Fortunate Young Gentleman

Chapter 330: Winning without fighting

Officials from the Ministry of Rites came to the Yamen to pay their respects early in the morning. As soon as they returned to their duty rooms, they heard jaw-dropping news.

Chen Zheng, a doctor in the Ministry of Rites, was dismissed from his post due to his involvement in an imperial examination fraud case a few years ago and was thrown into the Dali Temple jail.

There are also several minor officials involved in the case in the Ministry of Rites. They will be yoked for three months and given a hundred sticks, and then sent to the army in a smoky place. Once they go, they will never come back.

Compared with the other departments of the six departments, the risk of the Ministry of Rites is much smaller. It is nothing more than messing up the etiquette process and being fined or demoted.

But in the Ministry of Rites, there is one thing that cannot be touched.

That is imperial examination fraud. The imperial examination is an important way for the imperial court to select officials. The Ministry of Rites has always been responsible for it. The crime of fraud is even worse than murder and arson. People who participate in fraud have always had extremely miserable consequences.

Doctor Chen was sent to the Dali Temple Prison for fraud, and his life was over. The officials in the Ministry of Rites were shocked and sighed, but they also became extremely vigilant.

In the study room, Liu Feng looked at Tang Huai and said in a deep voice: "Mr. Chen was investigated this time, and it was because of King Kang's connection. I don't know how King Kang got hold of Mr. Liu, but he launched an attack at this time. He clearly wanted to The Lord is embarrassed.”

Chen is the wedding messenger designated by the Ministry of Rites. Now that he is in the Tianlao of Dali Temple, he cannot be the wedding messenger. The candidate for the wedding messenger has been changed twice. If anything goes wrong this time, His Majesty will definitely be in trouble. If there is even greater dissatisfaction, then the entire Ministry of Rites will probably be punished.

Liu Feng looked at Tang Huai, thought for a while, and said: "Master Tang, King Kang must have come here to send the wedding envoy. He is afraid that if we appoint another person, he will fall into King Kang's hands again. Your Majesty can’t explain it at all.”

Tang Huai looked calm, tapped the table with his index finger, and said: "Now the only people from the Rites Department who can serve as wedding messengers are you, the doctor from the Shanbu Department, and the doctor from the Temple Department."

"The dining department..." Liu Feng thought for a while and said, "Sir, I'm afraid the dining department is not good. Prince Kang can dig out the clues about Chen Zheng four years ago. If the problem of the dining department is found, and it is changed again, your majesty will definitely surrender. Ministry of Sin and Rites.”

"You don't have to be the wedding messenger, and we can't let you take this risk." Tang Huai thought for a while and said, "In this case, only Mr. Liu from the temple will be chosen."

Liu Feng thought for a while, nodded and said, "There is nothing wrong with Mr. Liu. If King Kang forcibly obstructs it, His Majesty will probably notice something."

Tang Huai looked at Liu Feng, the Minister of Rites, and said: "Let him know first, just in case, don't report it for the time being."

Liu Feng nodded and said, "I'll go right away."

After leaving the Yamen, Liu Jin, the doctor of the Temple Department, walked out of the Yamen of the Ministry of Rites, with a confused expression on his face.

The errand of the wedding messenger went around in a circle, and it actually fell on his head. It was a bit incredible no matter how you thought about it.

This is a great achievement. He should be happy that this kind of credit falls on him.

But for some reason, he wasn't happy at all.

First, the host and guest doctor suddenly fell ill, and then the doctor of the Ministry of Etiquette was caught cheating. Whoever was responsible for the wedding was unlucky. He was still a little worried in his heart, and he felt that something was not right for some reason.

But after thinking about it, I didn't realize what was wrong. I could only shake my head and murmured: "It should be just a coincidence..."

When he returned home, a maid came forward to report that Yang Langzhong from the Ministry of Punishment was visiting.

He and Doctor Yang of the Ministry of Justice were Jinshi in the same year, and they have been close friends for many years. They move around a lot on weekdays. After hearing this, the gloom in his heart was slightly lifted, and he opened the door and walked into the study.

In the study, his collection of fine wine had long been opened, and someone was sitting in his seat, sipping.

Liu Jin looked at the man and said, "You have only been injured for a few days. Can you drink?"

The man waved his hand and said, "It doesn't matter if you have a few drinks."

Liu Jin sat opposite the man and asked, "I just don't understand. You spent three months at home to recover from your serious injury. On your first day at the Ministry of Punishment, you fell into a well again. Do you want to Ask a fortune teller to tell you whether you are destined to be too old or not?"

"It's not that you're destined to be too old, but it's true that you're destined to be a broom star." Zhang Langzhong of the Ministry of Punishment waved his hand and said: "I burned my feet on purpose, and I jumped into the well myself. If I hadn't done this, I wouldn't be here now." Opportunity to sit here and drink with you."

Liu Jin waved his hands with disdain and said, "Then Tangning is so powerful, how can she cause harm wherever she goes?"

Zhang Langzhong took a sip of his wine and said, "Didn't he join your Ministry of Etiquette? You'll find out later."

Liu Jin didn't take it seriously and said: "Our Ministry of Rites is not like your Ministry of Punishments. Even if a broom star enters our Ministry of Rites, he must behave..."

Before he finished his sentence, as if he thought of something, the expression on his face suddenly froze and he murmured: "The broom star!"

Zhang Langzhong saw the strange expression on his face and asked, "What's wrong?"

Liu Jin moved his lips and said: "Although he did nothing in the Ministry of Rites, in the two days since he arrived, the host and guest doctor suddenly fell ill, and the doctor of the Ministry of Rites was arrested for fraud... This, this should be related to him It doesn’t matter, right?”

"That's not necessarily true." Zhang Langzhong looked at him and said, "Nothing has happened to the four doctors in the Ministry of Rites for so many years. Why did he lose half of his value in two days when he came? I tell you, you have to be careful. Mr. Tang has a deep hatred for you, Lord Shangshu. He may have come to your Ministry of Rites for revenge. "

"No way..." Liu Jin murmured, but the expression on his face was already a little frightened.

That man took the initiative to choose to go to the Ministry of Rites, which was beyond everyone's expectations, but the entire Ministry of Rites was united and ignored him. He didn't do anything in the past two days...

Once was an accident, twice was a coincidence. If there was a third time, even if he didn't believe it, he would have to be more careful.

But the problem is, it was the wedding messenger who got into trouble twice. If there really was a third time, wouldn't he be the unlucky one?

He forced himself to calm down, shook his head, and said: "It's impossible, it's impossible, it doesn't make sense..."

Zhang Langzhong looked at him and asked: "Do you think he is reasonable with the Minister of Hubu and the Minister of Punishment? Or do you think you are smarter than them?"

Liu Jin pursed his lips, looked at Zhang Langzhong, and said: "Old Zhang, you have been in the Ministry of Justice for a long time and have seen a lot. Please help me analyze it. If it is really him, what is his purpose?"

He told the doctor of the Ministry of Punishment in detail what happened in the past two days.

Zhang Langzhong thought for a while and said: "So, whoever in your Etiquette Department serves as the wedding messenger will be unlucky. Think about it, if the Etiquette Department messes up the princess's wedding ceremony, who will be the most unlucky?"

Liu Jin thought for a while and suddenly said: "Master Shangshu!"

"Isn't it clear?" Zhang Langzhong slapped his thigh and said: "He didn't go to the Etiquette Department earlier or later, but he went to the Etiquette Department at this time. He just made trouble for your Etiquette Department. First, he changed two wedding messengers in a row. , let Tang Shangshu make fools of himself again and again in His Majesty's presence, I'm afraid that even if you become the wedding messenger, he will cause trouble. This marriage is very important. Once something is messed up, you will be waiting to pack up and go back. Go home, when the time comes, even your Lord Chancellor will be blamed..."

Liu Jin's face turned pale and he asked: "But Lord Shangshu has decided to let me be the wedding messenger, and I have already agreed. What should I do?"

"So what if you agree?" Zhang Langzhong looked at him and said calmly: "The water in the capital is deep. As officials, if we want to gain a foothold here, we should be tougher on ourselves!"

One of the hosts and guests fell ill, a doctor from the Ministry of Etiquette was arrested, and another doctor from the Temple Department came. Although it was a bit endless, compared to the others, the doctor from the Temple Department was sitting opposite him, making it easier to start.

Tang Ning had just sat down in her seat and before she could decide which method to use, she heard the news that Liu Jin, the doctor of the ancestral temple department, was seriously injured by a speeding carriage on the way to the ceremony department in the morning. The carriage hit and escaped, and she was shocked. The buns in his hands fell to the ground.

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