Fortunate Young Gentleman

Chapter 357: Little Savage Girl, Little Beauty Girl

Although the little girl from the grassland said that she would never eat their food, Tang Ning found that two buns were missing from the table when he was packing up and preparing to leave.

He shook his head and murmured, "Strange, there are mice in this tent..."

Wanyan Yan glared at him and wiped her mouth inconspicuously.

Tang Ning looked at her and said, "Get ready, we are leaving."

To be honest, as a captive, Tang Ning had treated her as well as possible. Except that she could not leave, there were no restrictions on her activities. He even let her ride in a carriage alone when traveling.

With the bandits who were familiar with the terrain of Shililin leading the way, the journey was obviously much smoother. They knew clearly where there were shortcuts, rivers, narrow valleys, and wide forest roads.

They set off at noon and walked out of the forest before it got dark.

Lu Teng rode on his horse, pointed ahead, and said, "Ten miles ahead, we will reach Liaozhou City."

Liaozhou City is located in the southernmost part of Chu State and is also the gateway to Chu State. After leaving the forest, Lu Teng sent several messengers to go ahead so that the officials of Liaozhou could be prepared.

Tang Ning got off the carriage and said, "Rest here for a quarter of an hour, and then set off immediately after a quarter of an hour. We must arrive in Liaozhou City before tonight."

Rest for a quarter of an hour is to allow everyone to solve their personal problems. There is still shelter in this forest. For the next ten miles, even if it is urgent, you have to hold it in.

The princess's carriage is fully equipped, it is basically a mobile mansion, so there is no need to worry about the three urgent problems.

Wan Yanyan jumped off the carriage, walked to his side, and said, "I need to pee."

Women from the grassland are rude. In this era, if a Han woman dares to say this, I am afraid that her family will slap her.

Of course, she couldn't go alone. If she ran away, Lord He wouldn't be able to get her back. It didn't matter whether Lord He got back or not. What mattered was that the grassland people had lost their fear and who knew how many troubles they would cause along the way.

Tang Ning jumped off the carriage and said, "I'll go with you."

He walked with her to a deserted place in the forest. Wan Yanyan looked at him and said, "Turn your head away."

Tang Ning simply left her three feet away. Although he couldn't see her at this distance, he was not afraid that she would run away.

There was a sound of water flowing in his ears. Tang Ning stood further away again. After a while, he heard no movement behind him and asked, "Is it done?"

There was a sound of breaking wind in his ears. Tang Ning leaned sideways, raised his hand to hold her wrist, and put his index and middle fingers together on his other hand and tapped her shoulder.


"I told you to stop making trouble." He slapped her on the butt, carried her on his shoulders, and strode out of the forest.

"Bite you to death!" She pointed her head at Tang Ning's chest and opened her mouth to bite it.

"Hiss..." Tang Ning took a breath of cold air, threw her to the ground, rubbed her chest, and said angrily: "Are you born in the year of the dog!"

Wanyan Yan just stared at him and didn't say anything.

Tang Ning rubbed his chest and lifted her up again, but this time her buttocks were facing forward.

Wanyan Yan just opened her mouth and hadn't bitten down when she heard a "pop" sound, and then a burning pain came from her buttocks.

Tang Ning said calmly: "If you bite me again, you can only sleep on your stomach tonight."

Wanyan Yan opened her mouth but didn't bite it in the end. Although the grassland women didn't value reputation as much as the Han women, they also knew that some parts of the women's body couldn't be touched by men.

This insidious and cunning shameless man, if he fell into her hands in the future, she would return the insults she had suffered in the past two days tenfold and a hundredfold!

In order to make her quiet down, Tang Ning pressed her sleeping point when he threw him on the carriage.

From this little girl, he finally found some sense of accomplishment as a man.

She couldn't beat any of the women she knew who knew martial arts. The appearance of this little girl finally made him regain his confidence.

Lu Teng watched him and Wan Yanyan walk into the woods, and then watched him carry her out. Only half of a quarter of an hour had passed. He shook his head slightly...


It took a little longer to get to Liaozhou than Tang Ning expected. They didn't arrive before dark. When they arrived at Liaozhou City, it was already after the hour of midnight.

There was a curfew in Liaozhou City, but there were still many people gathered at the city gate.

When the convoy reached the city wall, a man came out and said loudly: "Liaozhou Governor, we have been waiting for the princess for a long time..."

Tang Ning turned over and dismounted. The Liaozhou Governor stepped forward and said with a bow: "I guess this is the envoy Tang, right?"

Tang Ning nodded and said: "The princess is a little tired after traveling all the way. Let's go into the city quickly."

The Liaozhou Governor nodded and said: "The post station has been cleaned up long ago. Welcome the princess into the city..."

It was late at night when they entered the city. After settling the accompanying delegation into the post station, the Liaozhou officials dispersed one after another.

Around the post station, in addition to Lu Teng's troops, there were also guards sent by the Liaozhou Governor. Even so, Lu Teng did not relax.

They were not familiar with the situation in Chu at all. Tang Ning and Lao Zheng lived next door to Zhao Man. If anything happened, they could rush there immediately.

Although they traveled all the way, Tang Ning did not feel sleepy when he arrived in Chu.

He sat in the yard, poured a pot of wine, and drank by himself.

On weekdays, he seldom drinks. Tonight, the moon is full, and he suddenly feels like drinking. He asks the accompanying cook to prepare a few side dishes and toasts to the moon.

He has been away for more than two months. He doesn't know how Xiaoru and Xiaoyi are doing, how Xiaoxiao's martial arts have improved, whether Su Mei can sleep alone, whether Tang Yaojing's love syndrome has improved...

They are getting closer and closer to the capital of Chu. Li Tianlan might be shocked when the time comes. Although he misses Xiaoru and Xiaoyi, he is also looking forward to seeing her again.

Tang Ning raised his head and took a sip of wine, and asked, "Is your butt itchy again?"

A figure sneaking up from behind him immediately deflated, and then sat down opposite him with a swagger, picked up the wine pot and drank a few gulps, then reached out his hand, pinched a mouthful of food from the plate and put it into his mouth.

She wiped her mouth casually and was about to pinch it a second time when Tang Ning hit her hand with a chopstick. She quickly withdrew her hand, blew hard on the back of her hand, and glared at Tang Ning.

Tang Ning reminded her: "Don't forget that you are a prisoner."

She took advantage of Tang Ning's inattention and grabbed a handful of vegetables with her hand, saying: "Kill me if you have the guts."

Tang Ning had no choice but to get her a pair of chopsticks. Wan Yan Yan held them in her hand, looked at him, and asked: "How do you use them?"

Tang Ning must have done something wrong in his previous life. Not only did he teach her Chinese, but he also taught her how to use chopsticks. The little girl, who was quite talented in languages, could not learn how to use chopsticks. She threw them on the ground in anger and continued to eat with her hands.

Tang Ning looked at her and asked: "Have you washed your hands?"

While grabbing the vegetables, she looked at Tang Ning and asked: "What hands are you washing?"

Tang Ning put down his chopsticks and picked up the wine pot. When he remembered how she gulped down the wine pot, he put down the wine pot too.

Compared with this little savage girl, even Tang Yaoyao, who was the most wild in Tang Ning's mind, suddenly became a polite and hygienic lady.

Watching her eat while wiping her mouth with her sleeves, and wiping her body with her greasy claws from time to time, Tang Ning suddenly lost his appetite. He smelled a strange smell around him and asked, "How long have you not taken a bath?"

Wanyan Yan was very interested in Tang Ning's appetizers and said casually, "I took a bath a month ago..."

She looked at Tang Ning's hand on her shoulder, unable to move, and could only stare at him, angrily saying, "What do you want to do!"

Tang Ning walked outside the courtyard and said to a guard, "Go and call two palace maids over."

He could allow the little savage girl to eat at the same table with him, but he couldn't stand the little dirty girl running around him all day. Tang Ning pressed her acupuncture points, threw away all the clothes she was wearing, and asked two palace maids to help her take a thorough bath.

The pig-killing sound in the room lasted for half an hour. Tang Ning sat in the yard, blocking her ears with a headache.

Outside the yard, two guards stood at the door and looked at each other with fear and admiration.

"Who said that Lord Tang would only take less than a quarter of an hour?"

"It's almost half an hour!"


Being hygienic is a good habit, regardless of nationality, it is good for yourself and others. Tang Ning decided to help her develop a good habit of taking a bath every day. Next time she eats directly with her hands, she will starve for a day...

After an unknown amount of time, the pig-killing sound in the room disappeared. Wan Yanyan, wearing Zhao Man's clothes, with her hair disheveled and barefoot, ran out of the room, staring at Tang Ning and shouting, "I'm going to kill you!"

Her hair was no longer tied into small braids, but was completely loose. She also changed her fur clothes into a high-quality silk dress. Although Tang Ning looked fierce, she was no longer as sloppy as before.

Tangning thought to herself, as expected, there are no ugly women, only lazy ones. After taking a bath and changing her clothes, the little girl actually transformed into a beautiful girl...

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