Fortunate Young Gentleman

Chapter 388: Succession

Emperor Chu wanted to sit up on the bed, but King Xin took two steps forward and carefully helped him up.

The prince was full of doubts about why his adviser appeared here. Emperor Chu leaned on the bedside and said, "I already know what happened today."

The prince came to his senses and immediately said: "Father, Uncle Wang wants to rebel..."

Emperor Chu looked at him and said slowly: "If your uncle Wang wanted to rebel, he would have rebelled a few years ago and would not have waited until now."

The prince's expression was stunned, he looked at him in disbelief, and murmured: "Father..."

"Zhi'er." Emperor Chu looked at him, covered his mouth, coughed a few times, and said, "Father has taught you a long time ago that to be an emperor in a peaceful and prosperous era, you can be without talent or without virtue. To be an emperor in a troubled era The emperor must be talented and virtuous so that the country can continue."

The prince looked at Emperor Chu, as if he had realized something, and his face gradually turned pale.

"The Kingdom of Chu rose from humble beginnings, and it took several generations of emperors to rule the world today." Emperor Chu looked at him and sighed: "For the sake of the country, the country, and the people, I cannot let you destroy the foundation of the Li family."

The prince's face changed wildly. He looked at the counselor, at King Xin, then at Emperor Chu, and suddenly laughed and said: "It turns out you have a plan, it turns out you are in the same group, liars, you are all liars, Give me back my country, give me my country..."

Emperor Chu closed his eyes and said, "Take the prince down."

Two imperial guards took the prince down, and Emperor Chu slowly opened his eyes, looked at King Xin, and asked: "The prince's moral character is corrupt and he intends to murder the regent. I have decided to depose the prince and officially pass the throne to you. Are you satisfied?" ?”

King Xin sighed softly and said: "Brother Huang is pressing on every step of the way, isn't it just for today?"

"There is nothing I can do." Emperor Chu sighed and said: "There are wolves in front and tigers in the back. Our country of Chu seems to be ruling the world, but in fact it is surrounded by foreign enemies. It is better to be a deposed prince than a king who has subjugated the country. Much more.”

"After so many years, my brother has not changed at all." King Xin shook his head and said: "It was like this when I asked my brother to be regent, and it is like this now."

Emperor Chu said: "Being born into the royal family, this is my duty, and it is also your duty."

King Xin said: "This is the duty imposed on me by the emperor."

Emperor Chu looked at him with a smile on his face and said, "Don't worry about these things between brothers..."

King Xin said: "Brothers must also settle accounts openly."

Emperor Chu shook his head and said: "After so many years, you haven't changed at all. Back then, we secretly ran out of the palace to fish without telling my father. Your bait was not given to me at all; my father arranged it for me. My homework is twice as much as yours, and you never help me share it..."

King Xin said leisurely: "Father taught us that we should do our own things by ourselves."

Emperor Chu asked: "So you would rather be poisoned than help me take care of this world?"

King Xin nodded and said: "Poisoning is a temporary thing, but governing a country takes a lifetime. This is a headache for the imperial brother, why should we embarrass my brother?"

"Because I am jealous..." Emperor Chu looked a little angry and said, "I have been more tired than you since I was a child. My father wants me to be the best at everything. My schoolwork is twice as much as yours, and I only have your time to sleep. Half of me, I also want to be an idle prince, doing nothing all day long... You don't know how much I envy you..."

"I'm fine now." His frown relaxed, "I can finally have a good sleep. After so many years, I haven't had a good night's sleep..."

King Xin helped him lie down, covered him with a quilt, and said, "Brother, please have a good rest now."

"No, I still have some things to do. It's not too late to sleep after I finish talking." He looked at King Xin and said, "Although Zhi'er has no talent or virtue, he is my flesh and blood after all. I can't give him the throne, so you can help me May he be rich and prosperous for the rest of his life."

King Xin nodded and said, "My brother obeys the order."

Emperor Chu paused for a moment before continuing: "If one day you are tired, then see if there are any talents in the royal family that can be made. You may not be the emperor, but the inheritance of the Li family cannot be broken... "

King Xin said: "My brother has written it down."

"There is one last thing." Emperor Chu looked at the side of the bed and said, "Let's draw up the decree."

There were already people in the hall who had prepared pen and paper and were listening intently.

"I have inherited the great cause of Emperor Gaozu and Emperor Taizong for sixteen years, and hereby I have worked conscientiously, showing consideration to my ministers, benefiting the people, and maintaining order and order in the world. The prince Li Zhi has violated the virtues of our ancestors, disrespected my instructions, and only committed evil. He is violent and promiscuous, bringing harm to the people, and it is hard to get out of his mouth... Now, Prince Li Zhi is deposed and denounced as a commoner..."

Emperor Chu was lying on the bed. After finishing this sentence, he paused for a long time before speaking again.

"My virtue moves the sky, and the jade scale carries the preface; the poor gods know it, and the billions of signs return to my heart. It has been sixteen years since I was ordered by the late emperor to live among the people. Now that I have been suffering from chronic illness for a long time, I am unable to govern the country. Don't dare to worry about the world.

King Li Shun has been regent for many years. He has a noble character and numerous achievements. I am convinced that he will be able to inherit the throne and succeed me to the throne, that is, the emperor. I will announce it to the world and send envoys to hear about it. "

These two imperial edicts, one is to depose the prince, and the other is to pass the throne.

When he read to the second chapter, he had to pause for a long time every time he said a sentence. It took a long time to say just a few words.

After finishing speaking, he slowly closed his eyes and said, "I'm tired, you all should step aside."

He was lying on the bed with his eyes slightly closed and his expression peaceful.

King Xin clenched his fists, then quickly released them. He bowed down and whispered: "My brother, please leave..."

Outside the palace.

The soldiers of the Patrol City Division have surrounded the palace gate, looking inside with vigilant eyes.

Inside the palace, the imperial guards are fully armed, as if facing a great enemy.

The streets of Kyoto have long been deserted. The people are hiding in their homes, panic-stricken, and the officials have no intention of going to the government office. They stay in their homes, occasionally looking in the direction of the palace, with trepidation on their faces.

The news that the prince intended to murder the regent during the Queen Mother's Festival spread throughout Kyoto in a very short time, and Prince Xin has been in the palace for a long time.

Kyoto, which has been suppressed for a long time, finally changed completely today. The conflict between Prince Xin and the prince also broke out today.

The prince murdered the regent, which is not tolerated by the law and the people. If Your Majesty deposes the prince, then the prince will never have a chance to ascend the throne. If Your Majesty does not depose the prince, Prince Xin will definitely be eliminated.

Whoever walks out of the palace gate today is related to the future of Chu State. Everyone is worried, and the whole capital has become silent.

At the city gate, Tang Ning has been waiting for a long time.

Since Prince Xin entered the palace, he and Lu Teng and others have retreated outside the city gate.

The city is now a powder keg that can be ignited at any time. It is better to stay away from it to avoid being affected.

Chen Zhou came over from a distance and said, "Master Tang, someone said that they saw many people in strange clothes going north. They should be the people of the second prince."

"Impossible!" Wanyan Yan's face turned pale in an instant, and she said, "Second brother and master can't escape, you are lying!"

"They must have run away." Chen Zhou looked at her and said, "You assassinated Prince Xin, and you will not have a good end if you stay here. What else can you do if you don't run?"

Wanyan Yan said stubbornly, "They will come to save me!"

Chen Zhou said, "They just don't want you..."

"You are talking nonsense!" Wanyan Yan rushed towards Chen Zhou angrily. Tang Ning grabbed her wrist. Who would have thought that Wanyan Yan grabbed his hand and bit it, biting and choking, "It's all your fault!"

This little girl bit someone. It was not the first time. Tang Ning was about to shake her off, but his expression suddenly froze and looked at the city.

A dull bell sounded from a certain direction in the city.

Wanyan Yan opened her mouth, wiped her saliva, raised her head, and stared at the city with tears in her eyes.

In Kyoto, the common people hid in their homes, listening to the bells, at a loss.

The nobles in the capital, who knew the meaning of the bells, were shocked.

In the palace, the imperial guards were stunned for a moment, then put down their weapons, turned around and knelt in the direction of a palace.

An eunuch walked out of the palace and said in a shrill and thin voice: "Your Majesty has passed away!"

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