Fortunate Young Gentleman

Chapter 326: Delicate Dice and Red Beans

Tang Ning looked at the item in his hand and murmured, "This..."

"Just consider it a parting gift." Zhao Man looked up at him, his eyes lingering for a while before he said, "I'm moving back to the palace today."

Tang Ning was surprised and said, "So soon?"

"My father has agreed to Chu's marriage proposal." Zhao Man looked at him and said, "I will leave for Chu in a month, and we won't meet again."

Tang Ning looked at her, his lips parted, and for a moment he didn't know what to say.

"It's nice to meet you." Zhao Man suddenly smiled and said, "These half a month or so have been the happiest days of my life. Thank you."

"Say goodbye to Sister Zhong and Sister Su for me." She waved her hand, turned around and took two steps, then stopped again.

She stayed where she was for a moment before slowly turning around and looking up at Tang Ning.

Her eyes stayed on Tang Ning's face, and she said, "I have something to say to you."

Tang Ning nodded and said, "Princess, please speak."

"I..." Zhao Man moved her lips, and finally shook her head, saying, "If there is a chance to meet again, I will tell you."

After that, she turned and walked out, never looking back.


Zhao Man lived in the princess's mansion for less than a month, and then moved back to the palace.

This was because the marriage between Chen and Chu had been officially finalized. Before that, the royal family had to make many etiquette preparations. During this period, she could only stay in the palace and could not see outsiders.

Tang Ning sat on the wall, looking at the empty princess's mansion, put her parting gift in her arms, and jumped back to the yard from the wall.

He walked to the pavilion and sat down, looking forward, a little absent-minded.

"Brother Xiaoning."

Su Ru walked in from outside, handed him the steaming bowl, and said, "You didn't eat much just now, drink some porridge."

A lot of things happened today, Tang Ning didn't have much appetite, but he still took the bowl and drank it in small sips.

Su Ru looked at the yard next door and asked, "Has the princess moved away?"

Zhao Man has lived next door for less than a month, and she has become familiar with Xiao Ru and Xiao Yi as sisters.

Tang Ning put down the bowl and said, "The court is about to prepare for a marriage, and she can't live outside anymore."

Su Ru took out a handkerchief, wiped his mouth, and said, "Her Royal Highness is kind-hearted. I don't know what kind of person the Crown Prince of Chu is. I hope she will be happy after marrying into Chu."

Xiao Ru didn't know what kind of person the Crown Prince of Chu was, but Tang Ning knew it clearly. He was a scum who was even more disgusting than King Kang and King Duan. Zhao Man went to Chu this time and jumped into a fire pit.

After drinking a bowl of porridge, he walked out of the house and walked around. Before he knew it, he came to Tianranju.

"Why, you're unhappy?" Su Mei was swinging in the yard. Seeing him coming in, she asked, "Hasn't the matter of the Ministry of Justice been resolved? If King Kang has a little bit of brains, he won't hate you for it. What else is bothering you?"

"Nothing." Tang Ning waved his hand and said, "I'm bored, so I'll play a few rounds?"

Su Mei took out the white jade mahjong, searched in the box, and said, "The dice is gone. I'm too lazy to find it. You draw the cards first."

In order to show fairness, they usually use the odd and even points of the dice to decide who draws the cards first. Tang Ning took out a dice from his arms and said, "No, I have it."

He threw the dice on the table, looked at it, and said, "Six, an even number, you draw first."

Su Mei stretched out her hand, but she didn't draw the cards, but picked up the dice.

She looked at the dice carefully, then looked at Tang Ning and asked, "Where did this dice come from?"

"Someone gave it to me." Tang Ning looked at the dice in Su Mei's hand. He didn't know why Zhao Man gave him this, and didn't know if it was to wish him to get rich soon.

Su Mei showed an interested expression on her face and asked, "Who gave it to me?"

Tang Ning looked at her and realized that something was wrong, so he asked, "What's wrong?"

Su Mei blinked and asked, "It was given to me by a woman, right?"

Tang Ning was surprised and asked, "How do you know?"

Su Mei looked at the small and exquisite dice in her hand, looked at him and asked, "Do you know what this is?"


"Of course I know it's a dice." Su Mei rolled her eyes at him, handed the dice to him, and said, "Take a closer look, what's different about this dice?"

"It's just a dice..." Tang Ning looked at it carefully and asked in surprise: "What is the red thing inside the dice?"

"Red beans." Su Mei looked at him and explained: "Wang Wei has a poem that says: Red beans grow in the south, and a few branches sprout in spring. I hope you can pick more of them, as they are the most acacia-inspiring..., so red beans are also called acacia beans. Red beans in the dice represent deep acacia, so tell me honestly, which woman gave you this token of love?"

"Red beans in the exquisite dice, do you know how deep acacia you are?" Tang Ning was stunned and immediately recalled a poem by Wen Tingyun in his mind.

Since ancient times, red bean dice have been a token of love between women and men. After Su Mei reminded him, he immediately remembered it, but...

The dice in his hand fell on the table, and he was puzzled: "How is this possible!"

When walking back from Tianranju, Tang Ning still had some doubts in his heart. He walked to the door of Tang Mansion, and a figure came over and said, "Master Tang, my master wants to see you."

Tang Ning looked at the girl: "Your master?"

The girl pointed to the carriage not far away and said, "My master is right there."

This was in front of the Tang Mansion. Tang Ning was not worried about assassins or anything. She walked to the carriage and saw a figure getting off the carriage.

Tangning looked at the figure and said in surprise: "Princess Anyang..."

Princess Anyang looked at him, smiled, and said, "Master Tang, could you please take a step to talk?"

Red Sleeve Pavilion.

After Tangning sat down, she raised her head and asked, "I wonder if the princess is looking for me, but what's the important matter?"

Princess Anyang looked at him and said, "I am here for Princess Pingyang."

"Princess, what's wrong with princess?"

"The princess likes you, do you know?"

"Cough, cough!" Tangning choked on a mouthful of tea, covered her mouth and coughed violently.

Princess Anyang looked at him and asked, "Are you okay?"

Tangning coughed for a while, patted her chest, and said, "Sorry, I lost my temper in front of the princess."

Princess Anyang shook her head and said she didn't care.

She looked at Tang Ning and continued, "Actually, like Mr. Tang, I didn't believe it at first. Pingyang has been simple-minded, playful and willful since he was a child. How do you know what love is?"

Tangning wiped the corner of her mouth, shook her head and said, "The princess is still a child. She has not experienced anything, so she may mistake certain feelings for love."

"I thought so at the beginning." Princess Anyang looked at him and said, "But children will always grow up. I don't know when she started to like you, but I know that she would rather marry herself. When I go to Chu State and marry someone I don't like, I don't want to hurt you, and I don't even want to tell you this. She regards you as more important than herself. What kind of feelings does Mr. Tang think?"

Tang Ning took a sip of tea and didn't answer.

Princess Anyang stood up and said, "I am telling you this today not because I want you to do something for her, but I just think you should know these things."

Tang Ning felt that the amount of information he received today was more than an entire box of books in the Hanlin Academy.

Zhao Yingying likes him. Are you kidding? could she like him?

"Little girl movie..."

He sat in the yard, looking at the exquisite dice in his hand, dumbfounded.

A figure walked in from outside the courtyard, looked at him, and said, "Master Tang, your Majesty has summoned you."

It was really hard to have a moment's leisure today. Not long after Tangning returned home, she got on the carriage entering the palace again.

The place where Emperor Chen summoned him was in the Imperial Study Room. In addition to him, the Ministers of the Ministry of Punishment and the Ministry of Hubu were also there. Tang Huai, the Minister of Rites, was also on the list. No need to guess, the other three should be the ministers of the other three departments.

When Tang Ning walked in, Emperor Chen was reprimanding Song Yi, the Minister of Punishment.

"As the Minister of the Ministry of Justice, my subordinates are so blatantly protecting me. Can't you see? The Ministry of Justice is a place to redress the grievances of the people, not a place where the people are wronged..." Chen Huang scolded him before his tone gradually softened. He said: "For the position of Minister of Justice, a replacement will be elected as soon as possible."

Song Yi, Shangshu of the Ministry of Punishment, said quickly: "I obey the order."

Emperor Chen nodded, looked at Tang Huai, and said: "The Ministry of Etiquette must start preparations for the princess's wedding as soon as possible. It is related to the face of our country, Chen. There can be no mistakes in all etiquette. The preparations must be completed within a month. In addition, , the candidate for the wedding messenger should also be selected from your etiquette department..."

Tang Huai cupped his fists and bowed, saying, "I obey your order."

Chen Huang discussed a few more matters with the six ministers before looking at Tang Ning, who had been waiting for a long time, and asked: "Among the six ministers, you have already completed the household and criminal departments. Where do you want to go in the next one?"

As soon as Chen Huang said this, all the six ministers, except the Minister of Hubu and the Minister of Punishment, had strange expressions on their faces.

Tangning's eyes swept over several people one by one, and finally stopped on one person.

"Master Tang, I'm afraid that I'm going to cause trouble to the Ministry of Rites next time."

He cupped his hands towards Tang Huai, holding an exquisite dice in his palm.

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