Fortunate Young Gentleman

Chapter 340 Before Departure

From being the wedding messenger in early February to now, except for most of the time at home, Tang Ning has gone to the natural center every day to sit and sit, and will go to the palace every two days. However, since the Ministry of Rites confirmed the final etiquette a few days ago, After the protocol, he had no reason to enter the palace to see Zhao Man again.

Although as a wedding messenger, it was easier for him to see Zhao Man than others, but since he went to Changning Palace every day for nothing, there was no guarantee that others would not suspect that he had other thoughts and intentions for the princess.

The date of departure has been decided, and on the third day of March, it is said that Qintian Supervisor has calculated the auspiciousness. Now it is almost late February, and there is only less than half a month left before departure.

He hadn't seen Zhao Man for several days, and the next time he saw him would be the day of departure.

In order to comfort her that the temporary separation was for a better reunion in the future, he wasted no time in talking.

Shuxiu Palace.

Concubine Shu put down the book in her hand and asked: "Du Juan, if I remember correctly, today is already eighteen, right?"

A palace maid serving beside her immediately said: "Back to your Majesty, yesterday I was eighteen, and today I am nineteen."

"So soon." Concubine Shu stood up and said, "There is less than half a month left until the third day of March."

Du Juan nodded and said, "In fourteen days, the princess will get married."

"Speaking of which, I haven't seen Man'er for several days. I don't know how she is doing now." She put on a coat and said, "Go to Changning Palace."

Walking out of Shuxiu Palace, the palace maid named Du Juan said, "I heard about these princesses. Shang Yi in the palace is teaching the princess etiquette."

Concubine Shu shook her head and said: "Her mother-in-law left early and was always pampered by His Majesty. It must not be easy for her to learn palace etiquette now."

Du Juan followed Concubine Shu and said, "Last time I met the princess in the palace, I was much more haggard than usual."

"Being born in the royal family, she has to bear these things." Concubine Shu sighed and said: "That's why I want to go over and comfort her, in case the child can't think about it..."

The two of them were talking and walked to Changning Palace.

After passing through the door and coming to the yard with the garden in front, I suddenly heard a burst of singing.

"Guan Guan Jiujiu, in the River Island. A graceful lady, a gentleman likes to fight..."

The song was obviously coming from the mouth of a young girl. It was pleasant to the ears, and there was irrepressible joy in the voice, as well as an indescribable emotion.

Concubine Shu took two steps forward before the girl's voice suddenly stopped, and she said in surprise: "Why is your queen here..."

Concubine Shu was stunned, looking at the girl who was filled with joy. She had prepared a lot of words of comfort, but they were all useless at this moment.

Not only was the girl not as haggard as she had imagined, but she was in high spirits. She had been dissatisfied with the marriage before, but now she sang "Guan Ju" in praise of men and women.

The appearance inside Changning Palace was completely different from what she had imagined.

Zhao Man came over and held her hand affectionately. Concubine Shu came to her senses and asked, "How are you doing with Man'er's etiquette?"

"I've learned everything." Zhao Man looked a little proud and said, "Xu Shangyi also praised me for learning quickly..."

"That's good." Fang Shufei nodded and said, "We are leaving in half a month. Are you ready?"

"There's still half a month left..." Zhao Man counted the numbers on his fingers and said, "I've been ready for a long time. I really hope this half month will pass quickly."

Half an hour later, Concubine Fang Shu walked out of Changning Palace with a confused look on her face.

After standing there for a while, she shook her head and murmured: "Today's young people are really becoming more and more incomprehensible..."

After leaving Changning Palace, she personally cooked a bowl of soup and sent it to the imperial study. When she returned to the palace and passed by the Hanlin Academy, she happened to meet Fang Zhe who was coming out of the courtyard.

Fang Zhe stopped, looked at her, and said, "Second sister."

Concubine Fang Shu nodded, looked at him and asked, "How is that girl Xinyue doing lately? She hasn't been to Shuxiu Palace for a long time."

Fang Zhe said: "She is good, but she is a bit playful."

"She's still young, so it's okay to be playful. When she grows up to the age of Man'er, she will naturally become sensible." Thinking of what just happened, she shook her head slightly and said, "Being sensible doesn't necessarily mean she will be more playful than others." When I was little, I would cry and laugh sometimes, but I am so old that I can’t see what young people like them are thinking.”

Fang Zhe looked forward and said slowly: "Young people should do what young people should do while they are young. Even if they make some mistakes because of impulsiveness, it is better than regretting it later..."

Throughout February, the news that attracted the most attention from the people of the capital was naturally the news of Princess Pingyang's marriage.

It is not unusual for the royal family to marry a princess. In recent years, one has been married almost every few years. However, the previous princesses were all married to the sons of nobles in the capital or the sons of important ministers. This time Princess Pingyang married the Chu State, No matter in terms of scale or influence, it cannot be compared with the previous princesses.

The Chu State and the Chen State have been friendly neighbors to each other for decades and have a common enemy. Over the years, their relationship has gradually become estranged. This marriage is a direct manifestation of the reunification of the diplomatic relations between Chen and Chu. It is welcomed by the people of the Chen State. .

Of course, such a big thing as a marriage is related to the interests between countries and benefits the people of both countries. No one cares about whether the princess is willing to marry or what kind of life she will live after marrying.

There must be someone who cares about things that others don't care about or don't care about.

In addition to accompanying his family, Tang Ning has also been busy these days. He has prepared a lot of medicines by himself. After all, his martial arts skills are not very good at the moment, so he can only rely on surprise attacks.

Driven by the determination to die, Tang Ning tried the medicine on Tang Yaoyao. Within a quarter of an hour, she fell asleep unconsciously, and after waking up, she did not realize that it was him who did it.

He had to find an opportunity to remind the martial arts lady Tang. Although she is a martial arts expert, her awareness of prevention is too poor. Fortunately, he was the one who drugged her this time. If it was someone else, the consequences would be disastrous.

With Lao Zheng around, the things he prepared were just in case, and they might not be used.

More than half a month has passed, and Nannan's illness has almost healed. She can run and jump, and follow Fang Xinyue all day long. Lao Zheng can leave with peace of mind.

At this point, Tang Ning has prepared everything he should prepare. Everything is ready, just waiting to set off.

Su Ru was busy in the room for a while, and said, "Brother Xiao Ning, remember to take this bag with you."

Tang Ning looked at the huge bag and asked, "What is this?"

Su Ru said, "We don't know how long we will be gone this time, I have prepared a few clothes for you in all four seasons, just in case."

Tang Ning had just put the bag into the box, and Zhong Yi handed him another small bag, saying, "Take these with you, you will need them on the road."

Tang Ning opened the bag and took a look. There was a thick stack of silver bills inside.

"You don't need these." These silver bills are universal in Chen State, but it is a bit troublesome to exchange them in Chu State. Besides, this time they are going abroad at public expense, and all expenses are reimbursed by the state, so they don't need to pay for it themselves.

Zhong Yi rewrapped the bag and said, "You should take it with you, just in case you need it?"

Even if you need to take some silver, you don't need to take so many silver bills. Although the face value is not very large, it adds up to more than 100,000 taels.

Half a year is not too long or too short, but it is the longest time to be apart from them. Even though he started preparing a long time ago, he still felt that the time was not enough.

After a long time, Tang Ning came out of the room, stood in the yard, and sighed leisurely.

The prince of Chu, who was full and had nothing to do, was really troublesome. Why did he ask for marriage?

He walked out of the house and saw the rich man Tang coming out from next door.

Tang Ning bowed: "Hello, Uncle Tang."

Tang Yaoyao's father never liked him very much, but this time he actually gave him a smile before getting on the carriage and leaving.

Tang Ning was a little surprised, and then he thought, if the rich man Tang left, wouldn't he be able to go through the main gate to find Tang Yaojing?

He was already familiar with climbing over the wall to enter Tang Yaojing's yard, but he rarely went through the main gate. He stepped into Tang Yaoyao's yard and saw her sitting at the stone table in the yard in a daze.

[ps: There may be only one update today. The plot is at a turning point, and this part is a bit stuck. There are some things going on at school, so it's very troublesome. I will adjust it as soon as possible. The overdue updates will be counted as the overdue updates.]

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