Fortunate Young Gentleman

Chapter 304: The First Case of the Ministry of Justice

Emperor Chen initially said that he would stay in each of the six ministries for three months, but in fact, he only stayed in the Ministry of Revenue for more than a month before transferring to the Ministry of Justice.

It seems that asking for leave openly will not be accepted by the emperor. Compared with the Ministry of Revenue and the Ministry of Personnel, the Ministry of Justice has much less work. I don’t know what position the Ministry of Justice will assign him. It would be best if it is an idle position. After he stays there for a long time, he can leave without a pat on the butt. The hat of the jinx who specifically defeats his superiors will naturally be taken off.

The emperor said that before mid-November, Tang Ning would naturally not disobey the imperial edict, and he reported to the Ministry of Justice as early as November 9th.

He was received by a minister named Xu Cheng of the Ministry of Justice. Unlike the Ministry of Revenue, the Ministry of Justice only has one minister. After Xu Cheng took him to the Ministry of Justice, he left in a hurry, as if he was in a hurry.

Although the Ministry of Justice where he worked had the most affairs among the four yamen of the Ministry of Justice, it was much less busy than the Ministry of Revenue. The Ministry of Justice, which was responsible for adjudicating cases, did not have to try cases every day, because there were also Ping'an County Yamen and Jingzhao Prefecture Yamen under it. Unless it was a case of life or a case specially arranged by His Majesty, the Ministry of Justice would not accept those trivial cases.

An official bowed to him and said respectfully: "I am the Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Justice, and I meet Tang Zhushi."

Tang Ning met the Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Justice, and then showed his face in front of the Lingshi and Zhang Gu of the Ministry of Justice. He looked around and asked: "Where is the Lord Langzhong?"

The Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Justice said: "The Lord Langzhong was injured a few days ago and went home to recuperate."

In the Ministry of Justice, except for the Doctor of the Ministry of Justice, he was the most senior. Now that the Doctor of the Ministry of Justice went home to recuperate, he became the head of the Ministry of Justice.

Although this means that all matters of the Ministry of Justice will have to go through his hands, which is a bit troublesome, but since the doctor of the Ministry of Justice is not in the yamen, there will be no one who says that he is a jinx who defeats his superiors, right?

The officials of the Ministry of Justice dispersed, and someone in a duty room whispered: "The rumors outside that Tang Zhushi is a jinx are true. He is coming to the Ministry of Justice. Yang Shilang sprained his ankle twice in the same day and was scalded by hot water. I heard that he needs to rest for at least three months..."

Someone immediately echoed: "It's too dangerous. We should be careful too..."


The Ministry of Justice where Tang Ning works is in charge of criminal law and prisons. There are no major cases on weekdays, and he leaves daily affairs to the Yuanwailang to take care of. There was nothing to do for several days, just writing manuscripts and reading books in the duty room.

"Reading idle books?" Song Yi, the Minister of the Ministry of Justice, said without even raising his head, "Reading idle books is better than looking for trouble. Does Minister Xu want him to look for trouble?"

Minister Xu Cheng's eyelids jumped. The last time he looked for trouble, he had already caused the Ministry of Revenue to lose a minister. He didn't want to follow the old path of the Minister of Revenue.

Although he was in the Ministry of Justice, it was difficult to be an official in the capital. Many times, he had to consider comprehensively. He didn't dare to say that every matter he handled was righteous. Just in case, it would be better not to take the initiative to provoke that person.

As soon as Xu Cheng walked into the duty room, a clerk from the Ministry of Justice hurried forward and bowed, saying, "Sir Xu, someone reported a case."

Xu Cheng frowned and asked, "Who reported the case and what was it about?"

The Ministry of Justice was the highest department in charge of punishment in the State of Chen. All major cases in the country had to be summarized in the Ministry of Justice for review, but the Ministry of Justice did not often try cases on weekdays.

There are county yamen and prefectural yamen in the capital. These two yamen can handle more than 90% of the cases. The remaining 10% is the most difficult. According to the rules, the cases that these two yamen cannot handle will be handed over to the Ministry of Justice.

However, not often hearing cases does not mean that they will not hear cases. It’s just that those trivial cases are usually blocked outside by the guards. Once they are reported, they must be serious cases. But in general, these serious cases are easier to handle than those handed over by the county yamen and prefectural yamen.

The clerk of the Ministry of Revenue said: "A wealthy businessman in the west of the city found his wife hanging at home this morning, so he came to the Ministry of Justice to report the case."

"Hanging?" Compared with homicide cases, suicide cases are much simpler. They often only need to be filed with the Ministry of Justice without too much investigation.

Xu Cheng thought about it and said: "Let the people of the Ministry of Justice handle it."

Tang Ning received his first case within two days of coming to the Ministry of Justice.

The official of the Ministry of Justice looked at him and said, "Master Tang, this case is simple. It is probably that the people of the Ministry of Justice will go and investigate. If there is no accident, the case can be transferred to the county government after the case is determined."

Tang Ning thought about it, then nodded and said, "Then let's go."

Although he had seen dead people, at that time, his life was threatened, and he could not care about it, but in fact, he still had some fear of corpses in his heart.

The deceased was a wealthy businessman in the west of the city. He had been drinking outside all night last night. When he came back in the morning, he found that his wife had hanged herself in the room. Tang Ning simply asked about the case and walked out of the Ministry of Justice. He saw a group of people coming in.

Zhao Man waved to him from a distance and asked, "Hey, where are you going?"

Not only Zhao Man was there, but even Chen Huang changed into ordinary clothes. There were only zero and countless times of incognito visits. Chen Huang liked to play this tune more and more recently.

Tang Ning stepped forward, clasped his hands in cooperation, and said, "Sir, there is a case in the west of the city, and we are planning to investigate."

Emperor Chen looked at him with an interested expression on his face, and said, "Let's go with us to have a look."

Investigating a case is not about watching the fun, but Tang Ning couldn't just say that they were going out for business this time and let them stay wherever they wanted, so he had to go with them.

When they arrived at the scene of the crime, the body had been untied from Bai Ling, but the officers from the Criminal Department who had left first still had some skills in handling cases and did not let anyone else enter the room.

Zhao Man hid behind Chen Huang and only dared to take a sneak peek.

A clerk was asking about the case in detail. Tang Ning walked into the room, looked around, and finally looked at Bai Ling.

He leaped into the air, grabbed a beam above with one hand, and jumped down after a moment.

Things like climbing over a wall or going to a house are no longer trivial to him now.

Zhao Man glanced into the room and immediately opened his eyes when he saw this scene.

Tangning walked out of the room, squatted down, and lifted the white cloth on the ground. Zhao Man immediately closed her eyes again.

At this time, the clerk had finished asking and said: "Sir, the deceased is the wife of a wealthy businessman named Hu. She was found dead at home this morning. The time of death should be midnight yesterday. Last night, Hu was out drinking and stayed up all night. Return..., the work has been examined, and it is determined that he hanged himself. "

A well-built man knelt on the ground, with runny nose and tears, and cried: "Madam, isn't it good for you to tell me something? Why are you so hard to think about..."

"She didn't hang herself." Tangning shook her head and said, "She was strangled to death first, and then she pretended to have hanged herself."

Emperor Chen took a step forward, looked at him, and asked, "How do you determine that she did not hang herself, but was murdered?"

Tang Ning shook her head and said, "This was not said by the official, but by the deceased himself."

"Ah, damn, can dead people talk?" Zhao Man screamed and ran away immediately.

Chen Huang looked at him with doubt in his eyes and asked, "How can a dead man speak?"

"Not only can the dead speak, but they are often more credible than what the living say." Tang Ning looked at him and said, "Anyone who hangs himself will struggle violently before death, which will cause the white silk to roll on the beam, causing the beam to collapse. There are changes in the dust in many places. If there is only a trace of dust, it means that the victim was moved here after death."

"Only based on this, can we conclude that she did not hang herself?" Chen Huang looked at him and asked doubtfully: "What if she wanted to die and didn't struggle?"

"It is human nature to struggle when hanging yourself." Tangning shook her head, pointed at the corpse, and said, "Besides, people who really hanged themselves also have many external manifestations, such as closed eyes, open lips, holding hands, exposed teeth, and strangulation. The marks are deep purple, the tongue is stuck to the teeth when hanging on the throat, and the tongue is protruding below the throat. There is drool on the chest, and there is feces behind the buttocks. If someone is beaten and strangled to pretend to hang himself, the mouth and eyes will be open, and the hands will be open. Scattered, the blood vessels under the throat are weak, the traces are light, the tongue cannot come out, and it cannot reach the teeth..."

He did not pause and continued: "Although the marks on the neck of this corpse are deep, the mouth and eyes are open, the hands are scattered, the tongue cannot come out, and the teeth are not touching. It should be that someone strangled him and pretended to hang himself. Therefore, this should be a case of suicide." A murder, not a suicide."

After hearing the words, the man thought about it carefully and suddenly said: "What this gentleman said makes sense. I have been doing autopsies for many years and have seen many people who hanged themselves. It seems that it is exactly what this gentleman said, and this corpse is somewhat different." ..." [This chapter is first published. like. have. Voice. Novel Network, please remember the URL]

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