Fortunate Young Gentleman

Chapter 390 A girl comes from afar

"Don't you know the way?" Tangning stood up, looked at her, and asked, "Do you want me to take you there?"

He was able to speak so confidently even though he didn't know the road. Maybe it was because he was too kind to her, but Xiaomanniu couldn't realize the fact that she was actually a prisoner.

Wanyanyan said happily: "You want to send me there?"

"Dream!" Tangning glanced at her and said, "I have changed my mind now. I would like you to stay as a maid or a bed warmer. No princess has warmed my bed yet."

Wan Yanyan pointed at him and said angrily, "You are dreaming!"

The prisoner dared to be so violent. Tang Ning looked at Chen Zhou and said, "Take her down first."

If you are too soft, you have to be hard. If you don't be tough on her, she, the captive, will always feel that she is the mistress.

Chen Zhou took Wanyan Yan down and closed the door. Zhao Man tugged on his sleeves and said, "Don't let that pretty girl be the bed-warming maid, okay? She's very careless and likes to bite people. She's a bed-warmer." I can also do this kind of thing.”

Wan Yanyan didn't realize that she was a prisoner, and Zhao Man didn't realize that she was a princess. One was a pretty girl, and the other was a silly girl.

Tangning looked at her and warned, "I just scared her. Princess, please never say such things in front of others in the future."

"I know." Zhao Man held her chin and said, "These words can only be said when the two of us are alone. I can't let others know that I like you, but it doesn't matter. I like you silently, and I don't want a name. point"

Tangning opened her mouth and finally said, "I'll make you some tofu curd."

Although she had been very busy these two days, Tang Ning still did not forget to soak the soybeans and prepare the tofu puffs. After delivering them to Zhao Man, she personally delivered a bowl to Wanyan Yan.

He pushed the door open and put the tofu nao on the table. He heard a sobbing sound coming from the bedside.

Wan Yanyan was lying on the bed, covering her head with the quilt, her body was twitching, and she looked very sad from crying.

Tangning walked over, patted the quilt and said, "Don't cry, I won't let you be a maid or a bed-warmer. We Han people understand etiquette and will not abuse prisoners."

Wanyanyan wrapped the quilt tighter and cried more and more sadly.

Tangning patted the quilt again: "I brought you your favorite tofu pudding, do you want to eat it?"

Wan Yanyan wrapped herself in a quilt, got up and sat at the table, shedding tears while eating big mouthfuls of tofu.

Tang Ning had a headache when she saw the woman crying. She had never cried like this the last time she was a prisoner. She said helplessly, "Okay, stop crying. I will send you to the grassland when the time comes. Is that okay?"

Wan Yanyan raised her head, wiped her tears, and asked, "Are my second brother and master really gone?"

"Let's go." Tangning nodded and said, "We didn't even have the city. We robbed a few boats and headed north. We couldn't catch up."

It turned out that she was sad for this reason. It felt uncomfortable to be betrayed, especially by someone close to her. Tangning sighed, looked at her swallowing the tofu cake with tears in her mouth, and said, "Don't be in a hurry, slow down." Eat, there’s still more left after eating.”

Wanyanyan wiped her mouth with tears and pushed the empty bowl to him.

Being able to treat a prisoner so kindly made Tangning feel that she was really a good person. He didn't care that she just bit him, repaid her with kindness and even gave her tofu pudding.

Tang Ning filled her a new bowl. There was a knock on the door. He Rui knocked on the door and came in. Looking at Wan Yanyan who was eating tofu puffs, she seemed to have evoked some painful memories, with a sad expression on her face.

He quickly came to his senses, looked at Tang Ning, and asked, "Master Tang, what should we do now?"

Even though He Rui had been an official for many years, he had never encountered such a thing before when he was on a mission, and he didn't know how to deal with it.

Tang Ning thought for a while and said, "Send the people in advance to rush to the capital to inform the court of the situation in Chu. Then inform the soldiers to prepare to leave in a few days."

He Rui asked again: "What about the princess?"

"Of course the princess will go with us." Tangning glanced at him and asked, "Does Sir He want the princess to marry the deposed prince of Chu?"

"That's not what Xianguan meant." He Rui trembled and immediately said, "Xiaguan will arrange to go to Beijing to report the news."

Wan Yanyan finished her second bowl of tofu puffs and finally stopped crying. She looked up at him and said, "If you fall into my hands in the future, I will spare you once."

"Let's talk about it then." Tangning did not take her words to heart and walked out of the room.

With her stupid look, how could he fall into her hands?

What he needs to worry about is that the Chu Kingdom has just suffered a big change. The emperor has passed away and the news of the new emperor's succession will spread at a sweeping speed. He doesn't know how much trouble it will stir up, and he doesn't know if it will affect the people's health. Their process has an impact.

In the palace, all the civil and military officials were all dressed in silk clothes. They gathered together according to their rank and wept bitterly.

A figure walked in from outside the door, walked to the front, looked at everyone, and said, "Don't cry, brother Huang doesn't like making noise."

The cries of the officials gradually stopped, and the Minister of Rites stood up and bowed: "The death of the late emperor is a tragedy for the country. Heaven and earth share the sorrow, but the country cannot live without a king for a day. I sincerely request the prince to ascend the throne immediately!"

"Please, Your Majesty, ascend the throne!"

"Please, Your Majesty, ascend the throne!"

"I beg you, Your Majesty, to ascend the throne!"

After the Minister of Rites took the lead, the officials from the DPRK and the Central Committee immediately spoke in unison.

According to the etiquette system, the death of the emperor and the enthronement of the prince were both held on the same day. After the prince succeeded to the throne, he would preside over the funeral of the late emperor.

Now that the crown prince has been deposed, it is only natural that Prince Xin will succeed to the throne in accordance with the will of the late emperor.

Prince Xin waved his hand and said, "The coronation ceremony will be held in a month."

The Minister of Rites looked embarrassed and said, "Your Majesty, this is the ritual system set by our ancestors."

Prince Xin said, "It will be changed from now on."

The Minister of Rites was stunned and bowed, saying, "I obey your order."

The Crown Prince's Mansion, the crown prince was deposed and demoted to a commoner, so the Crown Prince's Mansion was naturally to be confiscated. A group of imperial guards hurried out of the East Palace, and a general in the lead said, "The people of the grassland also participated in the crown prince's murder of His Highness. Go to the post station!"

His Majesty had just passed away, and the army in the city was frequently mobilized. Ordinary people had to walk along the street.

When a group of imperial guards went straight to the post station, a light horse galloped at the gate of Kyoto. When they reached the gate, the woman on the horse turned over and dismounted, revealing a tired face.

In front of the city gate, countless people gathered under the city wall, pointing at the notices posted on the wall, talking and talking.

The woman stopped a woman and asked, "Auntie, what happened here?"

"You don't know about such a big thing?" The woman looked at her and said, "His Majesty has passed away, the prince has been abolished, and the throne has been passed to King Xin. The people will have a good life in the future."

"What, the prince has been abolished?" The woman's face changed and asked, "What about Princess Pingyang of Chen State, and the Chen State envoys?"

"How do I know this?" The woman sneered and said, "However, I heard that some envoys colluded with the prince and wanted to murder King Xin. Now the soldiers are arresting people all over the city."

The woman's face turned pale and she ran quickly into the city.

The middle-aged woman was stunned and stretched out her hand and said, "Hey, girl, girl, you don't want your horse anymore!"

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