to reduce?"

Tang Ning glanced at him and spoke like he had eaten gunpowder. He said he didn't have fire, but he had to eat at least two snow pears...

She looked at the wine shop that was about to open with Tang Yaoyao. She stayed in the shop. Tang Ning came back alone. When he passed by Tianranju, he paused and thought for a while before walking in.

He walked to Su Mei's courtyard door and knocked. Xiao Tao's head came out from inside, expressionless. She turned around and said, "Miss, your medicine is coming again!"

Last time, he didn't have time to deal with her, but this time, he couldn't let her talk nonsense again. Tang Ning walked into the courtyard, looked at her, and said, "Xiao Tao, stop."

Xiao Tao turned around and looked at him calmly.

Tang Ning looked at her and said seriously, "I am a person, not a medicine."

Xiao Tao waved her hand and said, "It's the same. You can call me whatever you like..."

"Stop." Tang Ning walked forward, looked at her and said, "You are very disrespectful and impolite."

Xiao Tao looked at him and said as a matter of course, "But, with you by her side, the lady can sleep well. If you are not her medicine, what are you?"

Tang Ning stretched out his hand and gently pulled her face, saying, "Miss Xiao Tao, if you are so impolite again, I will punish you."

Xiao Tao looked at him and said, "Xiao Qing, someone is bullying me."

Tang Ning looked around and asked, "What Xiao Qing?"


A faint sound suddenly came from his ear. Tang Ning lowered his head and saw a green snake crawling out of her sleeve, crawling along her arm to her shoulder, spitting at him.

Tang Ning released the hand that was pinching her cheek, and walked towards Su Mei's room, smiling: "When will the cycle of revenge end? What can't be said in a good way? In life, if you can endure for a while, you will be calm, and if you take a step back, you will have a broader horizon..."

Su Mei was sitting at the table, and when she saw him come in, she asked: "What did you say to Xiao Tao just now?"

"Nothing, I just taught her some principles of life." Tang Ning walked over, sat down at the table, and asked: "She is a girl, and she actually carries a snake with her. How dangerous, and you don't care. What if she bites someone, it will be bad..."

"You mean her Xiao Qing?" Su Mei stood up and said: "Xiao Qing is a green snake, not poisonous, and doesn't bite people."

Tang Ning was stunned and said: "Even if it doesn't bite people, it's not good to scare people..."

He seemed to remember something, and suddenly looked at Su Mei, took two steps back vigilantly, and said: "You don't have snakes, scorpions or other poisonous insects on you, right?"

He knew that Su Mei knew more than just charm techniques, her witchcraft was equally powerful.

Su Mei rolled her eyes at him and asked, "Don't you know whether I have these things on me?"

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